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Someone, wandering long, paused

To inquire:

"How do I know when an egg is done.

I want it... soft boiled."

"Would that be - 3 minutes or

Closer to... 4?"

Moon: When it is ready.

Weary wanderer, taken aback:

"But, how does that help me?

There are different sizes of eggs,

And soft waters and hard waters,

And I might live in a high altitude place?

And doesn't it make a difference

If I plunge it into cold waters?"

Moon: WHEN it is ready.

As time and time went on,

Many learned of this wise man and

Hard traveled from many miles around

To learn of: very vital things.


Moon realized it was become crowded

Down on teeming Earth, and so,

Retired... high in the sky.


An aerial Ashram of devoted followers

Soon became as... shining-eyed

Stars in the sky.

Folks would arrive from all over the Universe.

And one day, it was,

It HAD to be... oddly asked:

"How many Angels can dance

on the head of a pin?"

Moon smiled that light-bringing smile,


And wryly replied:

"You are not quite ready, no

Not yet, yee alien Seeker.

You will know..."


"When the Egg is... ready!" tongue.gif

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While moon worked in restaurant a starved wanderer walked into the place asking for the best dinner imaginable because all his friends said a fantastic cook works in the kitchen. Moon serving as a waiter told the customer in more or less an hour the dinner will be ready.

Hungrily the wanderer waited, after 55min he got a little bit concerned because he was seeing a man dressed as cook only planting now the vegetables for his dinner in the garden for a harvest next year. Moon still told the wanderer your dinner will be ready when it is ready. NEVER hurry an artist with his work.

Eventually the wanderer died of old age in the restaurant

Meanwhile moon and hubert had moved to a new beautiful restaurant with totally different food. Never even reembering the poor fool and all his friends waiting for a dinner which never appeared.

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More serious response:

Everyone here, and me included, have waited for a fabulous WW2 GS game like this for - some of us, oh, 20, 30 and 40 years.

Everyone can notice, from the postings, and from the FAQ and screenshots,

That there are a TREMENDOUS number of new! and exciting features for SC2-Blitzkrieg!

Everyone is also asking for: a VERY good AI.


Fairly faithful historical parameters.


All of those special items that would make for VARIATION and immensely re-playable games.

Not only SOLO, but PBEM and tcp/ip.

No sense in having a game where each comes to resemble the last, eh?

Anyway, all of these features and even more!

Takes some particular time.

Surely, everyone would PREFER a game that is great, and dependable, and FUN to play... right out of the box, so to speak.

Well, and again,

As you might imagine... this takes time.

There is no use trying to put a SPECIFIC DATE on release, when Hubert is even now implementing ALL (... or, many of them anyway) of those great features that EVERYONE has been clamoring for.

And adding in some that he alone has conjured out of thin air! ;)

Given all that, "when it is ready" IS indeed the ONLY true answer that might be given.

I have seen enough of the game to KNOW... it is WELL worth the wait.

Really, it won't be ALL that much longer.

And, one thing is for certain... this is no fast tracked, one night wonder... it IS a real and fabulous project that is... getting closer, and closer. :cool:

[ November 09, 2004, 07:21 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Preorders might be a good idea for people looking for things that other people can buy them for Christmas. ;) Especially because nothing else looks to be nearly ready at Christmas. None of these are going to be ready to take advantage of seasonal buying: Take Command 1861, Legion Arena, AGW, Russo-Japanese War, World at War, etc, etc

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Gentlemen, as a fellow artist and consumer I can assure you that SC2 will not be ready before Christmas 2004, not that I have any inside information....again as in SC, I play by "feel". So what makes you think you are worthy of such a development as SC2. Have you accumulated the knowledge of a century...a millenium? Have you got your house in order? Have you prepared for your loved ones future? Have you said your prayers, done your homework, assisted your healthy life style so that you may enjoy the fruits of SC2 for many years to come? Have you contemplated your existence, what are you for?

So many things to do...So little time. When you have prepared yourself...SC2 will arrive.

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Have you contemplated your existence, what are you for?

So many things to do...So little time. When you have prepared yourself...SC2 will arrive.

LOL, ah, it's great to see :D

But another of

Plato's Philosopher Kings


At his arisen, out of Sea... ease.

I might only add... this,

To that... most excellent list:

Have you raked the falling leaves?

And have you?

Easy breathed... the Ohm

That ghostly roams

In between?

The day-to-day "real,"

And... the slumbering dream? :cool:

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Gentlemen, as a fellow artist and consumer I can assure you that SC2 will not be ready before Christmas 2004, not that I have any inside information....again as in SC, I play by "feel". So what makes you think you are worthy of such a development as SC2. Have you accumulated the knowledge of a century...a millenium? Have you got your house in order? Have you prepared for your loved ones future? Have you said your prayers, done your homework, assisted your healthy life style so that you may enjoy the fruits of SC2 for many years to come? Have you contemplated your existence, what are you for?

So many things to do...So little time. When you have prepared yourself...SC2 will arrive.

shut up.
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  • 2 weeks later...

The recent issue of Armchair General has an ad for SC2 on page 91, and does state that a free demo download is available from Battlefront. This "recent" issue with Custer on the cover, however, is dated January 2005. So like Ebenezer's ghost of Christmas future, it must bear tidings of things to come. Since the official word now for release is 2Q 2005, the demo probably will not be available until after January. Please be patient. smile.gif

[ November 21, 2004, 06:25 AM: Message edited by: pzgndr ]

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Hubert hasn't made a Million bucks off this SC like Sid made off Sim City 4, that's why the release date is longer. Plus to be honest he has done a few things to fix bugs! The fact of the matter is if he released buggy game then it'd not be worth playing.. This is a big project you should all be patient. In the meantime there are plenty of other titles out and comming out to satiate your Appetite for "new war."

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