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Go, Mohammed, and seek Peng's Challenge on the mountain

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I find that I have entirely too few games going. Not that I actually want to play against any of you lot since I scored my DRAW against Fionn. I am OBVIOUSLY of a much higher calibre than even the best of this foetid lot of wombat poo. Yup. Ol' Peng is much too good for the likes of the Peng challenge anymore. I'm smarter, faster and meaner than any one of you.

Especially that sissy roxy.

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

My last couple of posts have been on par, or at least in the same style and taste as anyone else who post here. Mr.Spkr you have no case here in stating that i have no place here. Cry all you want, your not even capable of adressing me with your problem of me you sneaky insignificant joyless wretch of a garden gnome.

Gayboy, there is only one Garden Gnome in MBT and that would be Seanachai. Get it right the next time...pillock!


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

My last couple of posts have been on par, or at least in the same style and taste as anyone else who post here. Mr.Spkr you have no case here in stating that i have no place here. Cry all you want, your not even capable of adressing me with your problem of me you sneaky insignificant joyless wretch of a garden gnome.

Gayboy, there is only one Garden Gnome in MBT and that would be Seanachai. Get it right the next time...pillock!


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Back in days of yore, when I was moaning to an Olde One about the injustice of having been plucked from the pool by dalem, I was told that refusal was always an option.
Ummmm, I'd have to see the citation on that one lad, I think you're wrong but that WAS during my Testors huffing phase (as opposed to my current, more high class, Drano huffing phase) so I suppose it's possible.

Of course if it turns out you WERE given that option, by someone reputable mind, I'd be in favor of immediate revocation of that policy since, frankly, it sucks.

I Owe,

I Owe,

It's Turns To All I Owe,

dum dum de dum, dum dum de dum

I Owe,

I Owe.

My best advice is to avoid ALL scenarios by Andreas because he got bored with CMBB and just started creating ... STUFF! And I don't mean good stuff but stuff that even MrSpkr and I wouldn't have considered for a Ker Dessel* scenario. Just ask Mace.


*Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way.

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An noo fer some literrrary prose....a recitation o' Tha Jabberwocky! (Ah cudnae remember at tae waill, sae ye kin kiss mah spotty arrse af'n tha odd worrrd as slightly askew...)


Tha slithy waody grimble groady

Slurky gimble eyes a dew,

Tha Jabbberwocky snorckled Jody

An' mangled ain tha whackadoo.

Snik snack wi' swords o' gamble

Hidin' bae tha gnarly oak

Squish sputle sprang tha jimble jamble

Thwackety eyed tha hooded cloak.

My old man's a dustman,

Hae wears a dustman's cap

Hae wears gor'blimey troosers

An' hae lives ain a council flat.

Tha aind.

Ah'm a feckin' literary god, Ah am!

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I find that I have entirely too few games going. Not that I actually want to play against any of you lot since I scored my DRAW against Fionn. I am OBVIOUSLY of a much higher calibre than even the best of this foetid lot of wombat poo. Yup. Ol' Peng is much too good for the likes of the Peng challenge anymore. I'm smarter, faster and meaner than any one of you.

Especially that sissy roxy.

Ok, I have the same problem. that's why I started poking around in here again. I'll actually get off my sorry butt and return that stupid microscenario you sent me when I still owned your name and you were a gates-slut.

Now prepare to die a lot.

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My poor wayward Gaylord,

You have forced my to strike the bold font from your name. This saddens me. Come over here and sit down. Let me try to explain some things to you.

You, lad, are but an SSN. Why do you toy with Seanachai, Mr Spkr, and The Lady Persephone? Do you not see the folly in this? Even Panzer Leader does not do these things.

It is your place to read and learn, lad. Set aside some time each day to read the history and wonders of The One True Thread. Then, when you tire of your studies, challenge a squire or another serf with all the venom you can muster.

In your case, I think it might be best if you leave your betters alone. Stay away from the Knights for now.

Now run along boy, and pray you have not already stirred them to anger. ....and don't forget to read.

[ August 16, 2002, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:


My old man's a dustman,

Hae wears a dustman's cap

Hae wears gor'blimey troosers

An' hae lives ain a council flat.

GAWD!! Do we really need to know how much you envy your old man's fashion sense??

Stop gibbering and send yer feckin' turn!


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Hiram, I've got a suggestion for you. How bout returning a damn file occassionally, hmmmm? I mean, I'm letting you have delusions of grandeur and everything in our current Marlow abortion.

Once more into the breech then is it Peng? Seems last time you tried to attack the Army of Scaliness Group South, you didn't get your tanks off the first hill and your infantry didn't clear the last treeline. Best to forget all that really and just take on the latest newbies or Pissl and his time machine. Yeah, Pat ougt to do you nicely. Pity though, since if you could waste the time to fill out the app to play Fionn and got a draw, logic says I would hand him an industrial sized can of whup ass.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

NOW ... can I go back to my lounger by the beach ... Marguerite has me down for a 2:00 massage and it wouldn't do to be late.

As to my delayed turns ... deal with it, Marguerite is (trust me on this one) FAR more important.


That's our Joe, at a beach paradise where alcohol flows freely, and inebriated young things in scandalous attire abound, and he's still paying for attention from women...
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who's this Mustard Pong thingie - is someone trying to capitalise on the mystical magical nature of the MBT??

After all we have Uber Gnomes, dirty old men and Sir Alphabet Soup - what stranger set of fantastical and unlikely createures is oine ever likely to encounter???

Theonly reason I can think of for him being faster and meaner than anything is that he's been dropped from a great height and is still accelerating, while meanness of course comes from the contemplation of a sudden cessation of velocity.

