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Buy Battlefront products with Bush's $600+ gifts :)

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Yes, spend that extra $600, it's your dough. Well, it's God's dough, so don't rob a tithe. Then buy some Battlefront products.

Here's the order of how I'll spend my dough:

1) Tithe, buy some KJV books plus something

2) Battlefront game, roughly $50

3) Rambo movie $9

4) Haircut + new bottle of gel

5) Nice dinner for the wife

6) Throw $100 into kid fund

7) Throw $300 into a pennystock, parlay time


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I'm going to pay down a bill with the free money. As most other Americans probably will. I'm just wondering why they don't give us all $2000. It's not like we actually have a budget anymore. $10 trillion in debt, what's another $500 billion?

As much as they'd like me to put it back into a business, I need to straighten my own first.

But before this gets off topic and moved, I would love to buy a new Battlefront game. Hasn't really been one in awhile though, besides Shock Force.

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@ Timskorn: the total amount of debt a state can cope with depends on the Gross domestic product, in other words on the relation of total debt and GDP. Take the Budget of the US and check how many billions a year you guys pay for interest on outstanding debt. We in Germany would be rich but we decided to buy the GDR.. and we have to live with it.

Every new debt raises the burden for the next generation, so it is like leaving the problems for you children. Wrong way in my eyes, but not only in the US, it`s wrong in all western democracies. The Chinese have approx 1000 Billion $ foreign currency reserves.. that money is invested in Government Bonds, Municipalities, Mortgages and Covered Bonds and similar stuff.. just imagine what happend if they pull the money out.. the Sub Prime crisis is mild nausea in comparison to that.

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Hyazinth: Yes, and actually I just took a look at the recent GAO report for the US financial situation and it tells a pretty bleak future.

From page 23: "By 2040, public debt is projected to be 128 percent of GDP, well above the World War II peak of 109 percent, and by 2080, debt is projected to approach 600 percent of GDP. At some point before the debt reaches such unprecedented levels, the world's financial markets would likely cease lending to the United States." ... "Avoiding the catastrophic consequences of this fiscal path will require action to bring program expenditures in line with available resources. How soon these actions are taken will greatly influence their ultimate impact on the Nation."

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Originally posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz:

The Chinese have approx 1000 Billion $ foreign currency reserves.. that money is invested in Government Bonds, Municipalities, Mortgages and Covered Bonds and similar stuff.. just imagine what happend if they pull the money out.. the Sub Prime crisis is mild nausea in comparison to that.

They’d lose their shirts.

Would take years to unwind a position that large, you can’t do it overnight. Btw, wouldn’t affect us that much, we already got their money, the bond is just a promise to repay. I don't care who buys them if the Chinese sell.

What would hurt is if they quit buying new ones.

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@ Lars: I think that`s not the whole story.. if the chinese that selling that stuff, the whole Fixed Income market and all participating banks would collapse.. as well as the whole currency systems. Selling the old ones is virtually the same as quit buying new ones. I`m not quite sure if all politicians are aware of that situation. I work in the Fixed Income Market since 11 years.. just believe me. This market is way quicker than you would ever believe.. it wouldn`t take years to unwind these positions.

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@David --- Good point smile.gif Anyhow, it comes down to the heart of the individual.

By the way interest rates are really low, you might want to refinance, I locked in my rate two days ago when the market dumped 480 points on open & Berney lowered the rates...took a day to ripple down...already going back up.

Far as worrying about China or whoever, nothing I can do about it...I'm just one of the little people.

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@ Lars, yes you are right.. given the fact that they don`t want to hurt their position. But keep one thing in mind: they have an enormous instrument to mount pressure.. they can influence the whole financial markets just by spreading the rumors that they need to sell a major stake. Having such huge positions is always a political thing. Remember the collapse of Long-term Capital Management in 1998.. the damage was just a few billions, but all major US Banks were forced to help, otherwise there would have been a turmoil way larger than the current one. The gross position of LTCM was 1.25 trillion $.. so approx. as much as the Chinese have. But LTCM was a hedge fund, so they has longs and shorts (they were playing the game long in Illiquid stuff and short in liquid stuff).. and PBoC just has longs, so their influence is way larger.

What I just want to say is: how come these people have 1000 Billion $ as reserves while the whole western world needs to raise more debt just to keep the economy working? In my eyes it`s just damn dangerous!

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Well, it is. But the Chinese are just as on the hook as everybody else. Crashing the market of their best customer is not exactly smart.

Btw, if you want to know what I’m doing with mine, the US government just paid for my two weeks of hotel on the beach in Mexico. ;)


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Uhhh, what 600 bucks? Bush, isn't going to give me a new check for that much, this is Mutiny. I've reverted to shoplifting!

Yes, I cannot pay my bills so I'm hiking up everyone's prices by the FIVE finger discount. I feel it's not unwarranted, today the store I shoplifted from sold me Botulism Carrots! Yep, the FDA says they're infected with Botulism and to do away with them. SO the next time you goto to your SuperMarket read the News before you go and help yourself. They told me they have to hike up their prices due to five fingered discounts. Yeah right, I heard by the Security Staff they hike up their prices so the Honest Shoppers that come before you pay for the dishonest one behind you! ROFL

I'm sorry but when your hardup, you're hardup

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I've got news for all the Wise Guys.

Latest Gov't stats - just in!

Xtra! Xtra! Read all about it!

There are ~ 200,000

American Veterans,

From Viet Nam debacle

To Iraq debacle, inclusive,

Living on the streets.

I ask - where do all of these American Vets


To get their $600 bucks?

To get minimal health care, for that matter?

Yea, I'd like to see 'em livin' it up

On some beach somewheres,

Big Sur/Carmel is where

I'd advise they go

So to splash & play in the undulant waves

And ogle the scant-clad lovelies, well

Let me know.

Then, soonest - I'll let them know,

Those - American Vets living on the streets,

Living outta garbage cans,

Living like lepers, like tossed-off trash,

There in the rubble

Was once - greater Main Street, USA.

Hey, you guys - got troubles?


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Unfortunately DD, they want to give the money to people that will go buy big screen TV's and trips to Disneyland. Uncle Sam isn't going to give out free money without expecting something in return.

In fact, Bush's initial proposal called for $800-$1600 rebates, but it would have excluded about 30 million poor Americans.

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