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North African Campaign WaW

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Just in case you want to play this Campaign, its pretty much one sided in favor of the allies.

My only complaint besides getting my but kicked as Axis is the fact that someone did not do some research.

The Brits did not have Sherman tanks until Oct, 1942. However in this campaign you run up against them in Summer-August of 1941.

I feel the Need for some editing! smile.gif

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The American's at that time were no-match for the German Panzer's!,...whose kidding who???, & 'Sherman-Tanks' in 41????,...'Nyet, Nein, Non, No!!!'.

What would win anything for them is their overwhelming 'Air-Capability',...their 'endless quantities of Supplies' and their 'Overwhelmingingly Powerful Artillery' asset's!.

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Originally posted by GhostRider3/3:

Just in case you want to play this Campaign, its pretty much one sided in favor of the allies.

My only complaint besides getting my but kicked as Axis is the fact that someone did not do some research.

The Brits did not have Sherman tanks until Oct, 1942. However in this campaign you run up against them in Summer-August of 1941.

I feel the Need for some editing! smile.gif

I am the solo designer of this campaign. I appreciate any and all commentaries, suggestions and critiques. Be they - yea or nay.

First - what DIFFICULTY SETTING(s) were you playing?

I have won as Axis @ Intermediate, + 1/2. Then again, I SHOULD be able to exceed the norm, eh?

AI versus AI testing revealed that Axis could also win.

**It would be helpful to read the Designer's Notes, both the 1st Edition and the 2nd (... which pertains to the SC2WaW version). I made a few suggestions about how to play the scenario, but did not provide a fail-safe blue-print, feeling that most players would prefer to discover how it might be done - on their own hook.


As for the Shermans... there were - in fact, contingency plans for the USA to provide Sherman 75's in 1941... IF UK/Commonwealth forces were unable to draw the line @ El Alemein, IE, if Rommel threatened the extemely vital Suez Canal.

IIRC I got this from Liddel Hart's excellent WW2 history.

I will re-gather my by now scattered notes and double check, and post up the direct quote then I have found it again. Rest assured that there was plenty of time spent, and research done on this project. Why blithely assume O/W?

All of the "random" unit arrivals are deliberately set at a low trigger %.

All of the units were possible, historically speaking.

Following excerpt taken from the Designer's Notes:


***SPECIAL NOTE: Another way to handicap this scenario is by UN-CHECKING some of the "unit scripts" when you first begin to play a new game.

Simply go into the advanced section where the scripts are located, and click on the "unit script."

The first TWO should never be changed, as they are for naval bombers on Malta and Crete (... unless of course, you'd rather not have ANY naval bombers).

Each side has SEVEN (7) possible unit arrivals, with only a 1% chance for each. This means that in a "typical game" each side will get one, or possibly -- two extra units, over and above what normally arrives off the P/Q (... "production queu").

So, for example, if you are playing as Axis and would like to make blitz warfare in the desert sands that much tougher, simply UN-CHECK all of the unit scripts - denoted as "Axis."

That would be the FIRST seven (7) -- AFTER the 2 naval bomber scripts. Therefore, from top to bottom, script #'s... 3 through 9.

Same is true if you are playing as Allies -- UN-CHECK all of the unit scripts - denoted as "Allied," which are the SECOND, or very last group of seven (7). Script #'s... 10 through 16.


That being said, I am always willing to re-consider some aspects of this scenario, based on reasonably detailed, elaborated comments.

Perhaps you are having some difficulty with SUPPLY.

Well, that's how it was down there in the North Afrikan desert.

There is a "time-line" in the 1st Edition Notes that would amplify this, IE,

Many LULLS in activity due to either side reinforcing and/or resupplying.

For example, there was NO combat of any note between... July 1st and November 18, 1941.

One way to re-play it... focus on capturing each vital supply link - such as the "cross-roads" oasis town of Mechili. Insure that Rommel or any HQ for that matter is in proper position to support further assaults.

