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Got the Game!

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Just got CMBO in the mail yesterday. I am one happy camper. I mentioned in another thread that I'd been playing the two scenarios in the demo for about two months, so I felt I had a good grasp of the game. Just for grins, I thought I'd go ahead and play the tutotial, even going so far as to read the instructions and advice. Can you say "cocky"? I knew you could.

By the fourth move I had lost both my Shermans and my men were caught in the middle of a mortar barrage, running around in circles, looking in their little English/German dictionaries for the word, "Uncle".

Er, I guess that playing the same two scenarios several dozen times doesn't quite mean I'm ready for my General stars yet.

One thing in my defense: the tutorial told me to advance my tanks beyond the rise in the road, which is what I did. I wanted to keep them hull down behind the rise, which is what I did the second time I played. And I still lost one tank. Oh well, what're ya gonna do?

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Thanks one and all. I've spent the last several months playing C&C games and stuff like that there, but I was really looking for something that has a bit more to it than just tank rush after tank rush...ad finitum. I think I may have found it here.

See you all on the battle field. :D

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!<hr></blockquote>


What was that line, before you enter Firkraag's(sp?) cave/dungeon?

Something about Minsc knowing there's squirrels about and saying to Boo, "QUICK!! THROW NUTS!!!" Which was quickly followed by a remark about professionalism by Jaheira(again, sp?). I was laughing for about a good hour at that one.

Oh, and welcome to the jungle, BB. :D


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My wife is pretty cool about me playing games on the computer. After all, it keeps me out of her hair. She knows that if I'm sitting slack-jawed in front of the monitor, emitting pleased little gurgles every so often, that I'm happy and she's free to watch the LifeTime channel.

As fro playing a PBEM game, let me get a couple of missions under my belt first. I've rarely played much with total fog (because it was cooler to see what was going on all over -- so sue me), so I'd like a little practice before I take on any of you cagey veterans. ;)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

My wife is pretty cool about me playing games on the computer. After all, it keeps me out of her hair. She knows that if I'm sitting slack-jawed in front of the monitor, emitting pleased little gurgles every so often, that I'm happy and she's free to watch the LifeTime channel.

As fro playing a PBEM game, let me get a couple of missions under my belt first. I've rarely played much with total fog (because it was cooler to see what was going on all over -- so sue me), so I'd like a little practice before I take on any of you cagey veterans. ;) <hr></blockquote>

Welcome aboard Boo! I note from your id that you are just down the road from me (Mentor, OH). When you are ready and want to try a PBEM, just let me know!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

As fro playing a PBEM game, let me get a couple of missions under my belt first. I've rarely played much with total fog (because it was cooler to see what was going on all over -- so sue me), so I'd like a little practice before I take on any of you cagey veterans. ;) <hr></blockquote>

Nothing makes you learn more than a good PBEM game (especially if you loose)! ;)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Holien:


Watch out for the sharks in here Boo, they have got teeth....


[ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Holien ]<hr></blockquote>

Wow, so it would seem. I feel as if I've gone swimming over the Great Barrier Reef while wearing my lucky ham.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Wow, so it would seem. I feel as if I've gone swimming over the Great Barrier Reef while wearing my lucky ham.<hr></blockquote>

Feel the burning stare of my hamster and change your ways!!!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Terence:

Feel the burning stare of my hamster and change your ways!!!<hr></blockquote>

I have absolutely no idea what this means, but I feel a vague sense of unease. Is this some bizarre euphanism? Is it a threat? Does it fill me with fear, or just make me headachey and kind of sad? So many questions, so few available snacks.

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Yes, I've noticed a preponderous of hamster references and something called "Peng". I hesitate to ask what that could be as I am a shy and reticent person who frightens easily. And I lie.

I see you too are a BlackAdder fan. "The phrase I'm thinking of rhymes with 'clucking bells'".

[ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]</p>

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