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The Grass is Not Greener ...

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Before espousing on a variety of philosophical notes concerning this game, please look at my member number up there to the left. I've been around for a very long time. I keep my mouth shut and see if I can learn something .. mostly.

For quite a while I was very turned off by this community, and therefore the game, because of the pandering attitude that present BTS as some form of worshipped god and infallible. I won't cite posts or people but you know guys know what I am talking about. So, after the demo came out and I found it truly atrocious and downright boring, I thought, "Ahh .. I'll just buy G.I. Combat or go check out some HPS games." I had played BO quite a bit and enjoyed it a great deal. I figured after the demo that this was a one trick pony.

I was wrong.

After buying several games over the last couple months, I came to realize that this community .. on these boards .. is what I was looking for. You people create a great compulsion to continue on with BTS software. The work of the good people who create things like The Stalingrad Pack and all the mods make this game far and away a superior wargame product. It's most dissapointing that BTS has become so aloof that they won't even offer bandwidth for the heavy mods. It only makes their game an exponential sum more enjoyable. The mod makers and designers are the salt of the earth here and they are the best at what they do. There is no comparison.

So, even though I was not going to purchase the game, I viewed many mods and saw that Wild Bill's Raiders were going to release a series of scenarios done on Stalingrad. These mods and the Raiders pack created so much .. motivation .. to again game in a superior community that I had to relent. And after purchasing the game, the compulsion proved valid. The talent displayed is phenomenal. The mods are amazing and the scenarios precise and tense.

There is no green over there. There is no there over there.

It's all here .. in these pages .. in these people .. in this community.

And no other wargame can touch it.



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WIth the XboX and the Playstation 2 and so on blowing right past everybody .. the longer companies take like this, the more pitiful you realize they are.

Over on the newsgroup, we've had a beta tester tells us the game is basically done since the first of December. It's now the middle of MARCH. MIDDLE OF MARCH. And everytime somebody writes on here, and they see it, "oh it will be done when it is ready" .. "oh I support them because I hope they finish it" "oh . oh . oh" fuddy-duddy ad nauseum, it's bad for the entire PC Gaming industry.

It's already being whispered that PC Gaming is done in five years. By MAJOR players, not by me. When stockholders and investors think "hmmm .. a company that makes PC Games or a compnay that makes XXXXXX games." Somebody, somewhere is going to bring up this whole Combat Mission fiasco and farce. Because, we all love wargames. They don't, they love units and dollars and return. And they are the ones who run the store, gentlemen.

I bet I lurk around here four or five times a week just rooting like heck they have released it. Not for Combat Mission .. I could really careless about the game. I root for the entire PC Gaming genre and wargames in specific so that we are all still viable in this new age. Every single day that goes by that the game goes unreleased, the pressure adds to the entire industry and this game in particular loses potential customers. You have these 15 guys around here that are the equivalent of the brown shirts. They'll buy it even if it is announced the found a fly out at coordinate A8 when it needed to be Waaaaay over at R3 and they have decided to scrap this edition until they can figure out why the engine did that. I MEAN COME ON! .. jhees o man .. enough is enough here.

Someone needs to explain to these guys .. there's more at stake than just Combat Mission. We're trying to show that PC Games can get built. They sure ain't helpin'.

They can tweak this thing until the cows come home .. they really can .. and probably will .. doesn't change the fact that with all these new machines and avenues for entertainment somebody is going to come along real soon and make this game look silly. Like it is three generations old.

This blind devotion to "well .. I'l gladly pay my money when it is ready .. whenever that will be" is admirable. So is the guy that is after nice, clean water to bathe in ...it's just he totally missed the big picture and now there's an infant with a bad memory that will never leave it.

Marketing is my chosen field. I am educated in it and experienced in it. In my professional opinion, everyday this game is delayed (taking in to account these special circumstances, demo, good pr, lively community, etc) everyday they delay it, they lose 50 sales. Every week it is not available, another 50 on top of that. People have options and avenues and have limited time to devote to things, that's the fact jack. (that's the fact jack) There will always be these 25 broun shirts around here that will give the developers this false sense of security that they can take another year if they want and they never, even have to give you a solid date other than "When we are DARN GOOD AND READY that's when!" WHat's wrong with you people?? Jhess o man

Don't just dimiss this as "another ... " Really think about it. You guys, all of you on this board, need to start cranking up the pressure a little instead of being so blindly devoted. Blindly devoted helps nobody from any perspective.

Help the developers help themselves. Start turning your back on this forum, start leaving, start questioning ...

It's for the good of Combat Mission. It's for the good of wargaming. It's for the good of PC Gaming in general.

Please at least consider this.



You're the same guy that begged us all to leave the forum? You and japinard should start a club. People like you may not be the reason the PC wargaming industry is in the state it's in, but if there was justice in the world, the blame would fall squarely on your shoulders.

Go, stay, who the hell cares, really.

