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[Question] : Huh? 8 bucks for shipping to United States? What's with that?

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Well first off, it ships FROM the US, not from Canada.

Secondly, its 8 dollars for Shipping AND Handling domestically (11 to Europe, 12 to Canada Mexico, 14 to Pacific Rim/Australia).

The problem here is that everyone always focuses on the first part (shipping) and ignores the second part (handling). Handling accounts for the physical warehousing, packing and order fulfillment and support itself. In a perfect world, it would cost us zero to do all of that, but alas, this world is anything but perfect and those prices are what it actually costs us to ship any item from our warehouse to various locations around the globe. We do not artificially inflate the prices for our games and we don't inflate the costs for us to ship out product. We do not make any money on our shipping and handling fee's and for some orders, we actually lose a few bucks.

In the last 7 years, we have only ever raised our shipping rate ONE time, and that was just last year to reflect raising costs with our shipping vendor.

Sure, its easy to look up the charge to ship a package using USPS or FedEx or UPS or whatever, and think our rates may look a little high, but that fails to take into consideration all the other costs that go into running, maintaining, and providing quality shipping services.

Any of you that have ever had a shipping issue with their order and dealt directly with myself or with Ed at our warehouse should know just how important your business and order integrity is to us and to what extremes we will go to ensure you get what you paid for and are pleased with the service we provide.

Of course, we do adapt with the times and in the near future you will be seeing a lot more shipping options, including more direct downloadable items, being made available at Battlefront in order to accommodate peoples various product delivery expectations and demands.


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

The problem here is that everyone always focuses on the first part (shipping) and ignores the second part (handling). Handling accounts for the physical warehousing, packing and order fulfillment and support itself. In a perfect world, it would cost us zero to do all of that, but alas, this world is anything but perfect and those prices are what it actually costs us to ship any item from our warehouse to various locations around the globe. We do not artificially inflate the prices for our games and we don't inflate the costs for us to ship out product. We do not make any money on our shipping and handling fee's and for some orders, we actually lose a few bucks.

It's not so much money. But I was thinking, can't we fix this problem with the editor?
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@Madmatt --- Dude, I love people to make money, especially Battlefront. I'm a Capitalist Pig, so I'm cool with you guys making jack. If you remember, I'm the Legend who said,"Hubert, raise the price of your game from $25 (SC-1) to at least $40 (SC-2), it will sell either way. You're selling a speciality product. You might lose a couple of sales, but overall Hubert gets more scratch.

Far as handling, I guess you have some 3rd party to your 'handle' your stuff or something. Maybe you guys are millionaires already, so you can have some 3rd party cat do the grunt work & pay $5 unit.

Personally, I'd burn the puppies myself, stuff the jewel cases in my closet, & lick the envelopes...thus, pocketing the dough. You could probably do that over the weekend while watching T.V.

Back to the cash, I'd rather pay $49 as a customer with $4 shipping, than $45 plus $8 shipping, even though it's the same total. Something chessy about getting popped on the bottom line of the order.

SC Legend from the beginning,


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@Ram - bone: do you charge $$ for your tips?

Now I can explain 'handling' and stuff :D

btw, long time no see JJR ... my dad just returned from Nashville - he fell in love with that city...felt like home&stuff, and there are very few places in the world that romanians feel at home, trust me ...

I might get my ass to the USA later this year, maybe I can pay you a visit, eh?

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@HR --- Dude, you holding out on me? Are you really the Gene Autry, George Jones, & Billy Ray Cyrus of Romania since you're Dad is able to hang in Nashville? Did he take the drive down Mount Eagle Mountain between Nashville & Chattanoga? I went to the Grand Ol' Opray when I was just a little Legend.

The Romanians have Baptist churches in most major cities, I've gone before. They seperate men & women for the service, interesting culture.

Get yourself one of those H-1-B Visas then you can work over here, then get a Green Card, and eventually citizenship. If you were a Mexican, just walk over & join the party, 40 million+ illegals already...you'd really fell at home.

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LOL @ MadMatt. You don't expect us to believe battlefront doesn't make a cent off of that shipping charge, do you? Someone on the staff has to be paid to wrap and send the thing's out. From what I understand, a large majority of company's slightly inflate this price. I knew right away when I saw $8 that it was high. Handling, why does that cost so much, someone just has to carry a small box to a truck or plane or warehouse. The shelf it sit's on i'm sure doesn't require daily matience, so save it and just give us the straight deal, Battlefront wants and needs to make it's money because every business does. Period. We still buy your games don't we?

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I guess you did not read his post.

He states:

Handling accounts for the physical warehousing, packing and order fulfillment and support itself

Assimilate what you've read first, then your reply might not be so negative in nature.

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Originally posted by Night:

The shelf it sit's on i'm sure doesn't require daily matience

Sure it does.

