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It is time for some news about release date!

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I did not like HOI1 but am finding HOI2 a better experience....mind you, the continuous time gameplay is still not my thing, but I find the game more managable than in its' previous incarnation.... you can now assign naval and air missions, thereby reducing this tedious micromanagment...land attacks occur immediately at the border which quickens and eases combat resolutions, the research tree has been simplified as you now have 5 teams conducting research on a broader scope instead of the piecemeal design of HOI1....one of the best improvements is the inclusion of scenarios, which, along with the tutorials, are a good way to get into the game and learn the mechanics without the need for playing a Grand Campaign...I still will never truly enjoy the "RTS" like aspects of the game, but I play it at a slow rate and pause frequently, which helps....all in all I'm not sorry I purchased it like I was with HOI 1

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HOI 2 is much better game then HOI 1 but still not enough good that you can play it with full pleasure. Interface is still horrible, it has many map types for different information’s instead of 2 or 3 and, I agree with J P Wagner, "the continuous time game play is still not my thing". This game is not RTS and not turn based either, it is some between and that mix is not good for me. To my humble opinion this game will rock if it was classic turn based.

Still, it is worth to purchase it.

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Don't apologize - we all want to see the game but your willingness to do the hard work necessary to produce a quality product deserves only praise! That goes for your playtesters (lucky dogs!!) and everyone else associated with the game! Keep working - we can wait - tho we'll probably complain every now and then.

As they used to say about the Marines in WW2 - when they stopped griping then you KNEW you had a morale problem! So as you can see we are all happy campers here!! ;)

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Originally posted by Roosevelt45(the 2nd):

I think we should be given a date.

Even if it is december 2006, it would still be something to look forward to. ;)

I don't agree. We all know we've got something to look forward to, and even if we have to wait another year, it'll be here before we know it.
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I too would alos like to hear of a "tentative date". I am planning on buying a WWII game. Not sure if it's going to be War in the Pacific, HOI2, SC or something else. I want something that covers the Europeon war in detail....does SC do this? And on what scale (large, huge, small)? I mean, how big are the maps? Thanks.

By the way, SC2 looks (and from what I read so far) just amazing.

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I saw Strategic Command Boxed Version at Babbages today, and I saw it for sale in a 3 or 5 wargame set as well at Electronic Boutique. I eagerly await the Release of SC2, I've been burning lots and lots of cash on other junk games...

A&A RTS just got resold on EBay along with several other wargames and some just thrown in the trash or permanently shelved...

smile.gif Hu, buddy... I know it's a complex project but we are junkies, we need our morphine. I haven't had a new fix in ages.

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Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

Believe me I understand the expectations for this game, including my own, but rest assured it is coming along and more announcements WILL be made once we get closer to release.

Disclaimer: Sorry guys, this is the best and most honest answer I can give at the moment ;)

Of course Hubert, we understood. I have been joking. Still, some new screenshots from time to time will be nice to see. :cool:
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Yes, new screenshots would indeed be good to see, perhaps in conjunction with how a turn or two plays out....even visual examples of the editor at work would be inticing....
Well I can at least talk through a couple examples of the editor at work, based on the posted screenshots.

Page 2 has combat.jpg and country_data.jpg. The Combat Data Target dialog allows you to easily adjust any attack/defense value by unit type for individual countries. The Country Data dialog shows a wealth of information. Set country alignments, whether they get partisans and scorched earth or not, production modifiers, capitals (and alternate capitals), industrial centers, plus links to editing other data like production delays, etc.

Page 3 has map_size.jpg with the resource layer selected and the various resource sprites available for selection in the window on the right. Select a resource and place it on the map. It really is that simple. You'll notice 5 menu buttons at the top. There's a green button for editing the tile layer, blue for rivers, redish for terrain, black for resources (shown selected), and a counter for editing units. It's easy to define a map size (as shown in the picture), then start filling in tiles and rivers and terrain, etc. Well, easy enough although larger maps do take a bit of effort. ;)

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Bill, thanks for that, and it raises the question I have had ever since the editor was first introduced...how do you create new coastlines, river confluences, and boundaries?....it seems that some type of freehand drawing capability is needed to create, let's say Japan, Continental USA, or a Russia that is larger in scale than the SC2 map... how to create newly defined coastal tiles, river configurations, and boundaries, for an original map is what is vague to me...

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I just counted. There are like 63 different coastal tiles of various shapes and orientations plus a few island tiles. Similar number of river tiles to select. There's quite a selection to choose from. Just check out those screenshot images. Every tile you see there is straight out of the Editor and you'll be able to use all of them in any combination.

Mapmaking isn't too difficult. It's best to get a map image first and then resize it in something like MS Paint. No fancy graphics software is needed. Hubert has provided a tile overlay which can be copied as a transparent over your resized map image. There's a little bit more to it than this but it will make sense when you get into it. Once that's all done, it's easy to find a tile shape that matches a particular tile from the map image. It's tedious, but not difficult at all to fill in your map.

Start doing some mouseclick finger exercises now while you can so you're in shape when SC2 gets released. :D

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Okay Bill,

see now you've gone and stimulated the creative juices which leads to more questions. I've got an idea more than a question, but for the moment let's focus on the Combat target value screenshot. In the interest of reality, if I was to give the Italian army a 1 strategic attack value and said army attacked an enemy unit in a resource tile could I expect that in addition to having an effect on the enemy combat unit, would I possibly also see a reduction of the resource value as a simulation of infrastructure damage done by the attack?

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see now you've gone and stimulated the creative juices which leads to more questions
Things were getting too quiet! More questions are good. I tried giving a strategic attack value to ground units and didn't get what I expected, so I don't have a good answer. It's a good question though.
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heheheh ;) I will create WW2 myself ;) 15 years of hex wargames I think me and few other guys can get it down pat 'perfectly' in these 'contexts'

this editor will be kick ass

Originally posted by pzgndr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Yes, new screenshots would indeed be good to see, perhaps in conjunction with how a turn or two plays out....even visual examples of the editor at work would be inticing....

Well I can at least talk through a couple examples of the editor at work, based on the posted screenshots.

Page 2 has combat.jpg and country_data.jpg. The Combat Data Target dialog allows you to easily adjust any attack/defense value by unit type for individual countries. The Country Data dialog shows a wealth of information. Set country alignments, whether they get partisans and scorched earth or not, production modifiers, capitals (and alternate capitals), industrial centers, plus links to editing other data like production delays, etc.

Page 3 has map_size.jpg with the resource layer selected and the various resource sprites available for selection in the window on the right. Select a resource and place it on the map. It really is that simple. You'll notice 5 menu buttons at the top. There's a green button for editing the tile layer, blue for rivers, redish for terrain, black for resources (shown selected), and a counter for editing units. It's easy to define a map size (as shown in the picture), then start filling in tiles and rivers and terrain, etc. Well, easy enough although larger maps do take a bit of effort. ;) </font>

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