As for smarter?? Doesn't seem likely since he's still posting here.

Nonetheless I shall do my best to disabuse him of any such notion - so send me a setup you pulsimonious pultrudinous parasite!!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

You just don't understand smart-a$$ed replies.

You specialize in being wrong, don't you?

You just can't make more than a half-a$$ed reply.

Go tell it to someone with whom you can have a meaningful conversation. Perhaps, "The Larch."

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Herr Oberst, the biggest MEANY in The Land Of Peng, is currently hiding out in a vast forest, a Soldat behind every tree. He seems to find those ridiculous little flags worth fighting for. I don't even want the silly things. I want him to Die-A-Lot Now, and shall direct my loyal armies to "make it so".

Yes, battle has been joined with Boxy's Evil Forces of the Bovinity. No armor, no vehicles, and yet the small limbs on the trees in this forsaken forest are shaking. Yes, Boxy is definitely on the move. I shudder to think what will happen when all her troops start moving as well...

As best they can, my brave soldats are preparing for battle, working through the unit identification cards (Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Canadienne, Dutch Belted, etc, etc), and I have instituted platoon rotations where each platoon will have a chance to undergo Milking Training in an attempt to disarm her troops should close combat become necessary.

Berli mit uns.

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Originally posted by Mike:

who's this Mustard Pong thingie - is someone trying to capitalise on the mystical magical nature of the MBT??

After all we have Uber Gnomes, dirty old men and Sir Alphabet Soup - what stranger set of fantastical and unlikely createures is oine ever likely to encounter???

Theonly reason I can think of for him being faster and meaner than anything is that he's been dropped from a great height and is still accelerating, while meanness of course comes from the contemplation of a sudden cessation of velocity.

As for smarter?? Doesn't seem likely since he's still posting here.

Nonetheless I shall do my best to disabuse him of any such notion - so send me a setup you pulsimonious pultrudinous parasite!!

That post was just wrong, in so many ways....

I think he's hopped the train to Gaylordville.

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OK, Peng, the file is on the way.

I have to say that it looks like a truly vile scenario. I have something like 15,000 points worth of stuff (mostly assault boats, mind you) jammed into that tiny little map. I would have liked to move them out of the way, so that they don't gamily draw fire, but they're locked into place.

I can't wait to see what you got-- probably a bunch of unarmed jeeps.

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Mr. Peng,

You call me a "sissy". Your brain is pickled. You make no sense. How's a lady to respond to that? Should I be offended? Why?

I've no doubt you are faster and meaner than I. You're a man aren't you? You were probably smarter too, at one time ; but I think your rapacious slaughter of helpless smileys over the years has taken its toll in this area.

You have lost any keen edge to your tactics that you MAY have at one time possessed. To kill smileys in droves is not a challenge and deadens tactical creativity. I mean honestly, sir, even the AI can kill smileys in droves. For this reason I suggest you are NOT smarter than I.

Because we have young serfs and squires here who have not yet learned how to treat ladies, it is not wise for me to get in touch with my masculine side and issue you a proper challenge. I'm afraid it would confuse the poor lads.

For this, Mr. Peng, you should be thankful. For if I were to challenge, and you decline, you would look like...well...a sissy.

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AthSpackler , since I as of yet do not have the proper rank in this half addled caste system to brandish my rapier sharp wit on the Knights , i now turn my ire in your general direction, generaly depsising all that you are, for what that is you all but are.

What do i mean is what you ask

But for those of you that may,

Need no answer to thy question

For they have answers in their brains,

and it is you who have nay.

Athbackwards ,have tact first before speaking to me.

For tis you who are monkey and i who can see.

Fear not poor decendant of foul beasts long of old.

For it is i who have been here, before the carnival you were sold.

Walk upright you uptight ,poor ill tempered bloke.

For it is me who is the gifted and it it you who i loathe.

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I see a glimmer of hope in your last post. Notice I have bolded your name again. You are BEGINNING to show some humility. This is a very important first step. I'm proud of you. Really I am.

Let me clarify something for you, lad. It is not that you CANNOT challenge the Knights, it's just that IN YOUR CASE, I think it is best if you stick to squires and serfs. This self-limitation will keep you aware of your status and help you to learn respect for The One True Thread.

Now I want you to promise me one thing, lad. It will help you with your taunts. Promise me you will double-check your spelling. Too many misspelled words distracts the reader from your message.

Keep it up, young Gaylord. I will help you where I can. Now go back to your reading...and GIVE ME THAT SLINGSHOT!! You've killed quite enough of my precious birds already.

[ August 16, 2002, 01:34 AM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

What do i mean is what you ask

But for those of you that may,

Need no answer to thy question

For they have answers in their brains,

and it is you who have nay.

Athbackwards ,have tact first before speaking to me.

For tis you who are monkey and i who can see.

Fear not poor decendant of foul beasts long of old.

For it is i who have been here, before the carnival you were sold.

Walk upright you uptight ,poor ill tempered bloke.

For it is me who is the gifted and it it you who i loathe.

Good Christ. That was horrible. But it was brilliantly horrible!

It's like he wrote it in English, and then ran it through Babelfish into Japanese, and then back again into English.

This, Gentlemen and Ladies, gives me hope.

Behold! The Power of Peng!

Mohammed has slouched back from the Mountain. And I think he even pissed a bit of those Coca-cola adverts off the rock faces on his way down.

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Would it be possible for a Lady In Waiting to take on a houseboy? The chores here are getting a bit tiring. How about the boy, Gaylord? May I have him for my houseboy? He owes me some labor for the birds he has killed in my garden anyway.

I will of course give him up to a Knight when and IF the time comes.

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