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Battle for Taiwan.

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What's this NAME CALLING!! "Dirt Bag!! Not a "real person!" ' "American right-wing nutter?"' Serg and Jaunito: The two of you haven't enough brains between you to qualify as morons!! LOL You actually Believe Kerry earned any medal? What did he do scratch his hand on a ration can? General Powell served in Vietnam. Kerry served in Cambodia (!!) LOL. I am not a fan of Bush but he was the only alternative to carpet chewers like Teddy Kennedy, and Dr. Dean and flip-floppers like neo-commie medal tossing, filibustering Kerry. You and you secular-progressive buddies have no ideas and no plans for the future but for America to surrender!! You guys waiting for Hillary? Forget it. We don't listen to Dan Rather anymore, or Michael Moron, or Cindy Sheehan and such ilk. The US will protect itself from attacks against its legitimate interests and against its allies such as: Israel, Taiwan, Japan, S.Korea and Australia. Why all this gibbering from neo-commie kool-aid drinkers? Wake up boys!! China is our enemy and a most serious threat to the Western way of life. Juanito: talk to your neo-commie professors at whatever pre-school you are attending. Serge: Stick to cartoons, more your level of understanding. May you both huddle together in your ignorance. Tag

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That's not a very constructive post , Tagwyn.

What's the saying? Pot..Kettle..something.... :rolleyes:

China is not "a most serious threat to the Western way of life". China is necessary to maintain "the Western way of life".

But I suppose you don't buy stuff Made in China? Your computer, or parts of it is not Made in China by any chance? Take a look around you in your basement room, are there any devices from Red China, monitoring your every action and reporting them back to their Evil Communist Masters in the Far East? No? Nothing made in China? Only stuff made in the USA?

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You keep inserting "LOL" in your posts, is that because you are actually doing it and you think these comments are funny, or to let the rest of us know that you think that they are witty.

I am no expert on Vietnam, but I doubt those people who lost friends and loved ones in Cambodia, or Vietnam, think that which side of the border they died on lessens the sacrifice or their loss.


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Came across this when looking at ROV's, as I think that for someone like China the best way to compensate for US naval superiority would be to go for mines and remotes rather than SSN's.


Perry Slingsby Sells ROV to China By AUVSI Staff

An un-named Chinese client recently purchased an Olympian Class remotely operated vehicle (ROV) from Perry Slingsby Systems (PSS).

Depth rated to 3,500m, the Olympian 5 will interface with PSS previously supplied TMS, umbilical & electric heave compensated deployment winch and surface control system. The contract includes on site training and sea trials support in China, and the integration of the clients ROV Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) and Virtual Monitoring System (VMS).

The Olympian 5 WROV will be used for survey tasks and to deploy tooling for sampling the seabed for methane hydrate deposits in the South China Sea. The DPS and VMS systems are provided by the client, and integrated in the ROV control system by PSS. The Olympian 5 is scheduled for delivery in May 2006.

Martin Anderson, PSSs managing director and chief executive, commented: "We view China as a high growth area for PSS, not only for ROV and intervention tooling systems but for our support services business lines as well. This contract, combined with other recent contracts in China has clearly established a foothold for PSS in the region".


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If you want to look at the data on what types of items are being exported/imported between china and the us, here's a good link.


If you look at the items, Chinese exports for the most part have ready substitutes. Chinese imports, if you assume the west doesn't splinter, are highly vulnerable. More and more Chinese imports are coming from east asia. Depending on how those fall out, the Chinese economy could be really hurting.

It's not just the gross dollar amount of imports/exports that is relevant, it's replaceability with alternate suppliers that's critical.

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Yeh but if your right in order to stop the Chinese economy the US has to get it's allies in the region to commit economic suicide, in that China is their biggest customer. They can send there half finished goods to the US because the factories to make them in to cloths or computers in the states are all in China now.


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You and you secular-progressive buddies have no ideas and no plans for the future but for America to surrender!!
Uh huh. In that spirit...

Bush is appeasing the terrorists! He says they hate us for our freedom, so what does he do? He tortures, "detains" indefinitely, spies on Americans illegally--in a word, appeases the terrorists by reducing freedom! If you support Bush you support appeasement!

On topic, I wouldn't be surprised if China and America continued trading even through a conflict over Taiwan, as ending trade would be tantamount to economic suicide for both nations. Yes, it'd hurt China more, but not that that much more.

Of course, we all know how rational politicians are, so I wouldn't be surprised if trade was ended, either.

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Originally posted by Moronic Max:

Bush is appeasing the terrorists! He says they hate us for our freedom, so what does he do? He tortures, "detains" indefinitely, spies on Americans illegally--in a word, appeases the terrorists by reducing freedom! If you support Bush you support appeasement!

I happened to see a Dr. Phil episode about the war in Iraq and in that Dr. Phil said that if you participate in the demonstrations against the war you are supporting the terrorists. I don't remember if he did say it directly, but the idea was there and very strongly so. And then a general who was in the audience said something really nationalistic and the rest of audience cheered. I just love that Dr. Phil is aired in Finland and that western media is free of propaganda... There was a lot of other emotional material first about the sacrifices people make in that war (and I know there are huge sacrifices made in Iraq) but then it is all turned around and the protesters against the war are given the blame for the sacrifices.

Which is just totally wrong. I think that the current president of USA is the one who is responsible for the _not necessary_ sacrifises. Even if you think that the war is a good thing, it is a fact that there have been _huge_ mistakes made in the planning of the war or, as some might say, in the fact that there wasn't any plan at all except to destroy Saddams army. And that has caused the most of the sacrifices in the war, and more importantly those sacrifices could have been avoided. I think Bush is responsible for those casualties.

