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The Peng Challenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold...

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Originally posted by Lawyer:


I used to date a girl from Salt Lick City. Mind you, she was from it and not in it. And she was a darn sight better looking than Shandorf.

They may not have booze in the home of the Saints, but they do have pie, which is almost as good, especially if you sneak in your own booze.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

{Justicar! You have been given AMPLE NOTICE. Peng will be in town mid-March. I will be bringing my own booze thanks, (3.2 beer? Joe Smith on a goddam CRUTCH!) but please find me a chippie or two who are into premarital bigamous sex. I am willing to pay top dollar (Australian Dollars) for

them. $10 each should be enough for the week don't you think? And perhaps a stenographer or two to record the whole debauched week for us?

Peng, I'm sure Joe would be happy to save you some money by loaning you a few of his wives for the week. Joe, it's only for a week!

What the hell is 3.2 beer?


[ February 15, 2002, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Peng, don't listen to them, you can swill whiskey any time. I'm talking about the opportunity to find information like the following I found in the will of one of my great great grandfathers in Alabama in 1839:

1 Lot of Hogs $54.00

3 Cows and 2 Calves $30.00

Negro woman named Vesiy $400.00

" Boy " Bese $400.00

" Girl " Jamina $250.00

" Boy " Richmond $150.00

" Woman & Child " Sylvia $750.00

Unfortunately, I'm NOT kidding! This was ... scary ... and quite sad.

But think of the possibilities Peng, to find the origins of the Pod ... can you pass that up?


Joe, It's actually quite interesting. I think you should find out what kinds of skeletons are in MrPeng's family closet.


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I'm here.

Don't really want to be here, but "like a dog returns to his vomit..." You know the saying. I don't have the energy or inclination for game updates because of the apathy I'm feeling at the moment. I played a cute little scenario last night called Fredricksburg. That was fun. I feel as if I'm slowly turning into Bauhausand I find that somewhat disconcerting. Soon, I won't be cognizant of my bodily functions and speech will become tiresome and difficult. I need a vacation. Combat Mission take me away!! I truly want nothing more than to get snockered and play CM. Everything else is just fluff.

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Originally posted by chrisl:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:


Get back in your Gates-slut persona! None of your alleged "champions" has shown any sign of freeing you to Peng again. If you slip up again I'll destroy another one of Berli's tanks.</font>
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by the evil chrisl:

None of your alleged "champions" has shown any sign of freeing you to Peng again.

The difference, in that Shakespearean "no man of woman born" oh-****-here-comes-an-unhappy-ending kind of way, is that I am NO CHAMPION OF PENG (who gets no bolding because he doesn't currently exist). Rather, I am the champion of the fair Persephone. Therefore, and I quote, "I'm French, you die".
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I offer to you the truth of the MBT in all its diveristy...

Quoted from the IL-2 forum... (there is life while waiting for CMBB)

Originally posted by YerPalAl:


Do you realize that over on the Ubi board, (shameless, hateful place that it is) there is a thread that has accumulated 3,100 post as of this morning.

I don't know how to react to that.

• Completely pointless, worthless thread Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

(Well, at least they're honest about the title)

This of course, required a response. A post. Nay, a riposte worthy of the MBT

Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

They are, of course, mere poseurs, charlatans, and hangers-on on the most vile sort.

The One True Thread, the Cesspool, the Mutha Beautiful Thread, has, in all its various, multitudinous and occasionally nefarious incarnations, a purpose, a meaning, a value beyond reproach for those who understand it.

By helping to maintain a thread below the level of groggly regurgitation, the Cesspool contributes in reality to the securing and safeguarding of entertainment's existence.

Take away from present-day grogs their education-based dogmatic principles, or practically speaking, their black arts of mathematics, by abolishing this proto-religious fascination with numbers, and without replacing it by an equivalent, and the result will be a grave shock to the foundations of their existence, and then the Cess shall rise, providing irrefutable evidence that there is more to the existence of fun than proven facts, or some orgiastic prediliction towards the generation of, and argument concerning, derivation of flight models, and the recollected memories of septegenarian pilots.


Cess-Patrol - When you want to fly in the worst way...

[Edited... of course]

[ February 15, 2002, 02:53 PM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Information Taken From the Lackawana County, Pa. Geneology Page (Lackawana is the home county of one Bryant Belknap, a.k.a. MrPeng:


Marriage license:

Wiliam J. Williams, Carbondale, Grace Belknap, Carbondale


So Peng, who IS this Grace Belknap and why did she get married so precipitously? You see lad, we can do this the easy way (i.e. you abandon your plan to defile Salt Lake and instead go to the Family History Library) or the HARD WAY (I come up with more dirt and innuendo than you can possibly deny). It's up to YOU Peng.


