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Why was/is Russia so bitter?

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Responsible Capitalism. We don`t have that, we have greed capitalism.

Religions are greedy for power to spread and impose their beliefs.

Governments are greedy for power and will oppress other countries or exploit them for their countries benefits.

Companies are greedy where the top executives will do virtually anything to make that extra buck even at the expense of the environment, wildlife and people.

People are greedy.

The answer is the suppression of greed as our main catalyst as human beings.

The answer for me: Be taken away by a Utopian society of Aliens and leave humanity behind :D .

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Rambo i think the russians(and alot of other countries)dont trust the american military.Its not the average american.Your military now wants to weaponise space and take it over even though they have signed treaties banning such moves.Your militaries reasons are countries that are your allies may become your enemies so we have to be prepared.Who the hell is going to attack america with any type of missle?The only countries that have the ability dont want to die anymore than you or i do.Your military is CREATING enemies by acting like they are the only ones that matter.Why do you think china built that missle that can shoot down satellites from earth?Your military wants to deploy anti ballistic missles in poland because IRAN(what a joke)might fire a missle at them.How stupid do they think the russians are.If your military would STOP provoking other nations maybe other countries would stop distrusting you.As far as spending countles billions on theses ultra high tech.weapons for terrorists,your average terrorist isnt going try something that your expensive weapons can stop.They will probably set off a suitcase nuke(russia has''mispalced''some of theirs)or use some ultra nasty biological weapon(smallpox) not fire a ballistic missle.Im betting your military creates these so called"enemies"to justify the huge contracts awarded to them.It has nothing to do with national defence.No"enemies" no money.Sounds like good old GREED to me.

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Actually the start of the Cold War goes back to the end of the First World War. Following the abdication of Russian Tsar with the Russians signing a peace treaty with Germany and the ensuing Russian Civil War, the U.S. along with other allied nations sent troops to I believe Archangel and Vladivostok to protect supplies and to assist the White Army in attempting to stop the spread of Communism. I'm sure there is more to it than that, but that is all I can think of of the top of my head at this moment. smile.gif

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arado. Actually the rogue state justification is a fairly decent one. Whether the increased risk of conflict with a non-rogue state outweighs the reduced risk from a rogue is a different matter. Either way, at least the rogue can't blackmail you.

As you say though, it's just too easy to stick the bomb on a ship/plane/truck and drive it in.

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Bromley if you are refering to n.korea,iran etc. as rouge nations they have noway of ever competeing with the americans in the military end of things.No matter what america does you cant stop terrorism with these high tech.weapons.Like you said they could very easily smuggle one in on a ship(so much for all the high tech).Even if it were found just think what would happen to our economy.You would now have to(theoretically)check every ship coming into every port.Impossible.No amount of tech.will prevent this.These so called rouge nations will never get strong enough or ever even try to get strong enough to compete with america militarily.Its to costly(u.s.a. debt now over 8 trillion).America is going to bankrupt themselves just like the russians did.It may take awhile,but it will happen.As far as black mailing goes;smuggling in a W.M.D. and setting it off would do it.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Just got done watching a special on Joseph Stalin on the History Channel International. Why was Russia so bitter against the USA in 1945? Doesn't make sense. We are a small country on the other side of the planet, we helped them in the war, & had no beef with them. And what does Russia do? Start a cold war with us. Dumb.

A small power??!!

Come on John - you're all rah rah about how the US defeated Germany, and you come out with this?

some facts -

The UK had proposed invading the USSR in 1940 when they were still allied with Germany - to seize teh Caucasus oilfields and prevent them from exporting oil to the Germans.

Then there was the calls by various prominent Americans to go to war with the USSR right after WW2. Many americans were seriously opposed to communism, and everyone knew it. The US Communist party had been under surveillance by the FBI, and the hostility came from before WW2.

Russia had been invaded from the west a few times - Napoleon & Hitler, and Slavs in general still don't forgive the west for not helping vs the Mongols in the 13th century, the great schism between the Latin and Orthodox churches, and the sack of Constantinople (ancient, but these guys hold a grudge - cf Serbia and Kosovo!)

Russia saw the west as perfidious and untrustworthy - and the US was just the latest western power and was just as untrustworthy as the rest.

The USSR kept german scientists in prison camps afte WW2, but the USA gave them preferential treatment....suspicion of sympathies were rife.

Stalin also never forgave the west for not invading Europe in 1942 as he thought he had been promised - thus prolonging the war and costing millions more Soviet lives.

The USSR wanted Germany crushed and buffer states firmly under their control to prevent further invasions. Western failure to understand Russian motivations just confirms their preconceptions.

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The USA was the New Kids on the Block. We had only 100 million people & were not ready for war. We live on the other side of the planet. You understand the condition the USA was in after the Stock Market crash of 1929?

The Germans cried like little Bunta women about their economy in the 1930's. We had it worse. Difference is, we didn't start blaming Jews for troubles. We worked, they wanted to kill.

