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Level 5 Tanks by Jun 1941

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Just played a game with Guinty where I got lv5 Tanks. Has anyone else been that lucky? Would it have really been possible for the Germans to have King Tigers by that time? Also got lucky enough to get lvl 3 Inf with Italy.

Perhaps there should be a max limit based on the time of the war?

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No, never with the Germans, no. I don't even invest in tank tech with them.

But you can be very, very lucky with tech : with the Germans I sometimes have tech break-throughs 3 or 4 times in a row.

And you can have at least *3* breakthroughs in ONE turn, I had that happen once :)

Personnally, I don't like it. You know you won the game when you're lucky with tech and I don't want to win because of luck.

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No limits by time are needed.

This is part of what makes replaying history so fun, things can happen. You never know, sometimes it just takes dumb luck in the labs to get to the next level.

Who knows, in a different dimension the Germans probably used chemical weapons and had the nuclear bomb before USA and used it on UK.

Many great scientific discoveries are through getting lucky when expecting a different result.

Imagine if you are the German player and the Russians have max level in IW, AT and Level 4 TAnks when you do a DoW, I've had it happen on my side, I was VERY happy smile.gif .

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The Bear left claw marks up and down my back.


So long as it warn't no bar-maid,

Eyes set wide apart blue,

Hair like Minnesota corn-silk plumes,

Legs liable to be

Long, worked strong,

Limber, lithe & loose,

Had left them there scratch marks!


You could get... an infection!


Ah, pardon, cain't hep it,

LOLOLOL! tongue.gif


See genial fellow,

This is the essential thing;

My Niece works in a bar.

Has to,

Her old man don't make enough by 'imself

To support the both of them,

What with the skewed Economy we got

Here in once democratic America,

Where the rich gets richer

And the poor get screwed. :(

[... how them arro-gant, as-piring Yuppies

also LIKE to do, aping

after the Plutocrats ;) ]


She's typical American,

A little of this, some of that,

German and Welsh heritage she is

Indeed, though

Both sides of the family arrived, oh,

WAY back before the... 1st Civil War ;)

And she has - huge eyes of blue,

Wide set apart - flashing! and

An... old-California

Gold gleaming! in rushing streams

Flowing forth! sort of hair,

And she is the sweetest,

Most other-caring, decent Niece

Some ol' proud Uncle could EVER have. smile.gif

She tells me all about

Them prowlin' 'round the Down-Town Cats

What swagger & preen and "hit on" her

Every hour of every shift,

It hardly never does end,

And she'll look 'em

Up and down

(... she laughs, you should hear!

it is like fiddle & git rollin' and echoin'

all over them Rocky Mountains

near here where we live, well,

we are a'sittin' and shootin' the breeze

late at night, after one of 'em saloon

shifts - she alway puts her feet up, boy!

do they EVER get sore, anyhow,

it's me and my niece and her Dad, my

much beloved brother)

Tip Top to middle to bottom

And she will grimace and say:


You ain't gonna be a good fit,

I can tell, see,

You ain't got enny a' that

Majestic Mojo, no

Elemental Elegance, and

I require a bit

MORE than yer everyday

Brutum Fulmen,

I just gots to get me one a' them

Nec Male Notus Equese,

Surely you understand, Doll-baby,

You can, catch the drift?

And see just what... I mean? ;)

[ May 13, 2006, 07:05 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Check, got ya Dave.

My wife did the same thing for awhile, and the new step-daughter will be doing the same this summer. No stiffing the waitress from me. Or hitting on her either.

Or I'll have a high heel up my *ss. ;)

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Check, got ya Dave.

Ah, Lars,

This whole FUN escapade we have had

Illustrates one basic thing... to me.

You are "stand-up" and "get-down" dude. :cool:

[... and, I have laughed at many of your

sophisticated jokes... don't desist, please, on account of my own "sensitivity" to this particular issue! smile.gif ]

(... and! I keep my cool, so long as!

My beloved Cleveland Indians, OR Cleveland Browns)

Beats them awful Minnesota Twins or Vikings out on the Sally-forth Sail!

Indians just lost 3 straight to... the Royals?

And can't handle them toothless... Tigers?

Alack, it's gonna be a long, long season.

Again. :(


I MUST apologize for some of my ill-advised

Lingo - you ain't no pimp,

That was "beneath me,"

I TRY to remain fair

And respectful, but

The typing fingers move faster

Than my "better nature" sometimes. :rolleyes:

[ May 13, 2006, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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And so.

