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I just can't take the axieity I feel every time I come to this website anymore. I have been coming here a few times each week for the last few years, but the constant delays, and the numerous inane posts are just too much for me right now. SC1 was and still is one of my favorite games of all time. It very closely resembled my favorite board game "Third Reich", and at first was alot of fun to play. But after playing the predictable AI a hundred times or so, it is no longer much fun, and isn't challanging at all. I know the Hubert is a one man show, and I know that he is truly doing the best he can, but unfortunately I need to move on. There are many other good looking "Grand Strategy" wargames out there, but I have been holding off buying them anticipating the release of SC2. But when I found out recently that SC2 will not be released this year, I decide to go out and buy Hearts of Iron 2, World at War and Anglo-German War. Hopefully at least one of these games will be fun and challanging. One can only play Third Reich PC against himself hotseat for only so long........

I wish Hubert and everyone else here all the best, and once again thank you Hubert for the outstanding job you did with SC1. Farewell!

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KK, step back for a minute and take a breather. You can bet nobody wants SC2 out more than HC, but thankfully he's got the willpower to hold out until it's DONE, and done right.

Sure, support other wargame makers and buy their products too. Ease up on the Hubester and don't give him any added pressure or regrets. I know the major topics have been beaten harder than a red-headed step child in the Wallmart parking lot, but hang in there.

Is some mad super villain got you tied to a computer as he sends mega jules of electricity into your genitals for each day that SC2 doesn't get released? I think not! Take a vacation, a reality check, a morale check, and thank the divine spirits of fortune that you don't have to deal with a real catastrophe (hopefully) like the tsunami last year, the New Orleans floods or the big earthquake in Kasmir.

Settle back in your confy chair with the latest game that heats your juices, a good book or get some exercise. And, when SC2 comes out, hopefully its as good as we are all rooting it will be and we can crush the Hun' just one more time... smile.gif

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Your complaint about inane posts would carry more weight if you had more than one post yourself. Say, 3 or 4 thousand. Anyway, as you never came in there seems little reason to announce that you're going out; making your own first and last post pretty inane in itself. A pitty you didn't become a regular here, with material like that I'm sure you'd have fit right in with rest of our inane babblings.

Anyway, Hello and Goodbye. :D

Here's hoping you find gaming happiness somewhere. smile.gif

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@Kaptain Kangeroo --- Dude, first of all, what's with this "K" & "K" stuff? In Idaho, that means something when you spell words deliberately with "K"s instead of the natural "C"'s. Do you mean what I think you mean? If so, Idaho is too great for hate.

Next, how can I miss somebody who never got here? Reminds me of a great quote by Johnny Cash to the guy dating his daughter,"Son, I don't know you enough to miss you when your gone". I also like the classics,"Let the door knob hit you where the dog should have bit you". Or the other version,"Let the door knob hit you where the good Lord split you.".

Now take your A.I. playing self out of here. The A.I. sucks, how long did it take you to finally figure that out? Maybe you should go play with yourself in some 3R?

Just doing my job,


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After reading these shocking and overwhelmingly inane posts I can fully understand why Kaptain Karl has chosen to leave us even while writing his very first post! I'm horrified, just horrified by all of this. ;):D


Les is alive and well and from time to time he posts at The Writing Club. -- click on my signature to get there.

Like Kaptain Karl and myself, he's reached the sensible conclusion that there are too many inane posts in this place. :cool: ;)

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Relax Karl. SC2 will be released soon but if you expecting that SC2 will be like Third Reich I don’t think that this will happen. SC2 will be great I am sure but Third Reich is unique game. There is no game like it.

By the way, did you try to play Third Reich by mail? I have tried and it was great. Now I have ordered 3R Gold. Many players says that with 3R Gold PBEM is much more better.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

@Kaptain Kangeroo --- Dude, first of all, what's with this "K" & "K" stuff? In Idaho, that means something when you spell words deliberately with "K"s instead of the natural "C"'s. Do you mean what I think you mean? If so, Idaho is too great for hate.

Next, how can I miss somebody who never got here? Reminds me of a great quote by Johnny Cash to the guy dating his daughter,"Son, I don't know you enough to miss you when your gone". I also like the classics,"Let the door knob hit you where the dog should have bit you". Or the other version,"Let the door knob hit you where the good Lord split you.".

Now take your A.I. playing self out of here. The A.I. sucks, how long did it take you to finally figure that out? Maybe you should go play with yourself in some 3R?

Just doing my job,


Just so no brands a newcomer as being a member of a hate organization, Kaptain Karl was a character played by the late Phil Hartman and it was spelled that way.....
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@JPF - Dude, give me a break. So Phil "I got blasted" Hartman makes it okay to be (K)aptain? That's crap. It's a got a meaning. Drive through parts of the South, Idaho, Eastern Idaho, Wyoming, etc...stores & people do it on purpose. There is no other reason to spell it that way. Don't tell me those comedians script writers don't know that. How would you like me to change the first letter of your last name to "F"? That means something too.

Folks, do not be deceived, words and letters have meanings and that's why we use them.

Educating the Masses (Mass = Massacre)

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Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:

...Hearts of Iron 2, World at War and Anglo-German War.

You'll be back in no time. I have two of the games you mentioned; WAW feels like advanced Risk and AGW is, well, an admirable product from its creator, but it fails completely because of a poor scrolling mechanism, slow and poor AI, and an unconventional playing system. HOI, I don't know much about except from what I've heard from hard core wargamers and it wasn't all that good.

If it weren't for the fact that I collect games, I would have given WAW and AGW away.


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GGWAW does a good job of simulating the logistical challenges of the global WWII conflict. Research and production is also good. The game provides for a lot of strategic options, but the politics/diplomacy aspect is lacking.

AGW has some weaknesses. Saying it fails completely is too harsh; it still plays fairly well via pbem/hotseat. Having been on the playtester side for both AGW and SC2 and seeing the extreme negativity expressed toward AGW being released "too soon" and toward SC2 for being released "too late," I really wonder if grognards have turned into little Goldilockses.

Should $25-40 games for entertainment really cause so much hate and discontent? Geez, going to the movies costs more. If it weren't so sad it would be funny.

I just can't take the axieity
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Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:

I just can't take the axieity I feel every time I come to this website anymore. I have been coming here a few times each week for the last few years, but the constant delays, and the numerous inane posts are just too much for me right now.

You seem like a really sensitive guy.
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True, but at least they were fighting for a cause. Kaptain Karl's cause is a quest for more effective medication.

All right, I take that back. The man had a point to make and we should all be grateful that he only made it once.

Anyway, we're all a bunch of fanboys. tongue.gif

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