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WeGo'rs Rise and Shine


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Originally posted by Huntarr:

I'm not freakin' I just forgot to use smiley faces smile.gif

I just won't get into a exactly the steps you wisely pointed out. Don't get me wrong, your contribution has been much appreciated.

I just won't get baited by some who are simply going to go negative or beyond what was already shown. Better to just let them stir in their juices. I have already gone way past my bounds by showing anything, it was just too good not to know about.

No worries, bro.

There are a couple dudes runnin' around here with agendas so deep and insidious they make the 911 conspiracy wack jobs look normal...so I don't blame you.

Between BFC, you beta guys, and the positive minded bug hunters, we out number them 20 to 1 anyways.

Again, nice screens...I look forward to the next patch.


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i think it could have been asked becouse WEGO is impemented since v1.0 but didnt worked well in SP and didnt worked at all for many people in PBEM.

so effectively it was there but was not working, also many features like commands stacking dont work up to this point for ouer game versions.

but why i need to tell!? everyone knowes anyways...

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