Back to the original topic.


It seems as though the "tech wars"

Are proceeding

A mite too fast.

Is being discussed,

And IF Hubert sees it similar,

And deems it important enough, now,


Perhaps there will be a scaling back. :cool:

I can appreciate that some consider this

TOO doggone "luck driven"

And all I can say is:

There MAY be some revision.

Might not, but, at least,

Everyone involved is aware of it.


Some may say - no!

I want them King Tigers in 1941! :D

OK, but, I would tend to agree

With those who would prefer

A more "historical curve"

On the war-graph,

And notso many "outliers." smile.gif

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No worries Dave.

As for the tech, it might be overdone, but I'll have to play a few more games to make up my mind. To get level 5 by june 41, that's 625 mpp he poured in there. I figure that's two ubertanks running around, but quantity has a quality all it's own. Might come back to bite him hard in Russia.

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Lars, uncertain:

To get level 5 by june 41, that's 625 mpp he poured in there. I figure that's two ubertanks running around, but quantity has a quality all it's own.

Though... I had played a game

Where, as GErmans,

I got L-5 by early 1942,

And most important,

Had ONLY invested just the ONE chit.


As you say,

Sometimes we are seeing the RARE event,

And not "the ordinary and usual." ;)

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Just a "test game"

To fully realize

That "option" ain't very good. ;)

Consumable chits ARE better,


It is the Axis, really, the GErmans

Who can benefit fastest.

Since they have disposable income

Sooner than the Allies do.


Some solution will be found, for sure.

Even if the decision is... leaving the whole thing alone, until further evidence proves, or disproves the "tech wars" to be extravagant, either in time, or money. ;)

[ May 13, 2006, 10:07 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Not likely to get level5 by '41

best I usually see is level3 which isn't beyond belief

there were already many tanks on the German side Heavier than level1 in service in 1940 in the Fall of France in the 3-d unit image at least ;)

As for historical tech as you all should call it, a subject under much debate. Jet Fighters aren't decisive in 1941. In 1940 for a Battle of Britian or for control of Malta or with Longe Range they could be valuable. IW, heavy Tank, good offensive weapons are key.. Mobility and AntiTank also valuable. Though more valuable is Industrial Technology with some Production Tech.

It's quite possible with good IT and PT to swarm your enemy with just numbers. Considering if you outnumber him 4-1 you will still kill him you just have to know how to manuever. Granted with a good HQ, Experience and when you begin to run out of room to manuever things will become tougher you can still kill...

IW as much as Heavy Tank are imperative investments. Industrial technology is difficult to factor in. Naval Warfare is good, is sucks out chits from these for say the Axis.. Similarly for the Allies, as the Allies need Tech for D-Day to run smoothly. If they're caught investing in only IT and not ASW then they can be toast, so it is a bit of a guessing game or a good Recon game ;) A bit late though when you're praying for Luck, I definitely believe that a Player develops a Super Offensive Weapon it's Counter should have a Higher Percentage Chance of being Researched showing the intensity in the Scientific Community, Pressure Politically, Militarily for a Counter! smile.gif

P.S. Italy gets a little too much love in SC, both of them. Her Techs should really be isolated her Diplomatic is already with only a 3% gain VS Germany's, why wouldn't her Warfare research be? Germany should have to pay to upgrade her Partner, to be truely historical. Double

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Originally posted by Axis_General:

Well the kicker of it all is I had 7 German tanks at level 5 by Jun 1941. Had the war dragged on i might have been in trouble since my Airforce was weak and still lvl 1. UK had 4x level 3 AF pounding the West front

I have found that Airfleets don't mean much without support to knockout supply, if he didn't have bombers along with that he mine as well have just surrendered. It would be LONGGGG while before he would achieve his goals

Bombers are the Partisans of the Western Front, but you have to have Many Partisans!

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Originally posted by Axis_General:

Well the kicker of it all is I had 7 German tanks at level 5 by Jun 1941. Had the war dragged on i might have been in trouble since my Airforce was weak and still lvl 1. UK had 4x level 3 AF pounding the West front

yeh it was a shock to see those king tigers at the gates of moscow tongue.gif ,my uk AF was fairly decent but each panzer was a mobile nuke wiping out anything in its path,just no way i could stop the german wave on eastern front.Pity ...it was shaping up to be a great game as well....
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