Again, thanks for your comments. :cool:

[ November 29, 2007, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Ghostrider 3/3,

Glad to hear the AI gave you a good run for your money and from Dave's response I think you can safely see you are in good hands with this campaign, i.e. not only with its design but also in terms of his responsiveness and willingness to listen to feedback.

Good luck in your next set of battles!


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Actually this campaign has been done with the best this game engine is capable of, currently.

It produces the correct effect without the dynamics that were the reality of the theater. This is a really tough one to simulate because the game engine was not created with a campaign such as this in mind. Dave did the best he could with the tools Hubert gave him.

Two things, you either create this campaign as an isolated theater reactive to the historical grand strategy that resulted in the dynamics or you allow a what-if condition that would completely change the historical orientation.

So essentially what you have is two possible models based upon a single element, that element is logistics.

As Dave has stated the campaign has vast time periods of inaction followed by large sweeping movements of relatively small combat forces all dictated by the logistical considerations of a larger overall scheme.

I have played the campaign numerous times but never to conclusion usually because the supply model of SC is incapable of producing the dynamics. My prime example is the opening counter-attack by Rommel at the end of March 1941 at El Agheila. In a matter of less than one month the Afrika Korps had invested Tobruk and advanced to the Egyptian frontier at Sollum.

You can't simulate that with this editor until the supply model is more flexible(road dependent) and the unit movement abilities are modified. The best I was able to do is reach Tobruk with a force large enough to lay seige by June 1941 and that was if the Commonwealth totally removed itself from the area without a fight.

As I've said before the evolution of the SC model to the Pacific will require the creation of an underlying(transparent) web of communication and logistics(like our present convoy lines)(dictating combat interaction) that can be easily interrupted by enemy actions.

The North African WW2 dynamics will require a similar feature.

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Thanx Brad,

And Green Door,

For your long-standing interest

And constant encouragement. smile.gif

As said, I found that I could win the scenario

As Axis, but... perhaps

There might be a BETTER way to achieve

A reasonably "historical" outcome.

Simply stated,

It is not sufficient that I, and I alone

Like it, and can play it to conclusion.

Far preferable that most everyone

Can also have a fine time

Trying to duplicate

FM Rommel's near-impossible feat.

It was never my intention to make it easy,

But, OTOH - I don't want it to be

Just too doggone onerous, neither.

BTW Brad, I did experiment with increased

Movement capabilites for all units, but,

Mainly - didn't care for the exaggerated


All over the map and back

Kind of "pinball wizard" effect.

It didn't look right,

It didn't feel right.

As with everything else in Life,

There can indeed be a more pleasing way

To travel the Glory Road, but, in any event

We'll get there. :cool:

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Originally posted by powergmbh:

To Desert Dave: Have you more precise Info about the "IF" case of US Help when Alamein Falls?

Where and How Much Aid was forseen there? It's if i can do some inplication for this case in the Global Campaign, could be interisting to see if this support is Useful.

Have not had a chance to get over to

Ernie Pyle Memorial Library,

Which has a most superior collection

Of his original manuscripts, photos,

And the like,

But also - voluminous amounts of WW2 stuff, well,

Better than that even,

It's real close to whereat I live. ;)

I'll retrieve a copy of relevant

Research materiels, most notably

Liddel Hart's outstanding WW2 history

So I might clear up that there contretemps

WRT "early Shermans."

However, will be @ the Santa Fe Film Fest

Until Monday (... my son's latest

Indie "short" will be shown there),


I'll get back early next week.

BTW: Hubert had asked me awhile back

To lend my assistance to Dan Verssen

For his own verssion of North Afrika

Kind of Campaign.

Which I gladly did. smile.gif

If I can do it for him,

I can surely provide you with whatever

You might need to improve your own

North Afrikan adventuring.

Keep in mind that I am HARDLY the ultimate

Authority - merely some everyday average

Gamer who happens to like

That particular WW2 theatre, maybe

Because my own home environment

Is somewhat similar to NA desert?

Should you remain interested,

Probably best to do this off-board.

Hubert has my EM address

So get it from him

And send me,

And I'll give you what I got

That might be helpful. smile.gif

[ November 30, 2007, 05:58 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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