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Lars vs Stalin's Organ AAR

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Very intereting way to look at it, I will watch closly to see how it turns out, having those harbors for your U-boats is nice. By the way I have yet to involve Sweden in any of my games, if you bring them in on your side with Diplo what kind of forces do they get? Enough to help the Finns against the Russians?

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Guest Mike

Dunno how much the Swedes are going to contribute, if anything at all, but generally I think minor power troops are fit only for garrison duties due to their lack of tech so I wouldn't be expecting them to over-run Lenningrad!

This turn the RN bottles up Bismark in Bergen (?) and attacks the cruisers off Trondheim, but takes more then it dishes out.

The Corps at Trondheim continues to find mud it's ally & holds out without too much bother.

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RN sinks one CA, bottles up the other by Trondheim. He's going to the bottom soon, down to strength 3. But the riposte might be ugly, Stalin has three AF up there. Come on carriers, do your duty.

Bismarck was given up as a bad job since it was protected by the Bergen port. He can run or sortie, Stalin's choice.

US gets Intel 1.

And the USSR prepares for war...

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Guest Mike

Actually there's 4 airforces up there - it's ben a bit difficult getting them all into range tho! :(

However if you've presented the RN to me as targets then I'd be a poor host not to accept your kind offer......... :D

Thanks for the info on the Swedes Blashy - Finnish and Swedish Corps would be a natural force to garrison Norway with - the armies at least have anti-partsan value. The airforce and cruiser would be welcome additions too!

But that's all speculation still.......

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The Luftwaffe launches furious attacks to free the Prinz Eugen CA, but fails. The Bismarck comes in to help, still no good. Prinz Eugen finally sinks the King Edward BB (which was rather beaten up by this point) and flees. But the Prinz Eugen doesn't quite flee far enough, and goes down to the Rodney BB.

The poor Bismarck, left all alone to its fate, is sunk by the first hit from a CA. That's going to look rather sweet on the Honors board. :cool:

On the Eastern Front...nothing...

So the Russians form a line, settle into their new entrenchments, and wait for the reserves to come up. The Russian Baltic fleet sails to do some shore bombardment, which ticks off the Finns, but take some damage when they find the Tirpitz holed up in port.

All in all, a very bad day for the Kriegsmarine.

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Guest Mike

Yes we're a bit persisted off by all that! :(

still - there's a British Corps in Trondheim we can keep mauling forever! smile.gif

On the Russian front the masses of Russians seem to be having trouble crossing rivers, so we have time to get some reinforcements there.

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Luftwaffe keeps hitting Trondheim.

Otherwise, not much else to report. The Soviets stay busy with their spadework, Germans stick a tentative toe over the border.

Think both sides are working on their Deathstars or somfink.

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Guest Mike

There's an idea!!

In the mean time however Germany and Italy invade Greece. The Italian fleet hammers Athens, and Panzers and Infanteria destroy one of the border armies and maul the other.

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This aggression against Greece shall not stand!

It's probably going to succeed, but it shall not stand.

Oh, who am I kidding? They're screwed.

Trondheim strafed. Again.

And the Russians are so far down into their trenches I'm not even sure I can get them out.

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Guest Mike

All hte Greek units are destroyed but not enough action points to move into Athens this turn! :(

German units facing the Russians swim and sunbathe on the banks of the Neimen checking out their new weapons while the Russians try to figure out just why they bothered to declare war in the first place!!

Trondheim gets pounded down to 2 points as some of the airforces get reinforced rather than fly

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Guest Mike

Lars is obviously fed up with being hte only one in this game who doesn't invade anywhere, so he's taking out Iraq. The Iraqi garrison is destroyed in hte first turn but Baghdad not occupied.

The Turks and Syrians protest.

Athens falls.

Trondheim is bombed .....just the usual....

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Iraq falls, get some nice plunder. Then Iraqi rebels blow up the oil fields. Huh, go figure...

Eyeties sortie for Alexandria. A Italian CA pays heavily for it, but escapes with the prop seriously outta wack.

Meanwhile, the sitzkrieg on the Eastern Front continues.

USSR gets Advanced Fighter 2, US gets Industrial 1.

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Guest Mike

Regia Marina pummels Alexandria on its way back to refuel the Asti tanks, Trondheim gets blatted again......The Brits a/c carrier is sensibly hiding in "Cairo" - we hereby declare the Mediterranian as Mare Nostrum! smile.gif

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Guest Mike

And Germany gets Trondheim ......finally.

The Luftwaffe now looks for other targets, while Alexandria gets pounded down to 0 points by the Regia Marina.

In hte east hte VVS tries probing strikes at German positions, inflicting minor casualties, while hte rest of hte Russian armed forces continues to do nothing being faced off by a portion of the Wheremacht and allies and allowing the rest of them to swan around wherever they like!

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Guest Mike

Nothing much happens for a turn - the air in Norway is suddenly clear of Black crosses, hte RAF bombs Paris.

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RN hits the Brest port, AF hits Paris and finds where one of those Luftwaffe boys went, Desert AF hits BB to no avail.

In the East...zzzzzz....

US gets Heavy Tank 1 and is very close to coming in as the date is now Sept, 41. Just a Pearl Harbor away.

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