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Originally posted by Moon:

breezeri, the German localized version went into production around the same time as our english version, and they just managed to assemble it quicker.


FYI for everyone who keeps wondering why no one knows ship dates. There are lots of factors that are simply unknowable when things go to production like this. Germany may have been faster because the designated "lot" was smaller (quicker run) or larger (high priority run). There can be glitches in production (that's why fulfillment centers pad their guarantees).

The approach here is "ship when ready", which maximizes the time received, but does not get it to everyone at the same time due to production variances. Battlefront could adopt a "Release day", but that would entail holding "ready to ship" product until all production centers finish their builds. Would you rather have a drop dead CERTAIN ship date of 1 May, or a "sometime the first two weeks in April"?

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Originally posted by StefMan:

New scenanrio: "SC2 Release"

No changes except:


Industrial Tech +1

Production Tech +1

Let's see how quick mail delivery is. I may have to add:

Infrastructure +1

tongue.gif Perhaps some event scripts would help using the editor .

" SC2 shipment delayed, US troops suffer 50% morale drop"

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Originally posted by GrognardFortyPlus:

Look here, old miserable grognard. Germans cranked it out faster because they are efficent people. If you dont believe me, just drink beer nad eat bratwurst old day long and you will be a hell of a blitzer to the bathroom. "Blitz-*******"

Do you agree?

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Originally posted by Terif:

Ordered my version at Battlefront - sorry, no advantage for me ;) .

So nobody who looses in SC 2 vs me can complain I had a head start :D .

P.S.: the german version was sent out last Friday and mostly arrived saturday at the ones who preordered it.

Sry, but i cant say im sorry for u. tongue.gif

Saturday! This means we could all be playing right now instead of wankin around. Outrageous. i demand a blockade to german shipments.

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Terif, I hope Panzerliga does away with bidding or house rules in SC2.

There is IMHO no room for this in SC2, the editor will help do all the play balance needed for the game .

I really don't see the need for outside rules with SC2.

Just use the "hand of god" where it is needed.

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I hate how vauge responses always are. What does not ready mean? Are they not even built yet, are they about to be turned on, are you just not turning them on to increase hype, what is the deal? In other words, HOW LONG.

Gettin pretty sick of being told you don't know when it is very clear you do know, so don't insult me with lies.

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The only possible problem I see with the editor is the liberal use of it. Will the community eventually settle on a specific mod, or will everyone be claiming that their version is the best one and it should be used competitively?

I'm sure there will be a lot of people who play the full version a few times and then decide something needs to be fixed or changed.

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Originally posted by Night:

I hate how vauge responses always are. What does not ready mean? Are they not even built yet, are they about to be turned on, are you just not turning them on to increase hype, what is the deal? In other words, HOW LONG.

Gettin pretty sick of being told you don't know when it is very clear you do know, so don't insult me with lies.

Night old vagabond. Go join SC Buntaland(link in my sig), you and Retributar have stayed out of the community for far too long. Dont walk astray join our forum son!
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Yep, outside rules will only be established based on player feedback - that´s why in Panzerliga there is a kind of test phase until July 1st, so players can get some experience with the game and judge if or which house rules are necessary or not to balance it smile.gif .

P.S. Editor can´t help with everything ;)

It doen´t change game mechanics and if you change gameplay to balance a scenario, then you will usually create a lot of unintended side effects that you will have to balance again...and there goes the circle ;) .

Besides, there will never be a static balance - it will change with time and playing experience and the developement of new strategies - just like in SC 1. So better not to go the way of babylonian confusion where everyone uses his own "balanced" mod where nobody besides him knows the rules and events included ;) .

So I guess in the end there will be in SC 2 a bidding system just like in SC 1. Then it is possible to use an official standard scenario where players know how it works (including scripts and all the events) and only add the necessary bonus mpps to balance it. Cause with bonus mpps it is much easier to create a balance as long as the base scenario is not too one sided - especially since it also highly depends on player experience if a scenario/bid is balanced.

However, in SC2 version 1.0 there will certainly still be a lot of quirks and flaws with some things not working like originally intended - time will tell which and patches will patch them in the course of time, house rules will have to address them in the time between the patches and change with patch history... smile.gif

Like in SC 1, it will certainly need time and player feedback - not to forget Hubert´s work smile.gif - to develope SC 2 to the point where it really will provide good and fair multiplayer games. E.g. at the moment it seems to be a bit luck based for a strategy game. Just to name production research or the reduced catch-up bonus, so research luck will make much more difference and sustain longer than in SC 1.

No game is perfect in version 1.0. But it has a good potential and Hubert coding the necessary patches smile.gif .

[ April 11, 2006, 11:49 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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You have not seen the Editor, you can change pretty much everything, at least 80% of the game.

There is SO MUCH more you can do in the editor before even THINKING of giving bonus mpps. That should be the last thing on anyones mind when trying to balance the game.

There is no reason for bidding in SC2.

I do not call it the "hand of god" for kicks :cool:

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One Question I have Blashy, I heard this talked about and I do not know if it's true or not true, Someone once said something about the editor allowing for alterations to the map/names/resources or any of that. Is that just hogwash.. Really curious and do you think down the road the Editor may allow it?

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