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WaW AI clarification

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When/how does the AI decide whether to reinforce a 1-strength unit or retreat? I'm in Poland, and instead of reinforcing a 1-strength Army and Corps with good supply, the Allied AI decides to pull them back a few tiles to meet certain destruction by my surrounding units.

It seems that unless a unit is in a town and/or some sort of entrenchment, the AI discards these units that could be rebuilt and used for defense.

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greetings, usually in most games rebuilds on poland units only gives more experience to the germans leading to a more veteran german army for france and russia, it still happens on norway, denmark and yugoslavia, all this down to the up fact that england simply have not all needed mmp for all his theaters, atlantic convoys, asw warfare, the battle of britain and support egypt, on the other hand i do find useless to buy a yugoslavian corps, fully upgraded and place adyacent to belgrade, the yugoslavian capital city, what a waste of mmp, leading to some thinking about designing a scenario more straight, more fast to usa and russia to enter the war and some production advantages to england, russia and usa to rebalance these minor issues that sometimes arise, all in all keeping all variants in mind the computer opponent is not that bad as it may seem,

with best regards,


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In Poland there is generally not a lot of supply so it might not have been as good a supply value as you might think, i.e. generally well below 5.

Generally though the AI uses a set of algorithms and if the eventual reinforcement value fails a check, i.e. will it be high enough to warrant remaining in the current position etc., then it will retreat units to a better supply location.

That being said it could be as John mentioned that it did not have enough MPP to bother with the unit and so on.

Hope this helps,


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