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In which Peng Challenges the Peng Challenge to er... a challenge?

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Originally posted by Wildman:

Joe, Joe, Joe,


No, to each his own we say, but to desicrate one of the fundamental tenets of humour (spelled so for German Boy of the MBT calls into question your very ability to taunt like you had a set. {snipped}

And do I blame YOU for inability to place parenthesis properly, a KEY component to understanding let alone Humour(see above)?

I do NOT ... well ... technically I suppose I just DID but I didn't before that.

Anyone can make a mistake young Wildman ... after all ... I took YOU to Squire.


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See what happens, Joe? See what happens when you misquote Python? See what happens when you don't THINK before you type???

Well, wait... that could pertain to just about any post of yours. Sort of like the forest for the trees analogy.

I just hope you've learned a bit by all of this.

(Yeah. Like THAT will happen.)

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I just hope you've learned a bit by all of this.

Again, you didn't read my above posts. For him to learn, he has to have the ability to learn. Without a brain, that makes the learning just a weeeeeeeee bit more difficult.....errrrr.....impossible in Joe Shaw's case. We should probably be a little more sensitive to his needs because he's probably having a difficult time processing all this attention.

Now here is a banana for the nice little primate.

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

I just hope you've learned a bit by all of this.

Again, you didn't read my above posts. For him to learn, he has to have the ability to learn. Without a brain, that makes the learning just a weeeeeeeee bit more difficult.....errrrr.....impossible in Joe Shaw's case. We should probably be a little more sensitive to his needs because he's probably having a difficult time processing all this attention.

Now here is a banana for the nice little primate. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Social division might split humans into two sub-species 100,000 years from now, an evolution expert has claimed.

The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative. i.e. ME

They would be a far cry from the "underclass" humans, who will have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures.i.e. YOU

Sky News

Your apology is rejected due to lack of sufficient CONTRITE ... uh ... ness ... ly.



Is that what you're in here doing, Justicar? Some kind of agent for Tom Cruise?! Some fifth column intent on betraying Humanity?!!!

Everything is suddenly suspect and...dirty. The demented and witless 'Feudal Heirarchy' thing? I mean, I always thought: What's the point? There's the Olde Ones, and the various people they vicariously raise from the Mass and give weird arsed titles to for reasons that largely involve alcohol and that night's musical selection, and everyone else just sorts it out the way a dog pack does.

The whole 'Goober Nation' thing? What I thought was simply an arrogant, 'Modern Day Rome' attitude towards the various subject nations that we've marginalized in our drive to tell everyone in the fecking world what to do, now begins to look like the vicious ravings of a man intent on glorifying L. Ron Hubbard.

I call an Olde One Inquiry. Peng, you swine. Leave off 'Bending it up Victoria Beckham' long enough to apply your admittedly somewhat disturbed judgement to the Issue of the Justicar being an Agent of Scientology, or at least some equally really stupid dumb-ass eugenics smooching operation.

And someone go sober up Berli and get his arse in here!

Ummm.....send one of the Aussies. If we can spare anyone, it'd be one of them.

You do it, Mace. He likes you. He told me that one time, while he was killing a chipmunk with half a pool cue. He said 'cute vermin remind me of Australians'.

But he was smiling while he said it. And the over-hand blow he used to crush the skull was not only merciful, it was wonderfully executed...

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Yeah, little girls can be vicious to each other.

Classic Eve Complex. The drive to be First Mother is not only a primary driver of our entire species, it is polluting the very centers of our collective awareness to the point of being considered normal. And this in the face of 1500 years of concerted effort by the Church to prove otherwise.

Girls are inherently vicious because they are cursed with the need to receive the best "seed" and be a foundation for entire races. It isn't fair but it probably explains a whole lot in the dairy aisle.

Now combine this feminine drive with the modern constructs of power and we have the whole damn thing swinging back to a matricidal society where every little girl not only has to replace good ol Ma, devour Pa but also has to be a CEO in order to re-estblish the natural order of things.

So where does this leave us poor bastard who have been cursed with testicles, a Y chromosome and a central driver which is the sum total of "lets get drunk and screw". Well the simple answer is that we are the gravel of the future..something to keep in mind but once it is laid, it should be quickly forgotten. The gays and women not only outnumber us but have a stronger evelutionary drive that leave us clearly heading towards the dust of history.

Lets face it lads, muscle mass, fake tears and a working love-hammer is simply not enough anymore.

In short, little girls are viscous because they have their eyes on the prize...humanity. In the end once our swimmers are harvested we will be food..or maybe soccerballs. But until the end we'll smile like idiots, be proud of our little girls and march into the fires of extinction, flexing and combing-over the entire way. </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

Currently living with three women.

Sounds impressive! Except that I know you, and have met the women. You're a horrible little man. Ummm...is Shari's sister seeing anyone who isn't in a Biker Gang right now?

Originally posted by Lars:

I'd like to find just one with high resistance to flow.


And what would you do then? Dance about and sing?

Lars, you're an ass.

But you're my favourite. It must be your 'Gary Shandling Look of Ultimate Confusion'.

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Damn. Nothing more. Just 'Damn'. Sometimes, you stay up way too late. Sometimes, you think there's a point.

But mostly, at 3:30 AM, you hope that in the somewhat later morning, despite everything to the contrary, you'll spring out of bed with a merry song on your lips.

