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How do I make WoW easier for Germans?

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I am getting clobbered as the Germans in the Barbarossa scenario even with a -50% setting.How do I make it easier, in particular how do I make the Russians get fewer MPPs?

The manual description of difficulty settings are for the original game and do not correspond to the settings in WaW, and the added pdf file says nothing about difficuoty settings. Exactly what do the -50% and -100% settings do in difficulty settings?

Despite putting a high priority in submarines and reaching leve 2 subs, the Russians are getting over 300 Mpps per move, and there is no way that I can even approach the German achievements in 1941 and 1942. In 1941, the most I can do is take Odessa, Bryansk , Kiev and Odessa, and in 1942 I can get nowhere near Stalingrad nor Even Rostov.

I need the Russians to get fewer MPPs. How do I do that with the Editor? I read the instructions for the editor, but it is unclear how to do that simple adjustment.


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I need the Russians to get fewer MPPs
I don't think it is that simple. If you edit the value for resources (say, change MPP value for cities, factories and oil) then all nations are affected, not just the Allies. In the editor you could simply eliminate some of the Russian Oil and Minor Cities. Another option, without using the editor, is to turn off the Urals script.
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One thing I found was that in 1942 I was getting counterattacked left and right (on Expert) and spent so much time killing all the endless waves of Russian units that it left me no time to expand into the Caucausus, and hence no opportunity to tip the MPP balance in my favor. Nothing like that ever happened in pre-expansion SC2.

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I think this scenario is unbalanced. For example, if one takes the time to upgrade units then to make them elite, the war will be over before they are ready. It would be better if they could repair and upgrade at the same time. For example, say a unit is reduced in strength: it takes a move to repair it to 10 (which is not always possible), another move to upgrade it, then from one to five moves to make it elite 10-15. That can be seven moves, which is half the war. Assuming one could start doing this aftet the first Barbarossa move, the Russian winter would be here and any chance for victory would be out the door.

The same goes for subs: if a sub is beaten up, it takes a couple of moves to get it to port, a move to repair, another move to upgrade, and one to five moves to get elite replacements by which time lend lease has made the Russians unbeatable.

There must be a simple solution to balance the scenario better.


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You know part of this I can agree with henri.

First off any repairs, replacements and familiarization with the unit idiosyncracies should encompass one turn.

Now upgrades should at least use another turn for training on the new equipment, not to mention the time needed to supply it to the unit.

Now here's the rub, elite replacements in my mind don't quite make sense as usually elite troops are already a part of the veteran cadre, it is more of a unit psychology. Now I could rationalize that veteran troops from other organizations are made available and that could be construed as a slow process being a rare commodity.

But here's what I would like "elite" to mean. Yes, the addition of veteran and/or highly skilled/trained soldiers, but also the committance of additional assets to "overstrength" the unit.

To make it more of an assault class status unit for special missions this should only take one turn, whether reinforced to 11 or 15.

What say ye SC brethren?

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I think that "Repairing" a damaged unit & "Upgrading" that damaged unit could take place at one and the same time instead of two separate phase's which would cost around 1-month's time!.

Perhap's,...just perhap's, "Elite-Units" Upgrade could as well be completed with the concurrent "Repairing & Upgrading" Session???.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

You know part of this I can agree with henri.

First off any repairs, replacements and familiarization with the unit idiosyncracies should encompass one turn.

Now upgrades should at least use another turn for training on the new equipment, not to mention the time needed to supply it to the unit.

Now here's the rub, elite replacements in my mind don't quite make sense as usually elite troops are already a part of the veteran cadre, it is more of a unit psychology. Now I could rationalize that veteran troops from other organizations are made available and that could be construed as a slow process being a rare commodity.

But here's what I would like "elite" to mean. Yes, the addition of veteran and/or highly skilled/trained soldiers, but also the committance of additional assets to "overstrength" the unit.

To make it more of an assault class status unit for special missions this should only take one turn, whether reinforced to 11 or 15.

