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Cheery Waffles thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for a CMX2 Forum

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Always good to hear from all of you "shoot the looters" types. This situation is so blatantly racial, so hypocritical that it's already found its way to Snopes.com. Check out the two photos and the captions. Black people loot, white people find.

As far as somebody taking a TV, that person is too uneducated or ignorant to understand how serious the circumstances were. Apparently he or she planned to sit back and wait for the electricity to come back on to catch the next mind-numbing episode of "American Idol". If it makes you feel any better, maybe by now they've drowned inside their home like so many others did, or died of exposure after being "rescued" and flown to an overpass to await transportation that didn't come.

I watched a report last night showing crews starting to clean up the belongings left behind by the refugees outside the Superdome while a few blocks away human bodies are still floating in the streets. It's interesting to see exactly what the priorities of the disaster effort really are - protecting replaceable property first.

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<font size=5 font color=blue>Happy Labor Day Eve, Cheery Waffles!!</font>

Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

You sure know how to lighten the mood. Are you sure you don't want to join Gyrene's forum? Most of your posts belong there anyway.

Originally posted by Soddball:

Take yer politics out of here, Dave, and to Gyrene's forum where it belongs. This is a maggot stomping thread.

<font size=5 font color=red>Well, excuuuuuuuuuse meeeee!!!</font> :eek: :eek:

There have never been any rules in the Cheery Waffle Thread. EVER! Have you two dear boys taken it upon your useless selves to suddenly limit what I'm allowed to post here? I don't recall seeing any list of rules around here. Why don't I ever receive the memo? :mad: :mad: :mad:

Anyway, it appears to me that most of the CM maggot stomping fizzled out around here a long time ago. I'm really afraid some of you have been holding your breath for so long waiting for CMX2 that you've suffered serious brain damage. Breathe, boys, breathe!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Feh. All of you are worthless piles of dung-drops. I find you are all worth less than piles of dung, dropped by worthless rodents and slime-creatures. 6 PBEM's and only 1 bothered to send turns back.

No_one is poo.

Thermopylae is a Woo-Poo, from Hudson High

Ace is Smegma.

Prinz Eugen is Sunk.

MTW is simply a front for Australian Table Wines with a phrase, and the phrase is "Beware."

Wasted in the Crick at least sent venom my way. I still despise him, but at least in an honest way.

I hate you more than I hate my students. They at least have creative excuses like "My Mom died", or "But I had surgery", or somefink else.

Go and puke into a large bucket, and give it to your wife/husband/pet as a refreshing snack.

(edited to mention the most deserving of a pile of undeserving hot, moist, ripe crapulence.)

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My parents have just left after a week-long visit. Although I no longer have to be nice and a good host, I have to return to work. So I am back to my cranky cantankerous self. Later today and/or tomorrow, new-setups will be sent to anti-Mike the Wino, Willy Nilly Vanilli, and Pseudo-nerd. The rest of you monkey- spanking, non-CM playing, gorgon-shaggers can rot. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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MTW, you is just wrong. Fergit your wine stuff, and suck on the nipple of a bottle of good whiskey, you'll feel better. In fact, after a while you'll feel invincible. I'm sorry your Mom (Hope) has gone all old on you, but it must have been bound to happen. I'd have thunk you came from LA (Lower Alabama) for still being that intimate with your Mom. Sick, man, sick. You just ain't right. Next thing ya know, you'll be saying your Uncle-Daddy is askin' about your daughters. What you need is a good ass-whuppin. As the PBEM we have is by all accounts crapulence, I'll send you a new setup.

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Only one set-up sent out tonight to Kiwi mike. Wally, it HAD to be a 10 million pointer from Rune???? Crimes should be comitted against manatees, REPEATEDLY :mad: You'll have to wait till Thursday for me figure out a) what troops I have and xyz) where the fark I'm s'posed to set-up them up so I can kill you properly.

And no, Pseudo I did not forget aboot you. With the farking scenario depot web site deletion disaster I will have to find another palace of pain. *sigh* That site rocked.

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(sound of door creaking open)

Hello maggots. It's me...the resident "I have nothing to contribute so I guess I will stalk the Cheery Waffle thread" guy.

I live in central Mississippi near our capital (that's Jackson for all of you slope headed ninnies who are still living in your parents spare bedroom). We are slowly getting our stride again now that we have some gas in our tanks. Just wanted to let you know that this lame (like Axe), pointless (live Dave), and often incomprehensible (like Prince Eugen) thread has made me laugh quite a bit since last week. I (regretfully :mad: ) have to thank all of you piss-filled hooligans for contributing in ways your obviously small little minds can not begin to conceive.

As a state we have a loooooong way to go yet. While we Mississippians may be poorer than most other states, we are an incredibly resiliant and resourceful people. Our faith is only matched by our drive to rebuild. It's gonna take a lot of time, heartache and money...but we'll be all right.

Now...that being said, please send us all of your maggoty-laced, putrid smelling cash so we can get 90,000 square miles of our state rebuilt! :mad: :mad: :mad:

And if Canadians are actually using paper money now for legitimate transactions instead of sun-dried moose paddies, we will even be glad to get some of that as we are running low on toilet paper down here. :mad:

So, a hearty thank you and and please...sincerely....kiss both of my moldy, flake encrusted, pimple scarred butt cheeks.


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Originally posted by J. J.:

Now...that being said, please send us all of your maggoty-laced, putrid smelling cash so we can get 90,000 square miles of our state rebuilt!

Rebuild?!?!?! Seriously, don't you feckin' homers realize you live in a swamp? God is telling you that you live in the wrong place. Hurricane survivor my spotted ass....I hope the next one gets you.

This is a perfect opportunity for you Miss-a-slappians to re-locate...preferably to Canada. Even you backwoods, gator-humping, inbred maggots would improve the breeding stock in Canada...prolly the only place in the universe more bass-ackwards than yerselves.

Seize the day, you sackless pile. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

This is a perfect opportunity for you Miss-a-slappians to re-locate...preferably to Canada. Even you backwoods, gator-humping, inbred maggots would improve the breeding stock in Canada...prolly the only place in the universe more bass-ackwards than yerselves.

We don't need any more leeches, thanks. We've already got Quebec. :mad:
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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

This is a perfect opportunity for you Miss-a-slappians to re-locate...preferably to Canada. Even you backwoods, gator-humping, inbred maggots would improve the breeding stock in Canada...prolly the only place in the universe more bass-ackwards than yerselves.

We don't need any more leeches, thanks. We've already got Quebec. :mad: </font>
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1) MT(Ignorant)W, most of Mississippi ain't no swamp. Backwards, yes, but not a swamp.

2) It keeps Alabama from being #50 in everything.

3) It is a fairy tale, used to keep little children quiet. "Johnny, you be good, or I'll send you to Mississippi!"

4) it is where Alabama seems to send most of it's drunk drivers, 'cause that's all I have seen there.

5) How can you tell when two Mississippians get married? There is tobacco spit down both sides of the pickup truck.

I think you need a PBEM, JJ (Dyno-Mite) man.

And I am just the Maggot to send it to ya.


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