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Calling all the heroes

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I still linger. Down to one SC2 v.8 game at a time, always against Terif. After playing (and losing) to him probably 25 times (he probably has the exact humiliation count), I found myself in the middle ground for my Allied game of not being quite good enough to beat the Master, but able to beat anyone else (I like the Allies). So the only SC2 challenge remaining to me is to try to deal Terif his first loss. This might be a futile endeavor, but let me tell you, it is very, very challenging aspiration!

Still love the game, just cannot fit in the time for more than a couple turns a day. Especially when it's summer here in Seattle, when you want to get out and garden and bike and all that stuff. I'm sure that if I could play as much as Terif that I'd have a better shot as winning one, but then the fun sometimes is in the trying, not always in the having.

As far as I know Rambo is fully retired.


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WoW!!! ,...what sheer will of 'IRON' you have for being able to put up with losing ~25-games to "Terif!".

I think i would if i could, seek other lesser capable player's first to try to hone my 'Game-Approach' and then continue to challenge him periodically to see if i had made any viable skill changes?.

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Yep I had noticed the lack of AARs too. Even on the supposed WaW tournament (who won that?) That's how I learned to play by reading them and seeing Terif kick people's butt in ever more effective ways.

Well just starting a game now after a 6 month break, could be interesting so will start an AAR once France has fallen if it's has anything going on of note.

One reason for the lack of AARs may be my suspicion that WaW smothers the strategic options a little so there are fewer radical plays to write about. However from what Colin I tells me about PDE that should increase again given the early start and the decisions should lead to a wider variety of outcomes. We'll see.

Jollyguy, I'm very impressed by your determination but inclined to agree with Retributar. At the very least swap over to Axis for a game or two. You won't win either but maybe you'll see more from his perspective and he might be forced to come up with some new allied moves you can use against him later (although he'll no doubt have worked out a counter at the same time)

If you do need a whipping boy (but not total gimp) to practice on then I'd be happy to assist your noble cause by acting as target practice. I'm sure many of the other lesser capable , but competent, players would do too.

anyway nice to see some of the familar names even if Rambo, Terif, Desert Dave et all are MIA at the moment.

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Oh, at Terif's suggestion we do switch sides every other game, and it has improved my Allied game tremendously to see the other side of the coin. If I were ever to win though it would be from the Allied side I'm sure, as IMO the Axis needs to be played to near perfection to win against a really good Allied opponent.

Since going to "Terif Boot Camp" only Terif's Axis can beat my Allied game.

The next interesting game I get deep into I'll post an AAR.


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Thanks for the mention, Mint Man... sure, I'm yet kicking desert-encrust boot-heels across the switch-blade-scarred, down low life bar table-top, ah, Happy Day! smile.gif

The one Fab Cat you've omitted and whose hard-earned, old-school enlightened brash-talk and banter I miss is... that ol' Boardwalk Raconteur - JerseyJohn.

What tales he did so greatly regale us with! :D

How antic & funny-droll, and best, 'E had the real-deal Fool's... unkempt but cool casual elan

(... as did Kuni, a'fore he lost Loki from out of his raggedy back-pocket and became a kind of wandering Scando bandanna-commando?)

Enabling alla us to see behind that there Sea serpent enmisted looking-glass, ah, too,

What! Eerie apt and pointillist History he could so easily 'n elegantly proclaim! Like a tall waterfall falling raucously! Into a newly roiled indidgo blue wishing-pool.

well, since I ain't moribund, what am I up to these days?

Nurturing my beloved Tiger Lillies - you should see 'em!

Gorgeous orange-petal'd and wild-yellow pistil'd with those long strong thin green stems leaping! Forth from the dirt and defying! I say! The... dumb-dolt engendered, pure putrid pall of Punk pollution hanging over most of going, going - almost gone! America nowadays.

Playing the games, yea, you bet, always! SC but of course! And, made me a modded Third Reich outta the original board-game. Nuthin' quite like it, Mint Man - rolling out them 6-sided smooth cool ivory bones! 'Cuz anticipation! Is ALL that actually matters.

That there... UNKNOWN outcome.

Feeling it in yer fingers, them prehensile tendons & sinews - rolling or tumbing or throwing 'em or pitching or only oddly tossing - no matter how, it's merely the doin' of it, man, what summons the war-gaming eidolons. No atomic or laser-rubbled Past. Just... the here & now.

Existential existence - Live! Be Ribald! Laugh & laugh! Have some fun! Whilst you still can! :cool:

Well, I'm heading on out to Big LA where my Son is to give a feature presentation to the annual DGA. That is - the Director's Guild of America - and sure! Spielberg & Lucas & Scorcese & Eastwood and Westwood and that ornery ol' brine-encrusted Pacific Pallisades Knave - they'll all! Be there! Or be square!

And at last, wonderin' now and again just what in dickens to do with the new "i-tunes" gift-card I got for Father's Day.

Haven't yet located that old biker-rally fave - "Mama's Got A Squeeze Box" - ennybody left in here wut knows a rouse-the-House-down! Sorta rock-roll thing or 2? Who did sung that thang? I can't quite recall, I am somewhat synapse lapsed, LOL!

