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A great upgrade to the global campaign would be land tiles that would allow you to move troops from the Pacific theatre to the European theatre. Just like the red arrows in the water, we would have red arrows for land tiles.

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Frost: good point. I Long thougt about, if only Russia may Use the Transsibirean or also Japanese, if the "other side" is still in Russian Hands, this would have an impact on Japanese or German advances Strategy.

Historically THe Contact of these Axis partners was reduced to U-Boat Transports. Also I have Read that a German Bomber went to land in the desert of Astrachan in a Special Mission for Intelligence Exchange with Japan somwhere around 42-43.

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Thanks, I feel the "land arrows" would help make for some cool "what if" scenarios in the global campaign. Japan could invade the Middle East, the Soviet Union might have to help the U.S. invade Japan...so on and so forth. Plus those arrows could come in handy for some future mod.

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Hello! Long time reader and player and really felt I needed to sign up and make a couple of comments on this thread.

Firstly, I am really glad that land arrows are planned. It will really expand the possibilities of new scenarios and make a workable world map more possible. The way in which the trans-siberian railway is handled in the global scenario is very clever but looks rather gamey so the inclusion of land arrow will hopefully make that look and feel a bit more realistic. The land arrow will also allow the creation of land boxes(as well as sea boxes) to recreate off map areas.

Secondly, I really support the ability of special forces to make amphibious attacks straight from transports. At the moment they are not really that special and if you are going to enable the recreation of the Pacific war you are going to need proper marine units that can attack one square islands straight from transports. I know that you could bombard and shell a Japanese unit holding an island into nothing and then land a unit in the empty space but it doesnt feel right and that isnt what happened in reality. The same with Malta. You should be able to launch seaborne attacks on the island. As someone else mentioned this would make the amphibious warfare tech much more desirable. It shouldnt only increase the range of amphibious attacks but their effectiveness. Look at the amateur nature of the German seaborne attacks in Norway and Crete (ad hoc transports, etc) and compare them with the efficient Allied landing craft and amphibious transports and tanks of Italy and Normandy.

The final point is this. The global campaign is great fun and I look forward to the W and W version. The main problem is that it does stretch the diplomatic model beyond breaking point. To the credit of the designer he has found imaginative ways round these problems but it feels very gamey. The problem is this. There are effectively two sides- axis and allies. If you are on the allied side you are at war with the axis and vice versa. What this leads to is that once Germany attacks Russia, Russia is at war with Japan. This, as we know, didnt happen. Japan didnt attack Russia. The same with China. Because in the game China is a UK minor, Japan is at war with the UK from 1939 which again is not true. I know that the designer used the East Commonwealth/West Commonwealth design to effectively shield the UK from fighting Japan before the historical date of 1941 but when the UK declared war in the whole of the directly ruled colonial empire (India, Malaya, African colonies) should join the UK war effort. Whilst the dominions could have stayed out (like Eire) Australia, NZ, Canada and SA all joined almost immediately. I guess what I am asking is whether something can be tweeked in the diplomatic status model to allow the UK to fight Germany but not Japan (at least not immediately), China to fight Japan (but not to pull the UK in) and Russia to fight Germany but not Japan. I am not sure what but some kind of non-belligerant status- not neutral but not actively belligerant either.

Still, love the game- great fun!!

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Dr. Lamb, I like the diplomacy idea. If I could add something to that, I would have an option where allied countries could turn on each other. It would probably be hard to program something like that, but it would allow for some interesting mods.

Anyway...since we are on the topic of the global campaign, I would like to see a legitmate atomic bomb research option. I would make it expensive as hell to research, and it would have to be attached to a fully upgraded bomber, and when you use it on a city/port or enemy unit, the unit is completely destroyed and the city/port is destroyed for the rest of the game. You could also have the country that was hit with the atomic bomb suffer extreme loss of morale for all their units.

I'm secretly trying to get nukes in this game smile.gif

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To Dr Matt Lamb:

Well it is a fact, that some countries where in war with only one Axis Partner ( Case of Britain / Commonwealth ).

Must admit the solution offered was only to "imitate" the Historic Background more or less following the Game Engine Possibilities.

I would also be in favour of "Part-Activation" of Countries, so they may be in War with only ONE part of the ennemys.

On the Other Hand, The Ruassian-Japanese Border could be seen as a "Decision" to make for a Axis or Allied Player.

If you See Japanese Units pull back on the Border you know the Japanese want "peace", same for Russia.

But Anyway, a Partial Activation would be Best, Really.!!!

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To Dr Matt Lamb:

Well the Part Activation is almost a LOT more Complex than it seems at first Sight. Look for example this Historic Background:

French Indochina had a Railroad Line From HANOI Port to Kunming. Now China at War with Japan Received British "Help" Say MPP via French Indochina ( a Vichy France Neutral but orientated to Axis Partner ). THis was the Reason for Japan to Put Pressure on French Indochina. After this Railway was cut down, Britain delivered "MPP" via the Famous Burma Road ( that s the line: Rangoon-Mandalay-Kunming ) Now Bruma ( British Colony at war with Germany but not with Japan, is "used" for MPP Transfer to CHina. Also a VERY COMPLEX situation. ANd after that via AIR-Convoys in The Famous "the HUMP" .

Now hot to represent this VERY complex situation in in the Game Engine? which are the NEED`s and which are only the options?

Not forget that Russia sent over to China Military Aid (of reazonable Value, not only some tanks but real Help ) but Russia is NOT "Parent" of China...

in case of China the best approach would be to have China having only the MPP it really Produces, and shall become MPP by some "LAND-CONVOY" and this shall be only possible through "POSITIVE-NEUTRAL" countries or in Case Of Russia by Road connection.

But then the question is: HOW to make a Convoy Raider on a land Tile ( like Submarine Raider on Seatile ) ????

Shall this be some Special invisible units?

i must say this Asiatic scenario and its Complexitiy caused me really some headache....

European Politics is by Miles easier to represent even if vichy France is also not really correctly implicated.

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Originally posted by powergmbh:

To Dr Matt Lamb:

Well the Part Activation is almost a LOT more Complex than it seems at first Sight. Look for example this Historic Background:

French Indochina had a Railroad Line From HANOI Port to Kunming. Now China at War with Japan Received British "Help" Say MPP via French Indochina ( a Vichy France Neutral but orientated to Axis Partner ). THis was the Reason for Japan to Put Pressure on French Indochina. After this Railway was cut down, Britain delivered "MPP" via the Famous Burma Road ( that s the line: Rangoon-Mandalay-Kunming ) Now Bruma ( British Colony at war with Germany but not with Japan, is "used" for MPP Transfer to CHina. Also a VERY COMPLEX situation. ANd after that via AIR-Convoys in The Famous "the HUMP" .

Now hot to represent this VERY complex situation in in the Game Engine? which are the NEED`s and which are only the options?

Just to complicate matters a little further, it wasn't British MPPs that were supplying the Chinese, it was American ones via British territory. Representing the whole shebang probably requires a script all to itself!
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