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Here's what I spent this week on stuff, so cost of SC-2 Expansion is not an issue:


Tank of gas for my Truck $75

Tank of gas for my "little" SUV $55

Dinner out $50

Lunch out $30


Dog food, bones, & treats month $50

Electric Bill $90

Internet $80

TV bill $140

Firewood $500

Razor $50

Car Insurance(s) $500

2 new tires for Truck $300

4 news tires for mini SUV $500

2 new tires lawn mower $50

Cell phones $80

Get the theme? Could careless what it costs, just make it fun!


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"We have a shortage of labor in Canada!", they[industry...etc],...won't ask for bodies from south of the border!,...instead are flying in lot's of Chinese & Indians & eventually Mexicans to fill the labor shortage!.

If any of you are 'Union Members' please contact the Local of your respective trades in Alberta, Canada!...and see if they will or will not let you work in the Tar-Sands!. Im personally 'ripped up' over this situation, i can hardly understand the Chinese Electricians i am working with!.

If you come up here,...you can stand to make a pretty good dollar, and will have no-problem buying Hubert's game!.

The typical work week for Electricians is 10-days on at 10 hours/day [sometimes More Hour's... and or even longer stint's],...then 4-days off!...as well as Tax-Free 'Living Out Allowance' to allow you to rent a place in town, if you do not like living for free at a Work-Camp!. At Camp, Internet is Free, Cable-T.V. is free, Meals are Free,...and your room is cleaned up and bed made up every-day!.

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@Stalin --- I only care about myself? Aren't we being a little judgmental? I must have car insurance (State Law), I must buy new tires when I'm under the wear bar (State Law), my family must eat (Law of Nature), I must caught my lawn thus lawn tires (Fire hazzard rules & decency to neighbors), I must buy gas in order to work my 2 jobs (to pay those taxes), my old razor was busted (ain't going to keep a job unshaved), firewood (ah, my family needs heat in the winter). I could live w/o TV. I could live w/o SC-2 WaW. But paying for internet to share the Gospel with you, PRICELESS!

Obviously, you try to make me evil for sharing some expenses. The truth is, I was trying to share how cheap games are relative to all the other things one MUST buy. Trying to help Hubert make some dough & promote the game. I posted long ago to sell games for high price if worth it. The laborer should get their pay, that ain't evil, that's called work!


[ October 09, 2007, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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posted 09-10-2007 04:56 AM


Hmmmmm..... I must say that was eloquent and very honestly put Rambo. Not to be judgemental or attempt to take sides, judge not lest ye be judged.

But, it is a very cheap form of entertainment. Dinner at McDonalds for My family and I, 25 bucks, dinner at Outback no alcoholic drinks, $80. A movie for my two daughters and I as my boy is too young, 25 bucks, hundreds of hours of entertaiment and all the fun this forum brings and the good and knowledgable people, absolutley worth 25 bucks..... just my 2 cents worth...

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Stalin --- I only care about myself? Aren't we being a little judgmental?

Absolutely - but then I don't profess to follow a philosophy that has "judge not lest ye be judged" as gospel.

You did ask if there was a theme - so I called the one I saw.

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@Konigs --- I used to frequent Outback Steakhouse quite a bit. I'd get that $14.95 Steak special (middle part of the 3-fold menu). Their quality has really slipped in the last couple of years. Going out as an individual is a big difference than take a family of 4+. Even with just my Lady, dinner in combination of the quality comes into question. I can pick up a couple nice steaks at a real butcher shop (the good stuff), bag of potatos, salad fixings, & bread for about $25. Obviously the advantage of eating out is preparation & clean-up. But for steaks, potatos, & salad, that is simple to cook & clean. Therefore I now get the ribs at Outback. Tonight we're going to a dinner birthday party. Far as Mickey D's, dude, I just can't eat that stuff anymore! I feel like death eating that stuff. I cook my homefries with no oil.

@Stalin's Organ --- You're such a good little Communist! But the way, which one of Stalin's Organ(s) are you? I've got a good guess. I appreciate you hounding the Legend, it keeps me sharp! On my toes! For the devil is lurking, seeking to devour. "Every breathe you take, I'll be watching you" --- The Police. Congrats, you've become lead stalker of the Legend. I'll keep drop you a scriptural bread trail to follow. Get saved!


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You guys are absolutely right about eating out, since I moved up to PA, the prices went up 3-4 bucks per item if you chose to eat out... Plus the quality these days has diminished, they do not feel like they have to serve us anything tasty anymore..and we have to be appreciative of it..

Mickie D's food these days in most places is a greasepit..I heard they coated the burger bun with grease so slides down easier.. Personally I'd rather eat a peanut butter and jelly for dinner smile.gif

Things aren't like they use to be

And Mickie D's cost an individual 8 bucks here in PA if you want to get full, as I do not eat their beef, which was likely horsefed tongue.gif

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The American restaurants, STINK! It's that simple. SERVICE sux too! I'm tired of paying some sorry tatoo armed person 10%-20% for a tip when ALL they do is write down the order, then disappear. Good grief, I can get better food at the ballgame! I don't care if I had Bill Gates money, I'm not going to pay $50 for dinner for two in which food & service SUX. What happenend to the US restaurants? They must have gotten outsourced with everything else smile.gif The meat served is one click away from becoming dog food, everything is salted to the max.

