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Yogi and Rambo going on holiday together

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For those who don't know. Yogi was branded a coward for rejecting a game of SC2 against the Legend a little while ago. He talked some smack about the game, but wouldn't back it against the Legend.

I wiped the bar off with his face with some smack. Then painted a yellow line down his spine.

If Yogi is willing to take inventory of his current state, & become a man by a challenge game, he could be reinstated.

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Yes it's true, Rambo and Yogi have buried the hatchet and are now best pals.

We wish them well on their holiday in San Francisco playing SC2.

Thanks for wishing me well Kuni. Unfortunately, Rambo's post pretty much shows your claim is misguided, as I tried to point out to you on another thread. tongue.gif

Nice to see that Rambo still thinks of me though, as it is nice being held to a position of such importance. ;)

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For some reason this bought to mind an old rhyming tease we used to having primary school - hadn't thought of it for decades until now....

Yogi and Rambo up a tree,


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Originally posted by targul:

Stand Proud Yogi if Rambo hates you you cant be all bad.

You can be assured that I do "Stand Proud". The exchanges in the past with Rambo have actually been enjoyable and entertaining. I have responded in fun mode at times just to rile him up. I have thought about actually responding in a more serious way as to why I don't accept his challenge, but I would hate to have it looked at as lowering myself or as flaming. As I have said in the past, Rambo has made some great contributions to the forum, is a great supporter of SC2 and is respected as a player of the game. Many of his views on other matters aren't actually all bad. It is the method he responds in that degrades them.
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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@targul --- Dollman, I don't hate anybody. Just because I branded him a coward for refusal to battle, gives you no right to call me a hater. Aren't you suppose to rub your Doll's belly & he'll grant you the wish to be nice?

Nope we are not big on miracles. My religion is based not based on dolls or wishes.

You are the one who says we all going to hell unless we believe as you do. If there where a hell that would be a real problem since you would have to hate really bad to do that to someone.

Dont feel bad Yogi. I wouldnt play Rambo either except in the game when the expansion is first released since I find this game as it stands to be no fun against players but I love it against AI.

So now he can brand me a coward but I am more then willing to put up my real military record against anyone.

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Ah back to your Jesus. Sorry dont believe in his miracles or his virgin birth. He was obviously a good teacher but regardless of your strong believe in him and hell I do not believe God would create man to send him to hell. That would be the purest form of evil and my God is not evil.

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@targul --- Yeah, belief is the issue. Question, why did you bother to teach the Bible when you were younger if you didn't believe it?

God didn't make man to send him to Hell. Hell was prepared for Satan & his 1/3 crew of evil angels.

God doesn't send people to Hell, people send themselves to Hell by rejecting the Gospel.

Call God evil all you want, that's a lie. God is love. God demonsrated his love that, while we yet sinners, Christ died for the ungodly.

God came down off the right hand of the Father, in the womb of a virgin. He grew up, dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory as the only begotten of the Father full of grace & mercy. God walked on this Earth, fellowshiped with mankind...and showed his love by dying for our sins.

God was manifest in the flesh, the man Christ Jesus. If that isn't love, than heaven is a myth (just like the Elvis Gospel song).

Get saved son, report to Heaven when you die thru the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is love, by taking care of our sins!

Jesus is the only God who loved his people enough to die for them.


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Where did all the folk who died before Jesus lived go to? If there wasn't a gospel yet written (B.C.) to either reject or accept then do they go to heaven, hell or misfiled in purgatory?

Did you believe dinosaurs lived in the garden of Eden and if so, what happened to them in the flood?

Do cute kittens go to heaven? what about cats that look like Hitler ?

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Ah, very, very good questions.

1) And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

2) Yes, I believe there were many giants in the Earth & other funky stuff compared to today. This being before Noah's flood. Might have even been some cross breeding between fallen angels & women.

3) Animals don't have souls. Only spirit & flesh. Doesn't mean God doesn't have "other stuff" on the otherside, book doesn't declare.

Also, try to consider why the Bible does say, rather than what it doesn't say. People like to ask,"Well, where did Cain's wife come from?", "What did Jesus do at age 11 or something?", etc. Figure out the simplier stuff first smile.gif God wrote us a book, he told us what he wanted us to know.

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Is the breeding between "fallen angels & (post Eve?) women" a biblical explanation for hominids i.e Australopithecus and Neanderthals etc.?

Did Adam and Eve exist before the floods wiped out dinosaurs?

What about evidence that chimpanzees and humans had a common ancestor about 7 million years ago? or are they fallen creatures

What about a human born with congenital retardation are they just 'spirit and flesh' or are they awarded a 'soul' just on appearance? Why can't a clever chimp not have a soul despite sharing 98% common DNA? Is someone with Down's Syndrome with flawed DNA excluded from having a soul or are they the result of breeding between 'fallen angels and women'?

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When I was a child a spoke as a child. I preached using what as an adult I learned to be false. As I have grown I have learned that what I spoke as a child was not possible.

Uhmm, I though God made everything. Now he didnt make hell. Well I agree he didnt since there is no hell. If God did create everything and knew what was to come and had a hell then he would be evil.

Personnally I never called God evil I only state that only an evil God would allow a hell to exist.

This idea of God sending his only son to be painfully killed while he sat an watched is another thing I can not believe in. I have lost a son and know the pain of that and there is NO WAY I would ever send one of my children to death. If I could have done anything at all to save my son from dieing I would have done it. I cant imagine any father watching his son die. But then I believe in Good.

