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American Civil War Scenerio

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I have built a really cool American Civil War Scenerio, and it works great except for one thing.

Whenever I try to use my Confederate fleet of battleships I get the error:

FAILED (animate_naval_combat): segmentation violation. I was hoping to share my scenerio with the community, but can't figure out what to do. My Union fleet works fine, and the scenerio also works when I delete the entire confederate (formerly German) fleet. Help please.

EDITOR_APPLICATION root's creation

<0000000001C30048> Routine failure. Exit

[04/19/2006 6:59:07; 5.1.2600; 1024x768x32(1); v1.00.00] DIRECTX FAILED(make): dderr_exclusivemodealreadyset

[04/27/2006 3:56:35; 5.1.2600; 1600x1200x32(1); v1.00.00] FAILED(verify_integrity_of_resource_research_values): Segmentation violation

[ May 22, 2006, 09:49 AM: Message edited by: John Hugo ]

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Your effort's would be most welcome and greatly appreciated by many of us here John Hugo!.

Unfortunately im not a game programmer or designer...so we'll have to try to get ' Hubert Cater's ' attention...as he will have access to how to effect a resolution to this problem!.

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Thanks,I solved the problem by going around it.

I exported what worked and redid what didn't. My Civil War scenerio is really awesome now. I made it slightly inaccurate by giving both north and south the same amount of cities, skilled generals,

and resources. I did this to make gameplay more balanced, for fun. I also made all new icons and a new interface. It is really running well. Can't wait to release it to the community, to see what others can do to enhance it. I will be on vacation in June and plan to put in 50 hours work, to get everything right. I used rockets for artillery, corps and armies the same, and tanks for calvery. Battleships have been redrawn to resemble ships from the 1860s. The Moniter and the Merrimack are redesigned level 5 subs.

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Cool, I know a few of us are very much looking forward to it, and your scenario may be a great foundation for other designers to make other versions.

On one hand I agree, for gameplay purposes it may be better to make both sides equal from the beginning. On the other (and more difficult) hand, I believe a balanced game CAN be done while remaining historically accurate. In a way the situation is similar to the Axis/Allies predicament. Axis (Confederates) enjoy early success while the Allies (Union) must work to get their manpower and resources in full gear to turn the tide of war.

I would love to check your scenario out and work on another version of it in the near future, I see it as a wonderful challenge to balance the game and remain close to historical accuracy. Having a faithfully reproduced game of the ACW available, for FREE, would give some people enough reason to buy SC2 just for that.

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Originally posted by John Hugo:

Thanks,I solved the problem by going around it.

I exported what worked and redid what didn't. My Civil War scenerio is really awesome now. I made it slightly inaccurate by giving both north and south the same amount of cities, skilled generals,

and resources. I did this to make gameplay more balanced, for fun. I also made all new icons and a new interface. It is really running well. Can't wait to release it to the community, to see what others can do to enhance it. I will be on vacation in June and plan to put in 50 hours work, to get everything right. I used rockets for artillery, corps and armies the same, and tanks for calvery. Battleships have been redrawn to resemble ships from the 1860s. The Moniter and the Merrimack are redesigned level 5 subs.

Monitor and CSS Virginia. USS Merrimac was the sunken hull the confederates built their iron clad on. Just so you get it right, sounds like an awesome scenario smile.gif
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Timskorn is absolutely correct!...

Having a faithfully reproduced game of the ACW available, for FREE, would give some people enough reason to buy SC2 just for that.
I loved CWG2!, i don't know how much different it is than ACW...but, if it resemble's it even somewhat...this ACW created using the SC2 engine would indeed be a major drawing card for North American buyer's.

Next...we would need some European or Pacific War Campaign's to assist in that direction as well!.


I personally would like to see a Campaign on the War of 1812...as well as the war between France and England which culminated in the assault for the city of Quebec on Sept. 13 1759!.

General Montcalm


General Montcalm rallying his men in response to the British attack on Quebec during the battle on the Plains of Abraham, September 13, 1759.

James Wolfe was a British general who captured Louisbourg and Quebec in the French and Indian War.

In June 1759, he sailed up the Saint Lawrence River with about 9000 troops and attacked them on July 31.

The attack was no good and on the night of September 12, Wolfe moved 5000 of his men downstream about 1.9 km Southwest of Quebec. They climbed a cliff to the Plains of Abraham which was above Quebec, the British troops forced the French to fight them. This happened on September 13 and the British ended up winning. Wolfe was shot in the wrist and died a few days later of infection. The French commander, Marquis Louis Joseph de Montcalm de Saint-Veran, died the next day.

The French and Indian War


Beginning With---'Part 1: The Colonies in America '

[ May 22, 2006, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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Hmm, with just a little map work a guy could come up with a very interesting Civil War II grand campaign. Don't even have to mod the units.

Create the split however you like, sway some states with diplo to join up, perhaps add a few foreign interlopers…

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And, VITAL that you get the Rail Roads

That those such as Vander built

So to replicate North's immense advantage

Over rural and not-yet carpet-bagged South,

In moving men & materiel.

You can do it.

Substitute for "depression tiles"

Which you don't need, and

Use "Paint"

(... might even have 1860's style

Engine replace the moving unit

As is the case with transports/amphib?)

Or ask someone to do it who is adept

At drawing, and implement some really

Cool looking RR lines

Adjusting AP's accordingly. ;)

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All good ideas guys! I should be all done by June 10th. Will keep you posted. I like the idea of a more realistic historical balance, where the Union may control the sea, but the Rebs have better calvery and much better generals. The Union

would take a while to fully mobilize, giving the South a chance to win. I don't have individual states but have separte Indian areas (as other countries) like Oklahoma, I have also added Utah

Mexico, Canada an a Northwest Territory. I plan to expand the map east toward Western Europe to set up convoys. By the way, I am again encountering the segmentation crash, would love to know how to fix it if anybody knows.

[ May 22, 2006, 10:25 AM: Message edited by: John Hugo ]

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Has anyone read the harry turlte dove books on the "what if" the South won the war and broke away?

Well, his books go all the way to mid WW2 in america. The south has gone facist and is placing blacks in camps in the deep south...

But, The south attacks the north with a suprise attack and has better Tanks,planes, and fully automatic rifles for their men, but are out numbered 3 to 1, and the Union has gone socialist ...

Would there be anyway to make this current North American map converted to this idea? (The Union actually has taken Canada and lost Hawaii, to Japan, if they are shown in map)

I am not what one would call skilled at making computer games but I would be willing to to try to make this if someone would point me in the correct direction.

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