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SC2 v1.05a Complete World Szenario rdy!

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Hello all,

now available the Szeanrio "1939 World in Flames" complete playable for Multiplayer or Hotseat featuring themost equivalent imitation of the World in 3. Sept 1939.

Link here:


Some ideas for Allies:

important to have Italy fought in Abessinia in Early 1940 to keep control of africa.

Important to know if the ennemy will fight or

not in Ruassian/Japanese Front

Japan should go defensive in China by mid 41, in order to have control of NL-India AND some Oilwells of British Commonwealth by the entry of USA.

Axis can go as usual in Szenario 1939 FallWeiss, but should decide weather to help in Abessinia or not, and should not forget to prepare Japan for the big ennemy instead of only fighting down China. Only fighting CHina IS mortal if there are no diplomatic AND/OR preparations for Indochina as well as NL-India and maybe the coup of Pearl Harbour by an Surprise attac.

Have fun and send me any details that should still be done better. Anyway it is now a little better/good balanced maybe a little too much allies, as the calculation od a equal MPP is based on Axis take and Hold:

NL,DK,E,P,Egypt,Algeria,YU,TUN,SYR,IRQ,ABessinia,H,BG,RO, 6 Cities of USSR, as well as F-Indochina, Thail., as well as 4 Cities of CH, AND 2 Oilwells and 3 Cities of East Br. Commonwealth, AND Phillipines.

So Axis MUST advance as strongas in Fall weiss Szenario to have a balanced MPP.


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This mod looks very interesting.

I tried to play it, using ver 1.05a of SC2

Every time I start it, I get a black screen of death and my PC reboots.

Any suggestions...please?

WinXP Athlon FX-57 2 Gig Ram, runs everthing else.

(This is NOT the Toshiba laptop that kept crashing with CMSF, now fixed)

[ August 24, 2007, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: sandy ]

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Great mod.

A few rough edges (some already mentioned) such as: Japanese fighter sprites have 'wrong' colour white on them; Sicily is isolated from the Sicilian port and hence the Italian unit is stuck; USSR activation is extremely slow (1942 and still no sign of declaring war); Brazil should be pro USA not pro Axis.

May be others but still have a way to go to finish the scenario.

There is a set of Japanese sprites available (forget where) and I have a copy of them. The game would be even better with them ;)

I like this mod... having great fun smashing the pacific at the moment... decided NOT to attack pearl harbour yet though ;)

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Works with 1.06! have confound.

In case it does n t work, better downlaod again and check that the file is in campaign folder. and that there are boths folders:

Wordl in flames.cgn AND the other one (named: "_1939 World in flames" ) as folder also in which should be the Bitmap file as well as scipts and other files.

to Gorgin: thanks: next update will be named Venezuela, problem was i had 2 Countries to form and only one country left, so normally it is Colombia-Venezuela, but Venezuela plays more role so i ll rename it.

to Moonslayer: Sicily is terribly difficult to paint as i had not enough fields to represent this island. any idea ho to match a Port AND the city AND the possibility of invasion? plz send Sreenshot by email if idea. Tnx . to :dastoeckl@hotmail.com

Maybe also send me the sprites file of Japanese as to have them analyzed.

For URSS Readyness: ill have then the Readiness of URSS get up some percents more from 1.1.41 on with the next update.

Any ideas for thsi map dont hesitate to sent them to my email or post script ideas. if somebody is interested in a email SCPBEM also plz send me 1 turn.

Also any wrong or not engough sript reactions to allies or Axis activities plz post. would be great if I could balance a little better with some experiences of yours.

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Nope my directx is up to date and graphics drivers. I play alot of MMORP games so those have to be kept up to date or you aint playing.

Yea I had the problem with Third Reich but someone told me where to place the files and it worked. I am sure I havent placed one of the files correctly but dont know which so this one may not be playable for me. Too bad sounded like it might have been a good mod.

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Frost: where are these Japanese Sprites? did`n't find any attached or any link. plz send link or email.

Tagul: check if the files are unpacked in the right folder. so do the download "save in":

then search Strategic Command 2/Campaigns/"1939 world in Fire.zip"

there you unpack ( with WINZIP)

after unzipping there should be a file: .../Campaigns/1939 World in Flames.cgn

and A Folder: .../Campagigns/_1939 World in Flames

In this Folder you should find Folders named: Map Data, Scripts , Sound ,Bitmaps , Interface, and Localization.txt, and Campaign.exe or so.

If these files are correctly there and in the same folder as all other campaigns you shoulod be able to load the Scenario.

Check this out.

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Three problems I noticed while playing...

You have Houston and a couple of oil field in the United States as a seperate country, they actually go Axis a little bit.

The Sicilian port is definitely a problem, but that's been said before.

I would also watch the amount of available units you allow, because your using such a large map, the strategic level is even bigger than normal. I wouldn't give Germany access to 16 plus Corp units, besides the more units you allow, the slower the AI will go.

That's my two cents...

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Originally posted by Frost:


Three problems I noticed while playing...

You have Houston and a couple of oil field in the United States as a seperate country, they actually go Axis a little bit.

Well is'nt that what the current president from texas are doing in a way? Seem pretty realistic to me...
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Right, seems anyway that Texas and California actually want to play a "special" role in US Politics, but some guy like our Austrian Schwarzenegger may be "cleaning up" better than an other one who only speaking making nothing...

To Frost: my email: dastoeckl@hotmail.com

the Sicilly Problem is now cleaned, and will be updated next Saturday, with some other details.

For the total allowed Units i'm not so shure, i taked it almost like in "Fall Weiss" Scenario. I also had the problem to know how much Carriers will I allow to Japan or tu USA. Any Idea?

The point is Japan had at best times 12, and USA in 1945 increible 34 Carriers. Should i Really allow 34 Carriers??????

Any suggests?

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Powergmbh: if the scale was the same as the vanilla scenario then I would indeed allow all those vessels... but the scale is much smaller. I would probably half the allowed units compared to the 1939 fall weiss scenario and use 6/17 for Jap/US carriers.

But then I love ships ;)

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In WIkipedia I found a list of mayor vessels in Sept 1939. Problem : japan doesnt figure there. Info as follows:


Carrier 8 2 0 6

Battleships 15 7 2 15

Panzerships 0 0 3 0

light Cruiser 15 7 2 18

Heavy Cruiser 49 12 6 19

Destroyer 201 71 22 k. A.

Subs 38 76 57 90

So HOW would you represent these ships in the map??? For example there was a Light Cruiser "Admiral Graf Spee" stationed near Argentinia when the war begun. so as ships are groups would the representation be a 5 points Cruiser ok? or is this too much? or not enough?

in any case if somebody would have an idea or a list in how much ships any nation should have ( and get by the time ) and also in whitch theatre to put the ship i would be grateful.

It s not so easy it seems...

Same for if somebody has a link or a list of Carrier Groups active from Japan and USA by Oct 39, as well as the following Ship-Production until 41.

To Moonslyer: i have a doubt if only 6 Carriers bring the game fun of the pacific scenario, as every carrier can only make one attac per turn... take a fortress like Midway seems almost impossible to me with only 4 or 6 Carriers where these Carriers also are divided in West North and East Groups....

Or other solution: Increase the Attac Values of a Carrier, but this seems to be too impredectible for the results, could be that te carrier then results the Ultimative Warmachine...

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