On topic, I wouldn't be surprised if China and America continued trading even through a conflict over Taiwan, as ending trade would be tantamount to economic suicide for both nations. Yes, it'd hurt China more, but not that that much more.

Of course, we all know how rational politicians are, so I wouldn't be surprised if trade was ended, either.

On topic, if there would be a battle over Taiwan, I think it wouldn't start in a day, but gradually escalate to a full out war. This would give time for the economies to get used to the situation. US economy could solve the problem of losing the supply from China much easier than China could solve the problem of lost demand. And if there would be a suprise attack by China, then some wars do cause economies to take a hard hit. If the war is seen severe enough you will start gearing your economy to produce war supplies fast. So it doesn't matter if your local shop runs out of trinkets to sell. It is not important when a nation fights over its existence.
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Surely not. Which is why I don't think there will be a war over Taiwan. China is not ready to take the risk of US retaliation. On the other hand if the Chinese calculated that the USA won't act if they occupy Taiwan, then there could be a war which nobody wanted. It is also possible that the situation will slowly escalate to a war, in which one reason is Taiwan. I don't think that will happen either.

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I think slow escalation is unlikely as it would focus both sides on the consequences and the costs would make them both pull back.

The stumble in to war is more likely. If China decided to support the pro unity faction with forces, such as rushing what it could to Taipei to back pro unification protestors that had siezed parliament, opposed by the military, then it could kick off before the US was ready.


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Was Poland a matter of existence for Nazi Germany or England? Or Hawaii for the Empire of Japan? If you wait for "them," they will come for you eventually. PRC should make no mistake in thinking USA won't fight. You can't talk with the SPs or the kool-aide drinkers like Sen Kennedy, George Soros. This is a war with the Jihadists! Are they the only ones who understand what is going on? They want to kill us!!! The Jihadists understand no more about justice than the 3rd Reich did. They don't read history, they invent it. They are coming friends!! They don't mind blowing up wedding parties, cutting off the heads of innocents on their pet TV station. When will we wise up! When will we say "knock it off" to the city of San Francisco and the ACLU, and Hollywoods strange ideas about love? I don't say this is true of all Muslims, definitly not. But, if they are going try to kill me ... I will kill them first, if I can. I will not look surprised when the subway blows up or the rail system is destroyed killing hundreds. Tag

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PRC should make no mistake in thinking USA won't fight. You can't talk with the SPs or the kool-aide drinkers like Sen Kennedy, George Soros. This is a war with the Jihadists!
So the PRC is an arm of the worldwide Islamic Jihad? Ah. Thank you for pointing that out; I had overlooked that facet of the War on Terror.

They are coming friends!! They don't mind blowing up wedding parties, cutting off the heads of innocents on their pet TV station. When will we wise up! When will we say "knock it off" to the city of San Francisco and the ACLU, and Hollywoods strange ideas about love?
I'm confused. Are you saying that if it weren't for Brokeback Mountain radical Islam wouldn't be trying to kill us?
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You can't talk with the SPs or the kool-aide drinkers like Sen Kennedy, George Soros.
I hear that Kennedy and Soros wanted to involve America in a poorly planned, dubiously justified war but GWB stopped them! *Wham!*

When will we say "knock it off" to the city of San Francisco and the ACLU, and Hollywoods strange ideas about love?
I hear that the freaks just carry on like getting killed in a car crash is more likely then getting killed by terrorists, and even rank their freedoms as Americans as more significant than the Jihadist threat. I **** you not!

Some ACLUE dweeb the other day was on the radio trying to say that so called "real patriotism" was more than just killing Jihadists. I don't know where they get those guys.

Patriotism also obviously involves pointing out that the peacnicks, liberals, movie people and "civil libertarians" are all crazy America-hating traitors.

I don't say this is true of all Muslims, definitly not. But, if they are going try to kill me ... I will kill them first, if I can.

Well said! No liberal is ever going to admit that we should kill people who want to kill us. That's what seperates us from them. They act like "careful discrimination" among targets and methods is important to keep our kids from getting killed twenty years down the line by the next gen. of Jihadists.

But you can tell they just hate Jesus.

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Are you saying that if it weren't for Brokeback Mountain radical Islam wouldn't be trying to kill us? [/QB]
Actually, the die was cast in 1982: After "Victor/Victoria" a clash of civilizations became unavoidable.

In fact, if it wasn't for Robert Preston (maybe best known for his role in the crypto-homoerotic epic "The Music Man") we might even now be enjoying the benefits of our own home-grown oppresive theocracy and not be having all this trouble.

That's trouble with a capital T!

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"Some ACLUE dweeb..."

Huh! So we're dweebs for struggling to actually retain a few of the remaining civil liberties that the right wing 'claims' to hold so dear? Its amazing how the right wing waves the flag and shouts 'liberty!' from the rooftops, but the only the liberty they seem to care about is the right to purchase as many 'manhood extender' guns as they can, and to marry their first cousins.

"No liberal is ever going to admit that we should kill people who want to kill us."

Does that include self defense against gun-toting bigoted rednecks? I hear they put a couple bullets into the head of a teenage Neo-Nazi right-winger just a couple days ago. But not before he killed a cop. Just goes to show, you don't have to be Muslim fundamentalist or a foreigner to be a dangerous jihadist nutcase.

"But you can tell they just hate Jesus."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the right-wing weeping big crocodile tears over the movie torture scenes in 'The Passion of the Christ' while at the same time cheering on nearly identical CIA torture and humiliation practices? These people should blush to even dare to speak the name Jesus.

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Is Tagwyn for real or is he just satirizing the right-wing nuts? :confused:

And what does his ramblings have to do with a conflict between China (People's Republic of) and the United States (of America)? Can we expect to hear from the People's Jihad or somefink?

:confused: :confused: :confused:

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