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Originally posted by davedial:

It's most dissapointing that BTS has become so aloof that they won't even offer bandwidth for the heavy mods. It only makes their game an exponential sum more enjoyable. The mod makers and designers are the salt of the earth here and they are the best at what they do. There is no comparison.

Well CMHQ is run by Madmatt who is an employee of BFC. His site hosts a pretty big portion of the mods out there. I suspect BFC helps out with the bandwith costs, because CMHQ must use an insane amount of it.
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You're the same guy that begged us all to leave the forum?
Jesus Michael! I'm astounded! This is not a negative or positive on your post or on DD, but rather on your memory. You have got the proverbial elephant's and no mistake! :D


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Oh boy, I remember you davedial. Well, it appears you are eating most of your words, and that is something I can respect since you were so totally wrong concerning just about everything in the thread Dorosh dug up. Unfortunately, you let one barb slip in that is just as untrue as your past comments:

It's most dissapointing that BTS has become so aloof that they won't even offer bandwidth for the heavy mods.
Er... you do realize that CMHQ is a wholely owned, run, and hosted part of Battlefront, don't you? I would hardly call the mega bandwidth bill we pay every month, or Matt's time, as being "aloof".

And hopefully you have also seen that the "worshipped god" is not a god but rather a company that delivers on its promises time and time again. What you saw as slavish worshiping was something I would call displays of well earned respect. And the day this Forum contains nothing but that we will shut it down. For even though nice comments and thanks are always apreciated, this Forum is here for critical discussions.


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Well CMHQ is run by Madmatt who is an employee of BFC. His site hosts a pretty big portion of the mods out there. I suspect BFC helps out with the bandwith costs, because CMHQ must use an insane amount of it.
Not to take anything away from the Bald one, but the site was never "his". It existed prior to his involvement with it and there has been a lot of great people helping out with the day to day stuff since Matt was hired. Most noteable is Ted (aka SuperTed). However, having said that the CMHQ people know and love today is more the result of Matt's time and vision than anything else.

CMHQ has also been on a Battlefront server for... hmmm.... 2 years now? Something like that. And yes, it is a bandwidth pig :D


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It is a bit hard to calculate because we have 3 servers. However, stats for the CMHQ server show peaks of up to 9000 kb/s output and an average of about 700 kb/s output for the last 12 months. I don't have experience with paying the bills for other servers for other companies, but I can safely say this is an expense that does show up on the bottom line smile.gif


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Hi Dave,

Just want to post a quick note - I think it is pretty cool that you are willing to post here and admit that you were wrong in your assumptions before. I am a big fan of BFC and pretty much everything associated with the Combat Mission universe, but that support, loyalty and respect from me has been well earned by these guys and was not just blindly given. I like what these guys are about and what they are trying to do.


[ November 19, 2002, 08:41 AM: Message edited by: jwxspoon ]

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Just thought I'd pipe up here, nothing too unusual about that...

While I have stood in BFC's (and before that came into being, BTS') corner for more years than this board has been constituted, and have frequently spoken out in what I hope is the defense, and hopefully at times accurate explanation of its products, I have never—let's repeat that with emphasis— never held them to be above criticism. And so far as I can recall, BFC has always accepted my criticisms like men. I won't claim that they were always delighted to have them, but I was never insulted nor threatened with banning. Maybe one or two of my suggestions might even have made it into improvements of the product, who knows?

I have disagreed with the company from time to time, as no doubt they have with me. I fully expect that to happen again from time to time. Nevertheless, I find that their conduct here has been honorable. And it is within that context that our relationship continues.


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When I tell other gamers about this site, they scratch their heads and their eyes kind of glaze over.

Help, support, camaraderie? Huh? (Where's my Webster's?)

I mean, how many companies out there have responses to your question, concerns and criticicms, usually the same day?

(Hmm, I have a few problems with Need for Speed Hot Pursuit II. How do I get a hold of the president for EA? ;) )

Nothing in this world is perfect, but I can honestly say I consider the $160 (CAN. :mad: ) I have invested in this game is one of the best bets I have made in a long, long, long time. Just ask my fiancee. :rolleyes:



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Welcome back Dave,

I can say from the bottom of my soul (BF can I have it back for a few days please?) that BF has earned my respect because they have converted a PC gamer gone Console gamer back to a PC gamer. I have been playing video games for about 20 years ever since the very first Atari 2600. I have an XBOX, do you think it gets even 1/3 as much attention as this game? Bahh!! I have been scouring the game shelves for about a decade or so looking in vain for a game like this that shows a tremendous effort on the part of the developer to create a game which appeals to and can be played by a relatively large audience, while still emphasizing incredible attention to detail, dated but VERY GOOD graphics, unsurpassed gameplay both single and multi-player, a phenomenal community, an unbelievable simple, yet deep modding capability, the best scenario and map designer I have ever laid eyes on (I think Warcraft II was the last good one I ever used), fanatical realism, fantastic depth, and awesome multi-player options like PBEM. That doesn't even go into the support these guys provide. Ohhh how I wish every company could be like this one. I am so happy with this game. I mean, really, what more can a wargamer ask for? :D:D

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