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What MODs will you be working on for SC2?

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I figure a thread for thsoe that have interest in creating new scenarios is a good idea for a subject.

I've decided to first go with just blowing up the default scenario the game will ship with.

HC has stated the editor will permit bigger maps, well I'm going to make a bigger "default" SC2 scenario, everything the same, except bigger map.

Looking at the screenshots I still find the map too small and not enough room for counter or sneak around maneuvers. And that you can still create a "line/wall" with troops is just too cramped for my taste.

Second, I'll use my bigger map to creat a WW1 scenario, I'll create a beta version and put it up so those that have access to more accurate troop numbers can improve it, but I'll have the who owns what territory and tech tweaks.

Finally if no one has done a full WW2 and if the editor permits to make a map that won't be too cramped, I'll make a map for it.

If it is too cramped I'll make a Pacific scenario that compliments my bigger map "default" scenario.

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Ancient Rome

- Spotting Range: 1 tile

- Limited Tech Advances

- Limited Naval Units, No Air Units

- Max Strength of Units varies by Country.

- Each country is limited by type of units it can raise, except if they conquer other nations.

- Rome, Greece, ,Persia, Egypt, Carthage - Spain, France and Germany overrun by Barbarian Hordes (ie Partisans on)

- Turns - Quarterly? or Semi-Annual?

- Generals such as Pompey, Sulla, Ceasar, Hannibal.

- Politics, Politics

- Events, Events

[ June 20, 2005, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I don't think the map dimensions on the largest scale will be able to deal with a global conflict without some abstraction.

Areas of WW2 that were not directly involved in the fighting will be relegated to a minimum tile size, enough to represent an origination zone(Western Hemisphere).

The "Around the Cape" transfer feature of SC1 will present some flexibility when tranfering units from Atlantic to the Western Pacific(west of Hawaii)and other regions, hopefully we will be able to employ more than one and possibly use it on land also.

That new tile I asked for that has scale flexibilty would also help deal with some of the vast ocean and possibly land areas, saving the original tiles for the fighting areas.

Most assuredly it will be interesting to see the many innovative ways the SC2 editor is used to create custom campaigns.

As I've stated, the Med will see my attention, from the Azores to the Middle East, from the Sahara to the Pyrenees, Alps, and Southern Black Sea encompassing the largest area the map editor is capable of. Perhaps division scale, maybe regimental, we will have to see.

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My sentiments are the same as Blashy's...however, i will wait to see how the game system work's before i say too much more!.

I too want to be immersed in a GIANT-MAP for the full Campaign of the 'BATTLE FOR ITALY' or for the 'WAR IN RUSSIA' or the 'AFRIKA CAMPAIGN'...and have lot's of room to move around without stepping on the oppositions toe's.

Im sure that i will be happy with the game as is...but, will eagerly look forward to upsized versions of the main game as well as specific campaigns.

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Exactly my point of view Blahsy. The SC2 "basic" map just 100% bigger and more on Corps/Divisional level. Only than does the sub war make sence because in any other case you wouldnt have enough room to hide. And also the batle of Britan and all theese other major events can be played much more in depth. This combinated with the longest time/turn phase scale possible and we have something like Panzer General on europe level !

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Still planning on a Russian Civil War scenario:

Major Sides:

1. Reds

2. Whites

2a. Germany Freikorps

2b. Allies...I will need to create a couple of provinces in Northern, Central, and Eastern Russia which will be occuppied by US, UK, French, Czech and Japanese forces. If I can have them frozen at the start and triggered enrty by various conditions (similar to USA, Russia war readiness in SC 1) then that will be better.

2c. Poland...also frozen but activated as a White ally if invaded by Reds or certain conditions met.

2d. Finland... frozen at start..

2e. Ukrainians...frozen at start

The Independent Cossack/Peasant forces which allied themselves to both sides will be treated as neutrals. I envision having these provinces act as minor nations, so that if the Reds invade, they will join the Whites. I will probably need to dump valuable resources into these neutral provinces (Imperial Gold reserves?) in order to entice both sides to covet them. Invasions will also be necessary just to reach objectives.

Headquarter units will include:

Lenin...low value











von der Goltz



Armor for the Reds will consist of some low value but plentiful armored car units and some stronger armored trains. For the Whites and Allies, they will have some stronger armor but in smaller quantities along with some armored cars and trains...there will be some light air units as well, and will prove best for recon....

Overall, the biggest problem will be with play balance so I may need to inflate the Red forces a bit to compensate. Historically, had all of the White and Allies forces worked together, there was an excellent chance that the Bolsheviks would have been defeated. This however was never to be as each faction basically operated independently, with only a few cooridinated moves. For example, Poland not wanting to see an independent Ukraine thus preventing some cooperation between them. In the game, I think it will be difficult to simulate this aspect of the civil war so for gameplay purposes, I will need to have a stronger Red army in order to meet all of these threats....

Any suggestions are most welcome....

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J P Wagner ... i would say...follow the historical route initially..., of course you would not have one army under one color for the White Army...but, three or whatever instead.

The player for the Whites would have to play or co-ordinate all of these Ad-Hoc forces against the Red's...to win this conflict.

Sounds good to me!.

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Thanks Retributar, and you are right, it is a tough nut to translate the chaos and lack of organization of the White Army. Admiral Kolchak, for example, was basically setting up his own Dictatorship rather than work effectively with other White Armies, but when he did, they put a serious hurt on the Red Army, but they never maintained these cooperative maneuvers....the game, as I understand it, will only have a limited number of major and minor country slots available, so whether I can actually divide the White Army into different factions, or keep them under one banner, will depend on the availability of these slots. But your idea of breaking up the White Army is an interesting one that deserves consideration...

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Perhaps Hubert could now put the unit bitmap up on site for a download to keep the mod squad happy.

Personally, when I heard that Tactics II is being tested, I was happy enough. I had a toaw version, but SC2 AI should be better than mine.

As for custom scenarios, my goal has been a large scale recreation of the WWI ANZAC campaign of the Gallipoli peninsula, or a global interface mod. (whichever is the more exhausting).

Good Thread b.t.w.

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