At the grocery store, you can buy a 20 pound bag of rice for $8, tasty, will last for months. 20 pound bag of Idaho's finest potatos, $2. Tasty fresh chicken $5 with enough to make 4 adult meals.

Legend says change your diet.

Legend says US restaurants SUCK.

Legend says vote with your dollar.

Legend says the majority has lost their mind.

Legend says US is a bunch of fatties.

Somebody ship me my fresh copy of WaW, PRONTO!

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Check it out, it's because Sears and Roebucks is probably running the restuarant's and not the little ole Italian Families like back in the ole days, Corporation can kill Quality tongue.gif

Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

The American restaurants, STINK! It's that simple. SERVICE sux too! I'm tired of paying some sorry tatoo armed person 10%-20% for a tip when ALL they do is write down the order, then disappear. Good grief, I can get better food at the ballgame! I don't care if I had Bill Gates money, I'm not going to pay $50 for dinner for two in which food & service SUX. What happenend to the US restaurants? They must have gotten outsourced with everything else smile.gif The meat served is one click away from becoming dog food, everything is salted to the max.

At the grocery store, you can buy a 20 pound bag of rice for $8, tasty, will last for months. 20 pound bag of Idaho's finest potatos, $2. Tasty fresh chicken $5 with enough to make 4 adult meals.

Legend says change your diet.

Legend says US restaurants SUCK.

Legend says vote with your dollar.

Legend says the majority has lost their mind.

Legend says US is a bunch of fatties.

Somebody ship me my fresh copy of WaW, PRONTO!

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@IronRanger ---

If food & service sux, I stiff them, because I will never return.

If food only sux, tip, never return.

If service only sux, stiff, they be real careful to return!

On the positive side, have a 2 quality Italian, 1 German, and couple American restaurants that still are complete quality....but I sure ain't going to stay, don't want my place crowded!

If you're with a "party" of people & do sniff bad service, you'll get more flak than preaching the Gospel...absolute guilt trip about how "they live off their tips".

When I'm overseas, they do it differently, tip is included in the price...Korea, Cruise Ships, etc. That way, the tip is not an issue & already included. If service sux, just tell the management. The service ROCKED in Korea & my latest Cruise.


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My girlfriend constantly stiffs the Service, they look at you with those puppy dog eyes, I personally always fell for it... I started to complain in my life but god forbid I should Waiter. I'd expect a decent tip from everyone, but I wouldn't if I didn't do what was required

1. refill drinks

2. be prompt

3. be nice

that's it, and if the food sucks, don't try to excuse it so I don't lose out... Tell the Management..... Sometimes you have to find a Manager

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I also feel Outback quality slipped in last few years. My wife thinks our tastes have just matured to Morton's, Palm, etc...

That said, I did eat at a 'Texas Roadhouse' chain restaurant last week that was like the outback of yester-year i.e. pretty good. Btw, if anybody lives in Alexandria, VA area let me know and I will clue you in to the best steaks in DC/NoVA...

My theory is some MBA type gets in there and shaves a nickle off the quality of some portion of their menu or service. Then he/she does quality tests and no-one really picks up on the nickle cut. He then compounds the savings from 600 outbacks X 365 days over a period of 10 years and touts he just saved the company Y million in profit. Of course the problem is that after enough nickle shavings, if you were to compare first product to 12 nickle shavings you would overwhelmingly pick first product over crappy nickle shaved current product.

Not sure if that makes sense to anyone but me though... ;)

Just charge me an extra dollar or two and give me good food. Leave lowest common denominator chow to the fast food joints...

My two cents...


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Yeah Rambo, I bought 1/4 of a grain fed Steer. For those who do not know, a steer is a castrated bull. OMG, what excellent meat. We grilled out all Spring and Summer. I want to try and get a 1/2 steer next year. Any Way, the two newest Outbacks here still have excellent quality, Cheese fries, Outback Special, Steamed Broccoli and one or two Wallabe darns on occasion, Very good.... Just a little too expensive. smile.gif

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@Konigs --- All I can say, nice! Guess you got extra freezer space. That stuff is beyond tasty! "Rise, Slay, & Eat!", think I read that somewhere. Wallabes are those Juicy Slurpee Booze drinks...a sugarfest. True, depending on which Outback you patronize, things can be different. Guess I've had a rough run on restaurants...or maybe the word is out on me within the secert chef society. Speaking of "Words"...have some E.


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Stalin's Organ --- You're such a good little Communist! But the way, which one of Stalin's Organ(s) are you? I've got a good guess. I appreciate you hounding the Legend,


not sure how you figure that....I jsut answered your own question - you did ask if there was a theme didn't you?

I thought I was helping you out by identifying the theme you didn't see...and here's the thanks I get.

You're really not much on christian charity and forgiveness are you :(

Congrats, you've become lead stalker of the Legend. I'll keep drop you a scriptural bread trail to follow. Get saved!

Ah...you have the ol' overinflated sense of one's importance syndrome too!!

And you have an overinflated sense of my importance too.

You're overinflated all-round today...try letting a bit of it out!! :D

[ October 09, 2007, 06:50 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organist ]

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