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Liege, *pant* *pant* news of me quest *pant* *gasp*

Liege, I'd like to tell stories of me hardships, the wonders I have visited, the monsters I've battled and the countless virgins who gather at me hooves. All for yer honour.

Er, right, yes... bit different. Ahem, well.. the difficult bit was getting through the door in me waterproofs. My, how one sweats under heavy-duty plastic with no ventilation. Anyway, the unfortunate accident with the sink plunger startled Mr Goggle Suck Shen-Chen into a stampede towards the outer precincts. Don't Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs shift with a partial vacuum near something tender? Well, off it shot and wham! Smacked its bonce on an Olde One refuse heap and keeled over.

Well, couldn't resist the chance of rummaging around the debris of such distinguished personages... empty liqueur bottles, stenographer-signed photos, Mormon genealogies, the odd badly composed court injunction, glossy "artful" magazines of the human body (female), scribbled half-polished poetry (with major corrections), a practice insult colour book, and a rather battered copy of "Darkside One-liners: A Layman's Guide to Scary Sarcasm"... usual rubbish... oh, and something else, something screwed tightly into a ball and meticulously wrapped in sticky tape. Well, this stuck out as something different... all 122 pages...

So I carefully removed the wrapping and laid the creased pages to dry in the sun while the booming voice of something Mini-iota echoed through me head, "do not touch anything".

Oh, right...

Liege, the studying begins...

Idjit Yeknod

[ February 15, 2002, 04:32 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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It is my sad duty to inform the members of the ‘Pool that I have again failed to lose a game to the kanniget, Leeo. I tried. I really did. He just wouldn’t have any of that “winning” stuff, the rotten dog.

Perhaps Leeo was overconfident, for he rushed a swarm of British tanks headlong into an accidentally deadly trap during the first turns. You should have seen the muddy rooster tails thrown right off my viewing screen when Leeo hollered: charge! The game went straight down hill from that point on. In a large patch of forest near World’s End, his poorly commanded squads met the Heer Wood Chipper and died in droves. I tried desperately to celebrate the arrival of many more valiant Brits with a welcoming fanfare of 150mm party poppers, but they only ran away screaming. I still can’t figure out why. Somebody please help.

Seanachai, I’ll send along this tattered dog ear for the next batch of soup; or would you rather let Berli munch on this one?


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Originally posted by Sledge59:

It is my sad duty to inform the members of the ‘Pool that I have again failed to lose a game to the kanniget, Leeo. I tried. I really did. He just wouldn’t have any of that “winning” stuff, the rotten dog.

I'll kill you yet, you, you, seersucker. Ok, it isn't so bad to call a fellow a suit, but you have to admit, it sounds bad. Kinda like my command skills, no?
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Originally posted by Leeo:

I'll kill you yet, you, you, seersucker. Ok, it isn't so bad to call a fellow a suit, but you have to admit, it sounds bad. Kinda like my command skills, no?
Good Gawd, Leeo, has it gotten so bad that you must whimper? Get strong, Man. Go boldly to the outhouse tonight, stick yer head "downunder" (as the Aussies say), and take a very deep breath.

This is your heritage, Leeo. Don't forsake it.

And please don't whimper. It embarrasses the rest of us.

[ February 15, 2002, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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Actually spoke with ol Gracie B-nap a few years ago. We are unrelated.

She is, apparently, Human.

So, I suspect there are Pods in this library? or records of Pods? And just what pray-tell does this have to do with CM? and before anyone asks what extreme drunken-ness has to do with CM, try playing it against me when I am sober and you will understand.

I am also thinking that SLC will be a Tequilla sort of town. No need to pack salt (That's 'pack salt' not 'pound sand' you filthy minded buggers), just a bottle a day and a few pounds of limes and I should be in good shape. Oh, Mezcal will really fit the ticket. I get really angry on that stuff. Especially when I drink enough to eat the worm. Yes, a drunken angry Atheist in SLC. That should really set the cat amongst the pigeons.


42. Five bottles of booze

XI. 3 pounds of limes

~!x3. the Scopes Trial transcripts for my reading pleasure

42. a hunting knife,

b. few cans of sardines in hot sauce for the plane ride

That should be just about right.