Back to Russia. So why did Russia care about the USA? Good grief, they got/had a great country, lots of space, spoils, etc. Guess they had a wicked government. They lost the Cold War.

Moral of the story. If you lose a war, lose to the USA, we will rebuild you, give you McDonald's, Coke or Pepsi, Hollywood, etc.


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There is only one way to stop terrorism. That is to stop terrorising the world. We as Americans need to understand that we are no better then anyone else.

We need to make friendly jestures to all countries even those we dislike. We need to maintain a strong military in the US. We need to remove our military from those nations who do not wish us to be there.

Our interventions should be only with the UN. We should discontinue supporting countries like Israel who is causing only more friction in the Middle East.

As to the worst President the present Mr Bush takes that position hands down. No other president in our history as ever invaded another nation. Premptive attacks should be left to the Hitler's of the world not America. Carter was the second worst in my lifetime. I must confess I did vote for Carter but I never voted for Bush and never would.

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The condition of hte USA after the stock market crash was not nearly as bad as teh soviet Union after WW1 and the civil war!!

Size wasn't so important as the danger of the idea.

But in 1945 the USA had both the ideas and had quite conclusively showen that it had the industrial might as well.

100 million was twice as many as Germany (more or less) so more than enough people to pose a threat, especially when added to 40 million Germans under allied control 50 million French, 40+ million Britons and another 400 million in the Commonwealth in 1945 (? guessing there - India was the biggest number of course)

Stalin correctly foresaw that the "free" nations were a threat to his dictatorship regardless of numbers - that's why the 1946-48 elections throughout eastern Europe were suitably rigged, and the subsequent communist govt's banned all other political parties.

Many Americans did blame the Jews for hte depression - Father Charles Coughlan had a radio show in which he did so (along with crooked financiers and wall street) - he apparently had an audience of up to 40 million. Fortunately however it never became a rabid obsession.

right winger's around the world blamed Jews - from the UK to USA and the USSR - Catholics and Communists and Nazi's alike (and yes I understand the irony of right wing Communitsts, but they exist....)

I agree with you (mark this moment!!) that if you have to lose a war then lose it to the USA!! smile.gif cf The Mouse that Roared!

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President George W. Bush has done a great job! September 11th, I was watching the Stockwatch channel just when the market just opened when it happened. I saw people jumping off the Trade Center rather than burn. I will never forget. You scumbags loser pacifists don't understand how to protect a country. You don't run, you attack. President Bush has stood by his actions. Bye-Bye Saddam, I saw he strung up, one less killer on the Earth. That ain't terror Dollman, that's justice.

That terror crap hasn't happenend here since the, credit to President Bush. Clinton was the weak one who let crap happen on his watch.

President Bush has done a steadfast job with morals & morale smile.gif He is against abortion, sodomites, & other wicked practices.

President Bush has dropped the ball on the immigration invasion. Where are you Jeb, the country needs you!

Four More Years!


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

President George W. Bush has done a great job! September 11th, I was watching the Stockwatch channel just when the market just opened when it happened. I saw people jumping off the Trade Center rather than burn. I will never forget. You scumbags loser pacifists don't understand how to protect a country. You don't run, you attack. President Bush has stood by his actions. Bye-Bye Saddam, I saw he strung up, one less killer on the Earth. That ain't terror Dollman, that's justice.

That terror crap hasn't happenend here since the, credit to President Bush. Clinton was the weak one who let crap happen on his watch.

President Bush has done a steadfast job with morals & morale smile.gif He is against abortion, sodomites, & other wicked practices.

President Bush has dropped the ball on the immigration invasion. Where are you Jeb, the country needs you!

Four More Years!


What a pile of rubbish crap !!

Bush wasn't even properly elected, he hid like a rat on 09/11, then he and his clique mounted a cabal to invade Iraq that had nothing to do with 9/11. Since then he accumulated lies, treacheries, whatever foul mean was necessary to make people have fear and thus keep power.

During his terms terrorism rose 1000%, USA betrayed its own honor and valor with Iraq invasion and Guantanamo. Iraq is lost now, and Ossama still sipping sodas in Pakistan.

Soon GW will be remember as the worst US president ever, I'm still amazed he hasn't been put out of office. Most of his clique is more or less sued for a crime or another now.

Did Americans really became sheep to accept that ? I can't understand...


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@Pascal --- What you don't understand, there is a HUGE Christian base in the United States, we want a President who will defend our basic beliefs of morality...Abortion, a sin. Sodomy, a sin. And all that other queer stuff the Democrats are always trying pull.

I have no beef with "feeding the poor", "high taxes", and other middle of the road social-economical issues. But when it comes to the wickedness of the Demorcratic party...then I'll vote for the Greedy oil barons first! At least I know what I get with the Republicans.

We only have 2 choices in USA, no way can I ever vote for a Democrat. I did support 3rd party independent Ross Perot. He told us what would happen with the Mexicans & this China/India crap.

