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Parachutes look like assclouds

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I don't like the way they look either, but, to be honest, I've stated repeatedly that I prefer a flat map with military markers, so to post that I don't like a particular image, after I've stated a dislike for all of them, seems a bit redundant.

There is no SC elite, no cabal, no clique, only people who have been posting here for years. Most of us, myself and DesertDave included, don't care for the term newbie and have never used it in referring to anyone.

But --

Just as new people don't like being singled out and lumped together, it doesn't seem to occur to most of them that the more established members don't care for that treatment either.

But everyone gets lumped together. Brilliant.

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I believe most of us would refer to you as one of those "old time SC addicts". Hey, it's better than "opinionated guy who posts a lot" . ;)

Eye candy will never please everyone, no matter how detailed/accurate/impressive. As long as it's not too silly (and doesn't stretch the system requirements), I don't care if there or not.

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I post about my dislike of a particular graphic, there's some back and forth, I post again suggesting an alternative icon, and then Desert Idiot takes over with his crap:

Here is what I said in reply (... it's right here in this thread, BTW, for those who care to look it up):

Yep, you did, my apologies,

And to the others like blackbellamy

Who ALSO offered deft suggestions, ah,

I was mostly hoping

That we might get some more of these,

And less of the harsher stuff,

Now, I defended the SC-2 Artist in question BECAUSE I PERSONALLY thought that your description - "ass-clouds" was unnecesarily derogatory.

It's how puling, puerile, Punks talk.

The same goes for "name-calling."

IE, how a cowardly, hiding behind Momma's skirts kind of Punk would do.

I don't believe I've done that to you or ANY other person who has smacked or slammed me.

Why on Earth do you it?

What the ****? What kind of rude trollishness is this? What does this have to do with anything other than some self-absorbed shut-in who thinks himself witty upon the turn of a badly constructed phrase?

Cursing is usually a sign that you cannot express yourself very well, cannot be bothered to locate the appropriate phrase.



I only just talked about walking WAY out of town, whistling show tunes.

Shut-in wouldn't do that would they?

What I write doesn't NEED to have anything to do with anything.


I don't write for YOU, or anyone else for that matter.

I write the way I do because I like to, it's fun.

I do a search for Desert Idiot's posts and it's the same old garbage thousandfold.
If you dislike my writing so much, why torture yourself?

Are you a masochist?

Are you also a literay critic then?

If so,

Then use logic and rationales to dissect and say HOW my writing is so awful.

Otherwise, your poor, uninformed opinion is of no use.

The guy is mentally ill or a sociopath. No rational human being behaves this way.

How could you know?

Are you qualified, do you have credentials?

I have.

I've worked in the mental health field for quite some time.

None of my colleagues - Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Curanderos, nope, NONE of them would back your claim, I am certain.

I have found that people who throw these kinds of "mental ill" epithets, are usually those who are most worried about their OWN mental state.

Perhaps? Look into it?


Between David and other SC elite and their pathetic attempt to Moderated this forum along with repeated attacks on all new bee’s has only accomplishing one thing.


I have asked you not to address me by my given name, since you don't know me.

It's an old trick that law enforcement uses as a way to place themselves ABOVE the perceived underling.

Who does not know their first name.

Now, what is yours?

Then I can do the same to you.

I can guess? But that wouldn't be the decent thing to do.

It is rude.

Please control yourself.


I have never "attempt to Moderated" this forum.

I am not a moderator.

I am only a beta tester.

I have no more status than anyone else here.

You will notice that NO other beta tester, nor anyone at BF... has come to my assistance, not recently when some others were flaming me, and not now.

That should give you a further clue as to my status?

Make you happy?

If anyone at BF wishes to lock me or ban me, that is their privilege, same as it would be for you or anyone else.

Which ALSO means, I say what I please.

When I want to.

Until such time as I am no longer able.

If you or anyone else doesn't like it,

As I've mentioned before:

EVERY TIME you see my name come up

In ANY thread, well,

Use yer little mouse

And just scroll on by, IE:


Pretty simple, yes?

Your campaign to chased away any new customers is only hurting the developer,not the newbee's,they just shake their head and stop showing any interest.

This is laughable.



You really think some "spirited conversation" is going to prevent anyone from buying this game?

I am only one, as blackbellamy would insist, IDIOT.

Who pays any attention to an Idiot?

Well, I do, because I like:




Artists who cannnot defend themselves from punks.



Well, you get the idea.

Good luck guys

Won't need it.

Your kind of ill-wishes are... worthless.


Now, IF you and blackbellamy and anyone else do NOT like how I conduct myself,

Get up a petition and send it to Battlefront.

See if that will get me black-balled or banned.

Maybe you can find JUST ENOUGH who will sign on.

I could care less.

Until then,

I'll just post as I please,

When I please,

Thank you very much. smile.gif


PS: Many thanks JJ, kuni and jon_j_rambo for the support.

3 is enough.

3 cool SC Cats is ALL I need. :cool:

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Codename... Cool Cat IV

But, hey Dave, u r not even close to Johnny Cash tho


Oh, don't I know it!

Woody Guthrie, maybe?

Don't I WISH! :cool:

Let's see... you and rambo remind me of Waylon Jennings somehow... or, Hank Williams Jr, both of whom I listen to when I am changin' spark plugs in my Bessie Blue VW Kamper Van. smile.gif

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I don't understand all of Desert Dave's poetry, usually I can follow his tought for like a third and then I get lost. But I tell you this:

This forum would be a whole lot boring if he was not around. And his poetry always been a fundamental part of this community. So stop kicking him in the face you bastard!!!

So you Blackbelted Karate Belly try to relax a little. It never fails to surprise me all those people who think this always about life and death.

Lighten up a little, throw a masturbation or something joke, go seduce the wife, come back and watch the replies.

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Hey folks, lets clam down for a minute. Sir Jersey & Desert Dave (the artist previously known as Immer Etwas) are originals, they are real people. They are not here to entertain or impress, just share their experiences & veteren opinions. These dudes have been around the block & deserve respect...'Nam, 50's baseball, History Channel stuff, gaming, etc...they are something off the old show,"Wonder Years". These guys are quoting CCR (Credence Clearwater Revival), Saturday Evening Post articles, have knowlegdge of the Dodgers still in Brooklynn, probably dropped at The Lizard Man's concerts (that's Jim Morrison for the dummies), probably went to a segregated school, we've come a long way baby.

Far as DD's style, well, God Bless him. At least he has a style. Life is better if you don't understand everything, some things are better as a mystery. You really think this dude traveled to the end of the internet in this little world to impress you? Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to do some bong hits & read Revelations with this 60's crew...On the otherhand, Sir Jersey & DD are the types who would actually pull over their car & help a brother out with a flat tire in the middle of winter, that's the Good Sumartian. So I'm not about to judge, especially with my bundle of sin under the precious blood.

Rambo says "Keep on keeping on" >>> OUT

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Desert Dave

You were being facetious!
I'll be damned. I knew this was a english word.


I've been telling my wife for 3 years this is an english word and could never figure out the spelling to show her in a dictionary, and here it is.

facetious \fuh-SEE-shuhs\, adjective:

1. Given to jesting; playfully jocular.

2. Amusing; intended to be humorous; not serious.

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Despite not being particularly good with spelling, I'm considered to have a very large (English) vocabulary and got a good chuckle from your post.

You may have meant it sarcastically, but I don't think so. I'm treating it literally.

I often find myself sitting up with that same sense, "Hey, that's a real word!" :D

Guess it's the odd combination of German and Latin origins.

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