One old tune I'll DL fer sure fer sure is this 'un:


Those were the days, my friend

We thought they'd never end

We'd sing and dance forever and a day

We'd live the life we'd choose

We'd fight and never lose

For we were young and sure to have our way

La La La La La La

La La La La La La

La La La La La La La La La La

--Lyrics: Mary Hopkins




"Never ever - end! "

By golly, wasn't THAT a misbegotten MIS calcu-lation! LOLOL! ;)

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Haven't yet located that old biker-rally fave - "Mama's Got A Squeeze Box" - ennybody left in here wut knows a rouse-the-House-down! Sorta rock-roll thing or 2? Who did sung that thang?
A great old song from the Who.
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Tremendous, your eloquence is as entertaining and unsurpassed as ever Desert Dave.

Ok well that's most of the super vets accounted for or at least mentioned. Jersey John's insightful thoughts on WaW and PDE would be most welcome. Can't seem to see much of Blashy either, maybe his historical soul is upset about the options in PDE, doubt it though as he playtested it didn't he?

Anyway enough of rollcall. I need to get back into practice. I liked JG's challenge that no one can beat him aa allies (except for Yoda of course). Problem is I tend to agree, the Axis game does have to be flawless to go the full distance against a good player and I've more practice as allies.

So this week's question - are Axis tougher to play against (good) human opposition? and if so, is this common to just SC2 or does WaW or PDE change the balance?

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As far as WaW v.04, I'd say it comes down to tech advances for giving the winner the nod.

There's still a lot of variables in the diplomacy model that can sure lead to some great theater diversions, Spain and Turkey being on the apex.

I understand where the pre-WaW guys are coming from with the reduced strategic options, but for some reason the restrictions on operating parameters hasn't narrowed the operational scope for my games.

Perhaps the strategic approach is a tad bit funneled, in a conservative scheme, but my playing group sees action all over the map.

Owing to our MO of a bunch of "Wild and Crazy Guys". Constant experimentation, it just gets rather boring following that same ole cookie-cutter path awaiting your opponents mistakes, after all bragging rights don't eclipse fun.

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DesertDave and Minty,

Greetings, and thanks Dave for all the things you wrote, appreciated, as always. I'm glad you haven't your touch with the prose and the great way you see life. :cool: smile.gif

I still come back to this forum pretty often, read a lot of interesting things and post once in a while but, as most of the discussion these days is on game mechanics or game play. I can't add anything as I rarely play these days, and I am not familiar the new game variants. Hoping to get back into it, but at the moment that isn't possible for me.

Brother Rambo posts quite a bit at SCBunterland these days, as does my fellow admin, the immortal Kuniworth.

The old SC1 days were fantastic but impossible to describe to those who weren't there at the time. There's no way to do justice to people like disorder, General Bilotte, Archibald, Jim Boggs and of course DesertDave and the others who are now active in this forum. There was a great mix of humor, insanity and great history discussions in that place along with so many great illustrated AARs. Unfortunately its time came, and passed, but being a part of it was something special.

At work now on a series of interweaving novels set in the 1930s thru present day, all of them centered in WWII's European Theater. This has led to a bottomless pit of research that I'm hoping to emerge from someday so I can finish the actual writing portion. -- My friend SeaMonkey helped quite a bit by reading the early work, when it was all going to be done in a single novel. :D -- I'll always be grateful for his encouragement, and the confidence he gave me to really get into it.

Thanks again Dave and Minty. smile.gif

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PS -- DD, that Norman Rockwell picture always reminds me of those long ago days when doctors used their needles till they finally wore out. I think they sharpened them once in a while before sterilizing. Anyway, I'm sure anyone from that time remembers how being stuck with one of those things was more a stab than a sting. Ah, nostalgia. :D

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Originally posted by ebitt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Haven't yet located that old biker-rally fave - "Mama's Got A Squeeze Box" - ennybody left in here wut knows a rouse-the-House-down! Sorta rock-roll thing or 2? Who did sung that thang?

A great old song from the Who. </font>
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You certainly are. The deed is done. Looking forward to seeing you there.

-- Love that description of the old syringes. And, yes, they did leave arms numb, especially with kids. Getting more than one at the same time was outright punishment of the cruel and unusual nature.

Of course Americans had to receive massive inoccuations before going to Europe. If not, otherwise good Americans would be coming back, as you said, doing crazy commie things like listening to chamber music! :eek:

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Jolly, I think you hit it right on the head. Axis needs to be perfect against good allied (experiance) play... or plain lucky in tech.

And impressive guts in playing the 'king' and sticking to it for so long, I know I couldnt do it as I like wild, odd ball games vs Terifs thats just useless.

Hmm have yet to play v8, I could fit in one PBEM (mirror) this summer. Someone interested drop me a note.

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Good to hear that I will be able to once again dwell within the many adventures of our friend Israel Solomon.

No doubt someday your gift will top the New York Times best seller list, JJ.

Then, when Hollywood decides to turn them into an Academy Awards "Best Picture", I will be there with my manuscripts for your autograph, John, Marian at your side gracing the "red carpet".

It is your mandate. smile.gif Stay healthy, it may take awhile.

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