As of today, it appears Hillary will be President...well, she's going to win the Democrat nomination. I actually put some dough on it, that she'd win the nomination.


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Pascal --- What you don't understand, there is a HUGE Christian base in the United States, we want a President who will defend our basic beliefs of morality...Abortion, a sin. Sodomy, a sin. And all that other queer stuff the Democrats are always trying pull.

You just proved to me that you would IMPOSE your personal belief on others. Basically you do not believe in freedom of choice.

Wars are caused by people who wish to impose their beliefs (religious or not) on others, you fall into that category.

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Hello, do you guys understand the religious structure of the United States? The United States ran from Europe & the Pope. The largest denomination in the United States in the Southern Baptist Convention, with roughly 40,000,000 members.

I'm a Bible believer, not a member of any franchised church. My beliefs are certainly not in tune with the Roman Catholic "church", lol smile.gif Whatever with the pope.

Remember, this world is not my home, the Kingdom of God is within. So go be a queer if you want, mock the bible, push your queer agenda. But it certainly ain't going to prevail, the bible stands smile.gif

No hope in the pope,

No hope in dope,

Jesus saves,

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

As always,

-The Legend

[ August 08, 2007, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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"The answer for me: Be taken away by a Utopian society of Aliens and leave humanity behind"

Sorry ole Blashmon, there's a suggestive character fault demonstrated in your subliminal intolerant nature. ;)

In short...you have "Bla****ude"....which precludes you from being a part of our civilization. :(

But...perhaps you'll evolve? :cool:

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Stalin --- Far as Father Whoever, yeah, alot of those RC's hate the Jews.

Presumably his claimed 40 million listeners weer not all catholicas.

hussein was a nasty dictator - but let us not forget that he had nothing at all to do with 9/11 or any other acto of terror outside the 1st gulf war and those inflicted on his own people.

more people have been killed in Itraq since the invasion than Hussein killed....IMO the Iraq war is not something Americans can be proud of - the wrong war, for the wrong reasons, achieving the wrong result.

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Guess what? I don't give a rat's ass if Hussein was involved in 911 or not. They dude had an appointment coming. He had his chance to retire a rich dicator, he played poker against the oil guru from Texas, and lost.

Bottom line, the Muslims started a war of terror on us & Israel....no suprise. Guess we fight, eh?

Put in a Demorcrat of your choice in office, ain't going to matter. What you all don't understand, there's more to it than Bush. Our country got attacked on 911, that wasn't Bush's fault.

Democrats are going to get their chance. It's easy to see that Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the USA, I'm guessing with her running mate, Obama.

You can "not attack" & do nothing all you want. They hated us before Bush. See bombings in 1993 & across the world.

If they hate us for waxing Iraq & Sadddam, then screw 'em. If they want a POC like him, then they are hopeless. Let Allah save them.

They live in the stone age. They beat their women, make them wear bedsheets over their face, can't have a lousy Coor's Light, and have a bunch of laws. Brother, we are at war. Whether you like it or not.

Bottom line, if they hit us or Israel, then Iraq/Iran/Syria/Pakastan are going to cease to exist. Do you understand that? Demorcrats will drop bombs. Democrats will nuke too. We live in dangerous times.

IT'S A RACE. Can they get a suitcase nuke or not. That's all that really matters. It's not about $3/gallon gas. IT'S A RACE. If they get a nuke in a suitcase, and open it in a major city. WE ARE DONE. Economy goes to zero that day. Stock Market crashes. No more "fun times", no more easy life in USA, no more crap. We'll be stagnant economy FOREVER. If you enjoy your life, then we might as well wax 'em, before they wax us.

[ August 08, 2007, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Yep - I can accept that you don't give a rotund rodent's rectum about SH and 9/11, and that removing him was a good idea.

What pisses me off, and much of the rest of hte wetern world, is that his supposed connection to 9/11 was one of hte justifications.

We don't like politicians who get caught lying to us. Even if they aren't our politicians.

And the hypocrisy stinks to - the US is happy enough supporting dictators when it suits them - including SH for much of his reign (and yes I know that the US didn't give him WMD, etc).

so guess what? I don't mind that SH got removed by the US - good job. I do mind that the US lied about why it was done, and fails to apply anything like the same standards in other places that don't have oil.

"The moslems" did not declare war on the US and Israel on 9/11 - the Moslem world declared war on Israel in 1948, and the US voluntarily entered that war as part of a foreign policy strategy in the 1960's and 70's.

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Rambo i thought a govt.was supposed to seperate church from state not use it to get elected.Its there to do whats best for the good of the country as a whole not just one religious belief.As far as wiping out Iraq/Iran/Syria/Pakistan that would mean the end of EVERYONE.Russia and china WILLNOT allow that to happen.They can and WILL shoot back.WE ALL DIE.I, plus countless billions of other people DONT share your view about your militaries version of might is right.I bet most americans dont either.Im sure they dont want to die anymore than anyone else does.

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