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Ok BattleFront, What do you want from users?

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Rather than "endless posts of rants and complaints" they need feedback, bug reports, and updates as those situations change.

Of course, they're getting that feedback at the moment from people who are taking their newfound jobs as paying beta testers seriously, feedback which often seems to mischaracterize as ranting.

I glean from their responses that BFC has uncovered quite a few interesting issues -- or undiscovered facets of known issues -- by listening to the people who post here. They certainly don't know about every bug out there. Even if they do know about something, every piece of information they can get from their thousands of "testers" will help them fix it.

If people don't want to read about bugs -- the same ones over and over (leaving aside the fact that the more often than not our reports change as information changes and patches are released) -- they should come back when the patching is done, and they'll find a happy bunch of folks who *worked* to help BFC fix the game.

The people who complain about people reporting issues should be glad we're doing the hard labor of trying to dig out issues: we're occasionally going to be the reason those issues get fixed, thereby making *their* game that *they* bought better without them having to do a single thing about it.

Other than being forced to ignore our threads, that is.


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Originally posted by Grumbling Grognard:

They want us to "get it"... Haven't you been listening?!?

What's not to get?

AI - broken and unfinished

Path Finding - broken and unfinished

Quick Battles - broken and unfinished

TOE - incomplete & unfinshed

Graphics - unfinshed

Interface - incomplete

I just want them to fix it!

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Originally posted by Phillip Culliton:

Rather than "endless posts of rants and complaints" they need feedback, bug reports, and updates as those situations change.

Yes, this is exactly what we need guys. We are making good progress with 1.03 thus far and it should go a long way to sorting out the remaining major issues, but the more information and feedback we receive the better. General digs and rants only make it harder to keep track of the informative posts.

Originally posted by pad152:

Graphics - unfinshed

Interface - incomplete

Pad I've just done a quick search through your post list and cant find any posts you've started referring to graphics, so I'm not too sure what you are referring too here. There are no unfinished graphics that I am aware of, though after some initial posts in these forums we are working on improving terrain textures for 1.03. This wasn't an item that came up during beta so it was unexpected, but we are getting good results with the tests thus far and should have this complete for the next update.

With regards to the TOE, let me know what you feel is incomplete and Ill ask Steve to take a look.


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I'd like to jump in here if I may.


When you remove the adjoining walls of two adjacent buildings, there is a minor graphical bug in that there then appears to be a gap between the two buildings when viewed from inside either building.


Some Syrian Mech Infantry platoons are unable to be fully mounted in their BMPs. I posted about this a long time ago here and here

Hope this helps.

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Good stuff. Ill pass the TOE into Steve so he can look into it. The building issue should be an easy fix as I beleive I know what is causing it, but Ill have to see if time permits me to get to this one for 1.03 after Ive finished up the terrain changes.

Thanks Steiner!

[ August 20, 2007, 12:30 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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Graphics probably refers to things like the invisible vehicles carrying passengers that are visible, supermen running up invisible buildings, Strykes backing up through walls and unloading their men on the other side, tanks having carnal relations (sitting in the same tile and overlapping), etc.

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Whilst on the subject of TO&E issues, I had to delete the entire Blue Force Reserve Mech Infantry Battalion from the "Strength and Faith" scenario and then repurchase it for the units to fit in their BMPs. In the original scenario a platoon HQ is 7 men but when you repurchase the unit it drops to 6 and can then fit in the vehicle with the platoon RPG team.

This indicates to me that there were some last minute changes to the TO&E but that the scenarios were built before this and have the wrong data.

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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

In the original scenario a platoon HQ is 7 men but when you repurchase the unit it drops to 6 and can then fit in the vehicle with the platoon RPG team.

Interesting. I spotted the same thing with a scenario I built with 1.01. Plt HQ was way too big to fit into a Stryker with the newly-larger MMG teams (4 + 3 instead of 3 + 3, I think) after I patched.

I'll try and get more solid numbers.

Kwazy -- thanks.

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Pad I've just done a quick search through your post list and cant find any posts you've started referring to graphics, so I'm not too sure what you are referring too here. There are no unfinished graphics that I am aware of, though after some initial posts in these forums we are working on improving terrain textures for 1.03. This wasn't an item that came up during beta so it was unexpected, but we are getting good results with the tests thus far and should have this complete for the next update.
Graphic Issues:

I have seen stuff like these as well. Mainly when using Unconventional forces and Vehicles, but have also seen them with Syrian troops using their UAZ jeep.

Go look at




Graphics Unfinished:

Tool Tips!

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I use a CAD program called Rhinoceros. (www.rhino3d.com) Once the publishers have a working core of the next version of their software, they release it, free, as a beta, to all their existing customers. There is a month or so's time limit on it, and anyone can report back with bugs, comments, suggestions etc. Each month sees a new beta, until eventually the software goes 'real', and it is sold. Anyone with a beta copy gets a discount on the final commercial release, and of course there are service upgrades during the life of the version. Maybe a year or two on, the first beta of the next version becomes available, and so on.

What does this do? It makes sure that most of the bugs get squished early. It makes sure that any problems the CUSTOMERS feel are important get addressed. It means that all those problesms that the publisher could never hope to find out with internal testing, get sorted! It means the Rhino community is knowledgable and skilled with the product, and they feel VERY committed to it. And so do the publishers to their customers. Have a look at their website for more info.

I'm wondering if such a model could be usefully applied to the next CM product....


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Cool example.

I think BFC is using *exactly* that model for CM:SF... except without the "discount" and "free" part. Which is fine with me -- I'd have paid to be part of the beta of a game like CM:SF.

But yeah, your second paragraph is pretty much exactly what's happening here, except that we paid for the privelege.

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Originally posted by pad152:

Graphic Issues:

I have seen stuff like these as well. Mainly when using Unconventional forces and Vehicles, but have also seen them with Syrian troops using their UAZ jeep.

Pad, the feet issue should be fixed with the next update. Its just a minor change required to the seating posture and it has already been cleared with Charles. With regards to the other two issues, are these still an issue in 1.02? If so, please email me a save showing such a problem, if you have one, and Ill pass it directly onto Charles (save games make it signficantly easier to track down such issues).

Tooltip are certainly on the wishlist, but arent a 'graphical' feature I can add without code changes, and we are focusing on other areas right at this moment.

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Hey KwazyDog

Good to see that you're back on the pallisades giving a bit of rest to olde Stevo for sure, he's been holding the fort aaaaall by his lonesome here lately (I know that the rest of you guys has been slaving away in the armoury).

Anyway I just wanted to shamelessly point you to my AT team split / AT MOS guy bug thread. I know full well that you guys have much bigger fish to fry at the moment, but this might hold you over on a rainy day at a later point in time.

Here is the thread: Split team logics thread

As a little 'on the side' stuff to the above thread the SAW graphics position for the SAW gunner goes wrong after he switches back from Javelin to the SAW. It sort of floats half a meter above his hands.

All the best


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Yeah, they had never heard of my game- killing multiplayer lag .

I get the idea that how this game reacts is highly dependent on hardware, giving wildly different experiences depending on what you have installed.

I am not terribly happy about being an unwilling beta tester, but I'm here so I might as well perform.

Fix the lag, please.

[ August 21, 2007, 02:58 AM: Message edited by: thelmia ]

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