Capital costs: shelving, flooring to hold it, walls, roofing to keep it dry, all the other infrastructure... this stuff costs money to build and maintain, it doesn't last forever.

Operating costs: HVAC, lighting, janitorial services, lawn maintenance, snow removal, and so on.

You don't have shelf, you have an inventory management system that includes a shelf, and costs money to build, maintain and operate.

I'm not commenting on the fairness of $8 for the package, just that your view of the expense is limited.

When matt says they don't "make money", what he means is that profit net of expense is zero or close to. It's a smart decision, since higher cost to the consumer means fewer sales, and keeping the _product_ as the profit centre and the ancillary stuff as cost centres is the way to do, since it forces the company to focus on the product, which is the part of the value stream that the consumer is most attuned to anyway.

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@Blashy --- Dude, it's like a $1 to ship a small envelope containing a jewel case & small book. You're telling me there's a "warehouse", LOL smile.gif Battlefront isn't Walmart shipping & storing Idaho Potatoes, it's a jewel case. Print shipping labels off your computer, it takes seconds.

I guess you didn't read my post. I don't have a problem paying $45. I wouldn't have a problem paying $75, considering how much I played SC. I'VE NEVER LIKED being quoted a price, then get tacked on all the crap. Just give me the bottom line. Quote me $53, shipping included.

Everywhere in life, it's all the tack-on stuff...this fee, shipping, turn-on fee, membership fee, that fee, local tax, county tax, blah-blah tax, monthly service.

Repeat, make your money, but don't tell me it takes $8 to "handle & ship" a jewel case in the USA.

Next, you're going to tell me about Ed the shipping dude's necessary coffee breaks & he needs to be tipped.

Keepin' it real,


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@acrashb --- Now you're going to say to people that they don't understand what an "Electric Bill" is? EVERYBODY in the USA knows about "the tacking on of stuff at the end of a bill. EVERYTHING you buy it's all about tacking on late stuff.

For $8, my copy better get a massage before getting dumped into a truck.

What am I saying? SC-2 doesn't cost $45, it costs $53. I don't have a problem with that, I'd pay $75. But don't tell me it's $8 to wrap & dump a jewel case.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

For $8, my copy better get a massage before getting dumped into a truck.

Maybe instead, you could ask for a massage from the mail carrier on delivery.

Actually, I agree that shipping & handling seems to be high, but this is not a Battlefront issue, as I see it from many companies. About the cheapest I've seen for computer games lately is about $4. $53 is $53 - so whether they just charge $53 with no shipping makes no difference. However since you are willing to pay $75, please send it in and they can apply the surplus to my shipping charge.

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Guys, we have two warehouses (one in the US and one in Ireland) which are run by a fulfilment company for us for years. They of course make money by providing this service, part of which accounts for the handling side of S&H.

Other things which fall under handling have been mentioned in this thread, too. Customs declarations for example.

There is a BIG difference between mailing one box to someone and mailing out hundreds or thousands, and the infrastructure required to allow us to do the latter costs money. We have all the interest to keep it as small as possible, and as Matt said, we've only ever raised shipping once in the past 6 years. In many cases we are actually paying more money for shipping&handling than we charge customers, especially when shipping to some oddball countries.

Anyway, what I am saying is that it does not cost $8 to wrap & dump a jewelcase, but it does cost $8 to do it several thousand times in a very short period of time out of two warehouse locations and providing customer support for all thee copies at the same time.

Many companies I know charge more. I recently downloaded a new copy of Norton's and there was an option to order an on-demand CD, too. It cost $15 flat fee!

Our S&H is honest and if we could lower it, we would.


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And there are costs with responding to customer problems (where is my CD?), working with shipping companies (UPS lost it), etc.

All S&H charges seem high to me, but there seems to be an "industry standard" around $6-9. If the BF charge were a lot higher than other companies, I'd complain more--but it seems like they're either part of the Great Shipping Overcharge Conspiracy or this is actually what it costs to do it.

For now, I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt. smile.gif


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Omy, u dont know nothing about logistics do u? warehousing? Omy. U should know that most of the price goes to "the last mile", u know how much it takes to deliver a packet to Camp Rambo there in the wild??? That last mile costs a lot!!!! No route for trucks, they return empty, gas is expensive.


Any Johnn Rambo here? theres a packet here for u? Oh man 3 days to find this slum and now nobodys home!

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Originally posted by Codename Condor:

Hey Rambo, ...

Where do u live now? is it far from Jersey? we could pay old JJ a visit and take him out and go chick hunting!


I'd enjoy that a lot, Brother Condor.

And we really don't live that far apart, I mean, north and south it's only a few miles. We're both close to the ocean. The Atlantic a bit east of my place (less than a mile) and the Pacific is a little west of Brother Rambo's. :D

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