That isn't going t happen, of course. Goddamn Boo Radley.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Damn. Nothing more. Just 'Damn'. Sometimes, you stay up way too late. Sometimes, you think there's a point.

But mostly, at 3:30 AM, you hope that in the somewhat later morning, despite everything to the contrary, you'll spring out of bed with a merry song on your lips.

That isn't going t happen, of course. Goddamn Boo Radley.

You rang?

I sort of woke up with a merry song, not necessarily on my lips, but running through me noggin this morning as I stumbled around in the shower, trying to keep shampoo out of my coffee;

"You go home and pack your panties

And dum-dum-dum-dum-dum scanties





Buffaloff to Shuffalo...."

Such a happy tune.

And what's this nonsense about the Justicar being involved with the Scientologists? Are those the idiots who come ringing my doorbell at 10 AM on Saturday mornings, waking me up after 4 hours of sleep? I hates them!

I can't believe he'd be involved with the likes of them. I thought he was talking about when mankind eventually (and inevitably) splits into the Eloi and the Morlocks.

I meself welcome our Morlock masters.

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Don't be stupid Seanachai ... allow me to rephrase that to overcome the wave of giggling from the 'pool ... don't be more stupid than you have to be Seanachai. I address your points (excepting, as always, the one on top of your head ... I've always suspected that's why you wear that gnome hat).

{.tag> Goober Nations are a well recognized MINORITY here in the CessPool and have been for years. If we're not careful our precious bodily fluids will be diluted by their imports of things like Vegamite and cheap vodka. Therefore it behooves us (behoofs us for those with one leg) to watch them LIKE A FREAKING HAWK. Mocking them is also advisable, easy and fun.

{.saz] Scientology is a psuedo-religion ... I don't even subscribe to traditional religions ( I did subscribe to Boys Life long ago but lately I've gotten odd looks when the postman delivers it) so why would I choose to join a religion started by a psuedo-sci-fi writer? If I want to join a religion with weird beliefs ... hell, I LIVE in Utah.

((.doc}}} What was the third thing ... Oh yeah, that article about Human Division. Face it Seanachai, evolution is a done deal, a spot on truth and proven fact of nature. It's only the details that need working out.

I see no reason why those of us who have an evolutionary leg up (as opposed to, say, Lars who likes to have a LITERAL leg up against the bushes) shouldn't trumpet the fact that we are superior when compared to those like, say, bauhaus ... or would you claim that bauhaus is {shudder} ... normal?

Your alcohol fueled tirade of arguments lying shattered on the floor at your feet we now await YOUR contrite and sincere apology ... along with the rest.


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That calls for a singsong:

We're happy little Vegemites as bright as bright can be,

We all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea,

Our mummy says we're growing stronger every single week,

Because we love our Vegemite,

We all adore our Vegemite,

It puts a rose in every cheek!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I see no reason why those of us who have an evolutionary leg up (as opposed to, say, Lars who likes to have a LITERAL leg up against the bushes) shouldn't trumpet the fact that we are superior when compared to those like, say, bauhaus ... or would you claim that bauhaus is {shudder} ... normal?

Ah, but dear kind sir, my normalness is so normal it looks as though it's abnormal. I know that is tough concept for you to grasp. I am, however, a bit concerned about you Joe Shaw, because you seem to be overly fixated on my legs or certain sexual acts which, you assume, I perform on primates.

First of all, since my return, have you not noticed a bit of restraint in my posts from "thingy" references? As a matter of fact, that may be only the second "thingy" reference I've made since I was put in "rehab."

There I said it, I've been in rehab, ordered by the Catholic Church. I've seen the light and am walking the straight and narrow. I'm here to see that order is maintained and the laws of God are upheld. I have been canonized (remember the Saint part of bauhaus), or did you forget about that Mr. Justicar?

Mind yourself, I'm watching and am reporting direct to the Big Guy. As a matter of fact, I believe I should be the next Pope of the MBT.

So watch yourself monkeyboy or you shall be struck down!

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

First of all, since my return, have you not noticed a bit of restraint in my posts from "thingy" references? As a matter of fact, that may be only the second "thingy" reference I've made since I was put in "rehab."

As a matter of fact, I believe I should be the next Pope of the MBT.

For some reason, chickens, a fox and a henhouse come to mind.
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

First of all, since my return, have you not noticed a bit of restraint in my posts from "thingy" references? As a matter of fact, that may be only the second "thingy" reference I've made since I was put in "rehab."

As a matter of fact, I believe I should be the next Pope of the MBT.

For some reason, chickens, a fox and a henhouse come to mind. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Wildman:

Joe, Joe, Joe,


No, to each his own we say, but to desicrate one of the fundamental tenets of humour (spelled so for German Boy of the MBT calls into question your very ability to taunt like you had a set. {snipped}

And do I blame YOU for inability to place parenthesis properly, a KEY component to understanding let alone Humour(see above)?

I do NOT ... well ... technically I suppose I just DID but I didn't before that.

Anyone can make a mistake young Wildman ... after all ... I took YOU to Squire.

Joe </font>

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I thought "Big Fella" was the affectionate nickame the Lone Ranger used on his horse.

You know, when he would say, "Steady there, big fella!", which I guess he would say when Silver was getting over emotional or somefink...

But, that's to be expected what with all the crap Silver had to go through, what with chasing bad guys all day and getting shot at and then just getting some oats for dinner and all.

Sad, really.

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