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are there plans for another patch (before the expansion arrives)?

Here are some points I'd like to see included in SC2.

1) HQ's can be upgraded with "Motorization" to make them faster

2) All ground units and all ships (except submarines) can be upgraded with AntiAir(Radar).

3) All Ships (except transports) can be upgraded with "Motorization" to speed them up.

4) Infantry units can get an (expensive) upgrade for mountain-unit allowing them to "run" through mountains (you could use a "M" as sign for mountain-units).

Perhaps You have more ideas for patch 1.07

Have a nice day

Commander Darken

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While I agree with #1 and #2 I disagree with #3 and #4. Fleets during that time had a maximum speed of 27 to 33 knots and would often go much slower to save on fuel. Large ships didn't get much faster till nuclear power arrived. Though tech such as hydrofoils can speed smaller ships, smaller ships aren't aren't really represented in the game.

Mountain units had special training to be effective in the mountains, they rarely had motorization and their supply chain would have been no faster than that of other units...thus they would be no faster (and since not motorized would often be slower) than other units on a strategic scale such as in SC2.

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Wot he said.

And to add for #1, HQ's are the supply chain too, so I guess in a sense, they're already "motorized".

For #2, would be easiest to fold it into AA tech.

btw, is there even going to be a 1.07? There's no real bugs that I've run into.

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Mostly mountain units actually just had lighter equipment, and specifically guns that could be broken down into animal or human transportable parts.

Eg the Soviets used 107mm mortars in their mountain units instead of 120mm, and the ol' Brit 3.7" mountain howitzer that could be broken into 8 mule loads is a well known example of dozens of simlar weapons.

the US 75mm howitzer M1 (75mm pack) was probably even more idely used.

German mountain troops had lightened 75mm and 105mm guns, and 105mm recoiless rifles instead of the standard 105mm artillery - their artillery regiments were designated "mountain artillery".

So mountain units should have marginally lower firepower (there really wasn't THAT much difference from the lighter guns), but should not suffer even further reductions or penalties when attacking or defending in mountainous terrain.

At this scale they are probably not actually any use IMO.

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Keep HQ slow. Effectively this means that units, eg motorized armour, conducting Blitzkrieg attacks outrun their supply and command control if they really push it. Thats fine and historical and means a breakthrough risks a counterattack if over extended and you underestimate enemies reserves. Besides, we now have roads for HQ.

Really you are talking a command control or logistics doctrine (== technology), though not sure we really need it. I suppose it could allow shallower decline in supply with distance and number of units attached to HQ.

My vote is antitank units (in WaW) reduce 2 strike attack of armour to 1 if attacked. They blunt the attack.

Love the new intelligence random spotting coming - great feature.

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there is at least one big problem in SC 2 Version 1.0.6

When a HQ is destroyed it's leader should be dead or PoW --> You should not be able to rebuild destroyed HQs (but now you can rebuy the captured leader for 60% of his new price).

If leaders were "terminated" permanently a player loosing too many leaders could only buy no-name-leaders with bad values (3 ?).

I hope You bring this "feature" at least in SC 2: WaW.

Thanks for Your interest.

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True, but HQ units should have a chance to be permanently replaced by another randomly selected HQ unit if they are eliminated in combat.


Eisenhower (Rating 8) HQ is destroyed in combat.

There is a 10% that the Eisenhower unit cannot be rebuilt and is permanently removed from play, but you can rebuild another randomly selected HQ unit whose rating is hidden from view until it is rebuilt. It may be a HQ unit of a higher or lower rating.

[ September 11, 2007, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Allow switching of sides


start playing as Axis against the allied AI and switch sides if you like at any given time.

Much fun if you already "won" the game: try to stop your former alliance. Whoever played Clash of Steel will know what kind of fun this is.


Italy, Rumania & Co. switched over to the allies when everything went down for them. Not so in SC or SC2


Allow Poland to be freed, same goes for France (Vichy never rejoins free France, and Poland was Poland, not a German Gau). Same for the Baltic States (at least if they get liberated by UK or USA).


Give us MUCH more statistics:

-how much lend lease went to the ocean ground etc.

yes, more numbers in every aspect



-show how the frontlines shifted back and forth ( for heavens sake, that was such a nice feature in Clash of Steel)


Invent more politics

-from actions on the battlefield

-press nations (Swiss / Sweden helped the 3rd Reich even though they weren't allied, Austria crumbled away without a shot etc.)

Give the player a way to get small parts of a country without a script (Finland / Rumania 1940)

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I said it before and ill say it again:there should be some major consequences for a major violation of another countries airspace(Attacking finland from norway over swedish airspace with paras.and planes.Noway sweden would allow this).Either you have to declare war on the country in question or some BIGTIME diplomatic consequences.

The country representing the minor being attacked should be allowed to setup that minor countries forces.

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S.O sweden wouldnt allow it. The swedes were VERY worried about being attacked or occupied by germany because of germanys need for swedish raw materials.If the krauts got wind of a possible allied attack on or through sweden hitler would send in troops immediatley.Sweden would do anything to prevent this.Britain wasnt exactly a powerhouse early in the war and wouldnt risk creating more enemies.

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Actually both Switzerland and Sweden did "defend" it, but no-one actually tried flying over them routinely on active hostilities. In 1940 the Swiss shot down several German a/c, and in 43-44 got quite antsy with the USAAF - several Swiss towns were bombed (presumably by mistake) and dozens of aircraft were shot or forced down.

However in a scenario where Germany was bombing say Russian positions in Finland from Norway and flying over Sedish Airspace it would likely have been after Germany had told Sweden that they were goign to do it, and that if the Swedes interferred they would be invaded......Germany had made clear threats to the Swiss in 1940 but didn't have to carry them out because of the collapse of France.

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Bleshy wrote

That is not an issue.

HQs represent supply lines more than the actual leaders.

So you are able to rebuild your supply lines.

Of course you shall be able to rebuild your supply lines. But if Rommel, Guderian, Montgomery or Patton (...) are caught, these named leaders should not return. You should only be able to rebuild a nameless leader (with low value) instead of a "destroyed" named leader (with values of 6-9).

But that are only my 2 Cents ;)

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Killing these men would be extremely difficult. No major general aside from Yamamoto died in WW2 from enemy contact as far as I know, the men themselves are nothing. the HQ Rating is everything, it is the bonus your troops ride on... Improved ability to provide Supply and increased combat efficiency

Originally posted by Commander Darken:

Bleshy wrote

That is not an issue.

HQs represent supply lines more than the actual leaders.

So you are able to rebuild your supply lines.

Of course you shall be able to rebuild your supply lines. But if Rommel, Guderian, Montgomery or Patton (...) are caught, these named leaders should not return. You should only be able to rebuild a nameless leader (with low value) instead of a "destroyed" named leader (with values of 6-9).

But that are only my 2 Cents ;)

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