Oh! 69. my "God is Dead" t- shirt. Can't forget that.

This should be quite a trip.

Piss off, the lot of you.

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Good Gawd, Leeo, has it gotten so bad that you must whimper? Get strong, Man. Go boldly to the outhouse tonight, stick yer head "downunder" (as the Aussies say), and take a very deep breath.

This is your heritage, Leeo. Don't forsake it.

And please don't whimper. It embarrasses the rest of us.

Ahw, piss off, you poor excuse for an occupation. If I wanted any ****e off you I'd scrape your teeth.

I had a Lawyer once, but I was quick enough to bury-it before it reproduced and slapped a "cease-and-desist" order upon my humble self.

You want whining? Have you spent the last 6 months with a large pregnant woman as your office mate? You have no concept of the "art of fine whine." I'm hoping I can work a noose from my belt before I have to spend another week in my "Torquemada's Delight" chamber of a princess engorged (stand-up, bauhaus; it's your right!) with pregnancy hormones. You'd whimper too, just like when you are forced to take a case pro-bono, you Washingtonian hack.

The sad part is I have layers of rage to send at your paltry presence, yet I'm too veklempt to do them justice. Just suffice it to say that were you the poo on my shoe, I'd not deign myself to give you the mercy of a stick.

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PShaw! Actually spoke with ol Gracie B-nap a few years ago. We are unrelated. She is, apparently, Human. So, I suspect there are Pods in this library? or records of Pods? And just what pray-tell does this have to do with CM?
Peng, if you had an ounce of common sense it would be as apparent to you as to the rest of us just exactly what it has to do with CM. However, since that commodity is apparently in short supply in Wannamaksumfinofit County, I shall break it down into easily chewed and digestible bits for you.

(3.1416) CMBO is the finest WW2 tactical simulation in existence.

{j} This forum is the finest forum dedicated to the playing of CMBO in existence.

[ibex} This thread (e.i. the MBT, I realize you're particularly slow these days Peng) is the finest thread within that forum in existence.

[Yellow Ochre](^}[/Yellow Ochre] I (the Justicar) am the standard by which all posters to this thread are measured and, obviously, fall grievously short but a man's reach should extend beyond his sleeves or something like that.

THEREFORE, pay attention now, anything that adversely affects ME adversely affects this thread which adversely affects this forum which adversely affects CMBO and there you have it ... oh and my 6th grade teacher had a brother-in-law who was a camerman on the Ben Casey TV show in the 60's.

It is obvious then, that having you come to Salt Lake, a catastrophy in and of itself, would be highly significant to ME if I have to be seen in public in your company while you're in one of your ... states ... not to mention THIS state.

So, having explained it all to you, kindly be calling all aunts and uncles, grandparents as are still around etc. and get all the dates, cities, countys for all significant events in the lives of everyone in your family so that we can do something WORTHWHILE during your visit.


oh ... yelling, "Hey, check out the rack on THAT babe." is NOT recommended when viewing photos of Mormon Wives in the Family History Library.

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Joe Shaw sez:

[Yellow Ochre](^}[/Yellow Ochre] I (the Justicar) am the standard by which all posters to this thread are measured and, obviously, fall grievously short but a man's reach should extend beyond his sleeves or something like that.

Feeling a bit <font size=+3>Large</font> between the ears tonight, Joe?
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Originally posted by Sledge59:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Joe Shaw sez:

[Yellow Ochre](^}[/Yellow Ochre] I (the Justicar) am the standard by which all posters to this thread are measured and, obviously, fall grievously short but a man's reach should extend beyond his sleeves or something like that.

Feeling a bit <font size=+3>Large</font> between the ears tonight, Joe?</font>
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Originally posted by chrisl:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:


Get back in your Gates-slut persona! None of your alleged "champions" has shown any sign of freeing you to Peng again. If you slip up again I'll destroy another one of Berli's tanks.</font>
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Originally posted by Croda:

Since we don't keep track of wins and losses anymore, I'm sure no one cares that Leeo just laid a big fat L on my head.

I care, Croda, I care.

Ok, not really, but I had you going (i think Hiram is in charge of you coming), didn't I!

Ha! Oh man, I can hardly wait until morning, when I can check to see what I posted the night before. Ah yes, the Cess is good!

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by chrisl:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:


Get back in your Gates-slut persona! None of your alleged "champions" has shown any sign of freeing you to Peng again. If you slip up again I'll destroy another one of Berli's tanks.</font>
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