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Still confused on wounded soldiers/yellow-red bases

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I've read a few threads on this but I don't see a consensus.

Are red base soldiers actually dead -ie- out of the game, can't be salvaged or treated, and represent KIA? Or does red status mean that if they are not treated they will be considered KIA, otherwise WIA if a medic arrives?

Yellow base soldiers are wounded and can still act..

So where do medics come into play ? If red is already KIA, then they cant be treated. That leaves only yellow. Treating 'reportedly' removes a unit and so treating a yellow unit would remove an otherwise partially functional man from the mission. I've had wounded soldiers be the difference between success and failure (often because I have them grab a javelin and go to town)

Also can a squad treat a different squad?

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as far as i observer it in elite mode...

red ones are dead or seriously wounded. the medic will budy aid him so he is a WIA and no KIA in statistics. takes about 5 turns roughtly etimated.

but this can also fail, i had on some occasion that they refused to budy aid someone for serveral turns. than i abandomed them.

i didnt even was under fire or so, and i have see AI mediic their budies in mid action.

the yellow ones are slightly wounded, and eventually turn green again after long long time. 10 to 20 minutes or so.

i saw it just once defenitly. the turn befor i had a squad in a house wiht 1 guy yellow many many turns. next turn all where green and no red one around, so he turned green again.

i like this fact as it meybe represents wounds or incidents where the fighitng reduction is just through light shock and not mecanical failure of a body part or heavy shock.

these are able to continue and are back at full strength 15-20 minutes later.

thats my observation so far...


Also can a squad treat a different squad?
never tried that, dunno
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Let's see what the manual says...

The color of the Weapon icon in the panel denotes the general health of the Soldier. Green means the Soldier is in good shape, though perhaps a little banged up. Yellow shows that the soldier has sustained a significant wound that is likely to impair his ability to fight in some way or ways. Seriously wounded Soldiers are dropped from the Team Info Panel completely. The Soldier’s bases within the Game Area show Green, Yellow, and Red (seriously wounded) to reflect the Wound status as well.

[ August 08, 2007, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: Sergei ]

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Yellow shows that the soldier has sustained a significant would that is likely to impair his ability to fight in some way or ways.
i read that too, but since such guys would get probably more often taken back to the medic station than continue to fight, i like my "what is a yellow base" aproach better :D
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Originally posted by Sergei:

Let's see what the manual says...

Please don't patronize me.

Let's see what the manual doesn't say:

Does buddy aid convert yellow status into green, red into yellow, etc? -doesn't seem like it but one poster suggested this-

Does buddy aid on a yellow unit drop them out of the mission completely as multiple people have mentioned?

What is the effect of buddy aid on a yellow unit?

"Seriously wounded soldiers are dropped from the Team Info Panel" .. So then how are KIA units represented if red bases mean seriously wounded?

Do red units contribute to KIA or WIA status? Red base units can or cannot receive buddy aid?

Can a squad provide buddy aid to a different squad?

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personally i find the manual useless in that question, as it didnt touch medics in a way that it could clear up anything.


Does buddy aid convert yellow status into green, red into yellow, etc? -doesn't seem like it but one poster suggested this-

i said red are dead or seriousely wounded, they dodnt go anywhere they get aided and than "vanish" into the base.

i saw a yellow one heal up!

Does buddy aid on a yellow unit drop them out of the mission completely as multiple people have mentioned?

i never saw budy aid on yellow soldiers! so, no id say

"Seriously wounded soldiers are dropped from the Team Info Panel" .. So then how are KIA units represented if red bases mean seriously wounded?

Do red units contribute to KIA or WIA status? Red base units can or cannot receive buddy aid?

Can a squad provide buddy aid to a different squad?

i answerd that befor! 2nd question i dont know...

[ August 08, 2007, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Pandur ]

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I believe all buddy aid does is (1) take a man out of the fight while administering it, and (2) reduces the likelyhood your WIA man is going to slip into the KIA category. they don't get any better - they just don't get any worse.

I used to think red meant KIA until I started noticing only 4-5 listed as KIA at game end though the battlefield is littered with red buttond. 3 cheers for body armor! :D

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no prob Dr.

(2) reduces the likelyhood your WIA man is going to slip into the KIA category.
thats where im still not sure. is it a likelyhood or is it more or less fix that you get em as WIA´s instead KIA´s!?

i couldnt read that out of the statistics as it is hard to remember every fallen and wounded guy. and remember whos got aided and than compare that with the end statistics.

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Originally posted by Sergei:

Let's see what the manual says...

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />The color of the Weapon icon in the panel denotes the general health of the Soldier. Green means the Soldier is in good shape, though perhaps a little banged up. Yellow shows that the soldier has sustained a significant wound that is likely to impair his ability to fight in some way or ways. Seriously wounded Soldiers are dropped from the Team Info Panel completely. The Soldier’s bases within the Game Area show Green, Yellow, and Red (seriously wounded) to reflect the Wound status as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yellow bases mean they're hurt, but still in the fight. Over time (I believe depending on the difficulty) they will return to normal. No animation is played for this, but this is a form of buddy aid as well.

Red bases are critically wounded, or perhaps already dead. Completely out of the fight, either way.

And yes, other squads can perform buddy aid on fallen members from other squads. If I ever have Humvees in a mission, I use them for this. My regular squads continue on attacking, and when the area is clear enough of enemy fire, I send the humvee in, dismount the crew, and 1 of the 2 provides cover while the other does his medic duties.

I think the medic system in CM:SF is by far one of the cooler aspects of the game. I love using my humvees as medevacs.

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Originally posted by Huntarr:

Ok, I am totally kidding here. :D I sincerly apologize for even trolling the thread (since it has been done many times before ;) ) It is just one of my favorite jabs when someone says patronize. It in no way has anything to do with the OP or the thread. This post has no legal nor morale ramifications that preclude any further flame.



A..... verb

2..... patronize, patronise, condescend

....... treat condescendingly

....... Category Tree:

......... act; move

......... ╚interact

............ ╚patronize, patronise, condescend

............... ╚stoop to


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Originally posted by -E:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Huntarr:

Ok, I am totally kidding here. :D I sincerly apologize for even trolling the thread (since it has been done many times before ;) ) It is just one of my favorite jabs when someone says patronize. It in no way has anything to do with the OP or the thread. This post has no legal nor morale ramifications that preclude any further flame.



A..... verb

2..... patronize, patronise, condescend

....... treat condescendingly

....... Category Tree:

......... act; move

......... ╚interact

............ ╚patronize, patronise, condescend

............... ╚stoop to

*grin* </font>

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