What say ye SC brethren?

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The bottom line is that if the Germans wan t to upgrade units, they have to be out of action for too long, and as a result, I have never upgraded a unit higher than level 12. With the Russians having MPPs coming in at a rate almost as high as the Germans in 1941, I don't see how the Germans can get anywhere near the historical high water mark, not to mention winning.

I would like to hear from anyone who has won this 1941 Barbarossa scenario with the Germans at ANY difficulty level. If not I would like to hear from the programmers about making the Russians less powerful.

One solution might be to give the Germans level 13 elite units at the beginning of the scenario, thus giving them the edge that they had historically. But I don't know if even this would be enough.


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I would like to hear from anyone who has won this 1941 Barbarossa scenario with the Germans at ANY difficulty level. If not I would like to hear from the programmers about making the Russians less powerful.
It's been a while since I played this one, but something I mentioned to Hubert was that Germans probably need another army at start and something on the P/Q in this scenario. If you look at the historical OOB compared to game setup, Germans had 2. Armie in reserve near Warsaw.

In the full game, players can get closer to the historical OOB and also have units on the P/Q. Problem in the scenario is that Germans need just a little more, and without it end up playing catch-up and never quite doing so. Fool around with the Editor some. It's easy to add a few units to the setup and get better results.

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I agree with you all here. The scenerio is abit insane.

I then went to the editor, and realized that The Germans could use some more equipment coming in periodicaly by using the editor, as stated by pzgdr.

For example, when the 1st SS LAH entered the fray, they should come in at ELITE status. not sure if you can make them elite in the editor, but if you can then you should.

More examples would be the Herman Goering, Grossduetchland, 2nd SS, and 3rd SS PzKorps. all should be Elite.

Anyways I hope it works out for you, I find myself using the Editor alot, as I think the Developers have somewhat givin the Axis a disadvantage in most of the scenerios.

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GhostRider3/3...Im no 'Nazi-lover', but i have to agree with you!.

Original Quote by GhostRider3/3 :

When the 1st SS LAH entered the fray, they should come in at ELITE status; More examples would be the Herman Goering, Grossduetchland, 2nd SS, and 3rd SS PzKorps. all should be Elite.

I think the Developers have somewhat givin the Axis a disadvantage in most of the scenerios .

The Germans seem to be somewhat 'UnderPowered' in most MODS & Scenarios,...and too much equalization of equipment lethality is given to Technologically 'inferior equipped forces', which makes historical historicity very-difficult!.
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Well Im not one either smile.gif Retributar.

I was just coming up with some sort of analogy. I think that in the D-Day settings for the Rangers should be of Elite Status Special forces Icons, as well as some of the Royal Marines.

Oh by the way Retributar, I do WWII Reanactments, so I hope your not offended if Im one of the bad guys.... but hey.. someones got to be or who would the allies shoot at.. smile.gif

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Im not offended GhostRider3/3 ,...it's not the fighting-men's fault, most of them were just caught up in the moment of the 'Raging-Storm' of the unfolding-event's!.

What i really personally admire, is the 'Leadership', the 'Skill', the 'Disiplined Training' and the 'Zealous-Commited-Driving-Force' of the Troop's commited to the task at hand!.

The Allies, and the Axis all had their moment's in this regard. But!,...i am still of the Opinion ['Right or Wrong'], that the German Armed Forces are 'Under-Rated' in this game!.[some-one!,...prove me wrong!...if you want too!.]

I also almost alway's like to play the losing side most of the time ["Nearly all the time"],...since i derive the greatest satisfaction from accomplishment, especially where it was most difficult to achieve that said-accomplishment!.

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Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

Yes you can GR (make them elite that is). My mod does have such tweaks (I decided to turn Special Forces into Motorized Infantry, but am still debating what ratings to give them).

How do you make them elite? I can give units not yet on map up to five experience, but I don't see any way to make them elite. also I don't see any way to modify units that are on-map when the scenrio begins. What did I miss?


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