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@Wickey --- What do you say to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ?

No idea about what was walking this Earth pre-flood. Maybe there was some really funky stuff going on? Maybe the gods of the Romans, Egyptians, Greeks, etc...really existed & they are just manifestation of fallen angels? Why else would they be worshipped unless they really existed at one point? Don't know...doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong, but is fun to consider. Maybe the "modern aliens" are really devils in a different form? We know men lived longer lives. Has God increased disease & famine to the ground? We know things like flu strains mutate, is it God's curse to the land? Don't know. In the book of Job, he asked God alot of deep questions & had some answers. The serpent was given as curse & was changed in form. Don't know, not my business, that's the Lord's doing.

Far as chimps, apes, & king kong. They ain't my brother smile.gif

Far as Downs Syndrome & other "dumbfounded" humans...their final judgment (any person's) is based on accountability. Therefore, a person who can't truly understand the law (which leads one to the sinner acknowledgement), well...that's simple. Read the book of Romans for that answer.

Far as the "you are of your father the devil", simple..."Ye must be born again". We don't know God or have peace with God until we are saved, born again. Therefore, Jesus's statement is within context of the lost.


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@Wickey --- What do you say of the Bible which is crystal clear? There's enough there to chew on.

Are you a sinner?

Is Jesus God?

Do you believe in God?

Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead?


If you are truly interested in seeking truth, I recommend started with some basics.

What do you think about Prophesy of the bible?

What do you think about Jewish stuff? Moses burning bush, Red Sea, Exodus, etc.

What do you think about Saul's conversion?

Bottom line: It all comes down to the Gospel.

I've found that people aren't interested in the obvious things of the bible, there's not much point exploring obscure. I do enjoy thinking about fringe events though.


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:


3) Animals don't have souls. Only spirit & flesh. Doesn't mean God doesn't have "other stuff" on the otherside, book doesn't declare.


What is this 'soul' thing that you allegedly have and an animal allegedly hasn't?

Chimpanzees use tools, can paint pictures and drive cars.

They can even organize wars against their neighbors.

IIRC, it was a dog who was the first creature in space before Yuri Gagarin surrounded the earth in a space ship. tongue.gif

Please give me an objective criterion by which I can check that you have a 'soul' and an animal hasn't.

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"Don't know, not my business, that's the Lord's doing. " Is an example of your self-willed woeful ignorance and not something I care to emulate if that's a requirement to join your exclusive club.

OK You've provided examples of folk who you believe have gone to heaven who can't know the Gospels i.e. the OT beggar and the "dumfounded"

Does the 'not knowing the law' loophole also apply to Amazonian tribes yet to make contact with missionaries or are they forsaken for simply not knowing the existence of Christianity ?

It seems that one doesn't necessarily need to know the law or Gospels to find a backdoor into heaven.

"We know men lived longer lives." Your rote opinion is not fact - evidence please

Did they have pre-historic sewers? less infant mortality than at present?

"Has God increased disease & famine to the ground?"

What do you think?

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@Wickey ---

1) "Not my business, it's the Lord's business" --- That's not pride answering, that's honesty! How in the world can a sinner man like me suppose to figure out things that are not clear in the Bible? Do you expect me to understand God's astro physics design for the universe? Am I suppose to understand how a human life is created & a living breathe soul comes to be? I cannot comprehend creation, I just know the Creator. It's not ignornance, it's reality. God never asked me to "figure out what he already knows", he asked me to believe in his son the Lord Jesus Christ. Christainity is a faith.

2) Far as the "dude on some island" never hearing the Gospel...well, I stand on God's written word to answer this question. Read it yourself, this is black & white. This goes for babies too. Far as the "age of accountability", I have no idea, how could anybody know this except God? Once again, "that's the Lord's business". If you think that is ignorance, it's not, because it's not my business once again. Rather, God told me to preach the Gospel, that's my minimum service.

3) There's no backdoor to heaven outside the Lord Jesus Christ. There's no exception (within the context of knowledge), and I'm certainly not going to sit around & entertain thoughts outside the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said if you could get to heaven another way, you'd be a thief.

4) People living longer. Only proof I have is the Bible itself. That's a matter of faith. That's why I'm a bible believer. I can't prove water is wet either. Can you prove the sky is blue? Can a math teacher really prove 2+2=4? Proof is in the eye (heart) of the believer.

5) Far as the envirnoment "changing somewhat", I can give my opinion. I personal believe man's medical technology has gotten better, raising crops, etc...yet at the same time, maybe God makes it harder...more weeds, harsh weather, etc. I don't know? Diseases come & go, can't explain. Has cancer changed? Or just been discovered? Don't know...but I do ponder these things. I personally believe there's something funky with the star system. Are those lights really angels at the star's doorsteps? Maybe? are falling stars really fallen angels or something? No idea. Maybe "modern aliens" are really fallen angels? God gives the devil his space when necessary...no idea? God has given us freewill, yet is watching...maybe God's purpose is a creational experiment. He desires those who will worship him in truth & spirit. Call that good, bad, or the ugly...Whatever....I do know this, this planet is a wreck...I don't see any hope outside the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have two ears, you got something better? Let me hear it. I'm going to die, we all are going to die. That's man's problem. If Jesus rose, sounds like the plan. Better than "just dying" & seeing what happens. At least my religion has a book, you can read it. My religion has prophesy. My religion has all kinds of great stuff. My Savior is good.

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