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Kaptain Karl

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Everything posted by Kaptain Karl

  1. I thought anyone reading this thread would remember Funbarno's post, sorry about that.
  2. ...Checking in after giving my genitals a break for a week or so. This thread is a wonderful example of the types of posts I mentioned in my original post. I believe my post was respectful, but the majority of the replies were quite rude, or way off topic. I know I have not ever posted here before, but as I stated I have been visiting this website for over 2 years a few times each week, and I have read just about every post made on this board. I felt that I was part of the community here, but clearly most of you don't think that is the case. This rudeness was also quite evident in the two games I attempted to play TCP/IP with a few frequent posters here. The main points I expressed in my original post were simply that the constant missed release dates and my constant checking of the website were bothering me enough that I decided to stop checking. I must say that Hearts of Iron 2 is quite good, but I would greatly prefer if it was turn based. World at War is ok, but it is basically just "Advanced" Axis & Allies. I don't know about Anglo-German War yet, since I have not received it yet. So, goodbye again, wish you all the very best! [ January 04, 2006, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: Kaptain Karl ]
  3. I just can't take the axieity I feel every time I come to this website anymore. I have been coming here a few times each week for the last few years, but the constant delays, and the numerous inane posts are just too much for me right now. SC1 was and still is one of my favorite games of all time. It very closely resembled my favorite board game "Third Reich", and at first was alot of fun to play. But after playing the predictable AI a hundred times or so, it is no longer much fun, and isn't challanging at all. I know the Hubert is a one man show, and I know that he is truly doing the best he can, but unfortunately I need to move on. There are many other good looking "Grand Strategy" wargames out there, but I have been holding off buying them anticipating the release of SC2. But when I found out recently that SC2 will not be released this year, I decide to go out and buy Hearts of Iron 2, World at War and Anglo-German War. Hopefully at least one of these games will be fun and challanging. One can only play Third Reich PC against himself hotseat for only so long........ I wish Hubert and everyone else here all the best, and once again thank you Hubert for the outstanding job you did with SC1. Farewell!
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