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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Originally posted by Persephone:

Well, back to work on my image of an evil satanic pink ceramic piggy bank with wee beady eyes and a pink bow on top of its stupid head and ugly flowers painted all over it. Ughhhh!

Oh! Doug Beman finally sent you his piccie, eh?</font>
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The Battle of Dummkopfenburg

Turn 1

Oberfeldwebel Buzzsaw climbed aboard the lead halftrack and gave the command to move out. As he sped into town, women gasped and became weak-kneed at the sight of the strapping young man. He did not have the steely eyed beauty of the classic Third Reich pinup boys, but, possessed, rather, the dark, supernatural beauty of a Greek god – a universal appeal that affected women in places much deeper than they cared to admit. Several shouted their offers for Buzzsaw to set up quarters in their homes, and some even pointed out the excellent LOS from their bedrooms. He was showered with flowers as he roared down the street. At a particularly crowded intersection, one love-crazed beauty had nearly put his eye out with a bunch of edelweiss.

Buzzsaw sped on, and headed straight for the two large stone buildings on the left side of town. He had identified the Dummkopfenburg Sledworks as the key to controlling the village. The heavy masonry factories overlooked the approaches to Fritz’s grave, and the main arteries into town; plus, they would offer excellent protection from all but the heaviest bombardment. The rest of the German forces, according to his instructions, were taking up positions surrounding the town, but Buzzsaw’s platoon, along with three halftracks, and two armored cars, would seize the Sledworks and the surrounding area.

It looked like Buzzsaw’s battlefield prescience had paid off again. His eagle eyes detected enemy infantry units near his pre-plotted artillery bombardment. There would soon be enough 81mm shells raining down to make that route of advance very uncomfortable for Athkatla’s Raiders.

Oberfeldwebel Buzzsaw could almost taste the brewing fight now, and, as he had skipped breakfast that morning, he was planning on gorging himself once the skirmish began.

To be continued ...

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Keeerap. I go away for a few days and I miss the better part of two threads. Rest assured I liked the opressive heat and humidity in Kentucky even more than any of you lot.

If I missed anything while I was away I don't care, and I'm far too lazy and tired to actually read any of the drivel any of you have typed over the last week. If you think it's important enough to bring to my attention don't bother mentioning it again, because I won't care<sup>2</sup>. Unless Joe said it...then I won't care<sup>3</sup>.

That is all. Please continue at your earliest convenience.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

OMG, I just keep................losing!

Well, I guess Eggnogg's training is taking hold. And it's not enough to merely lose. You must lose with panache.</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

OMG, I just keep................losing!

Well, I guess Eggnogg's training is taking hold. And it's not enough to merely lose. You must lose with panache.</font>
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Coward. I should have you go back and redraft your posts, you twit, but that might mean other people would re-read them and I do not want to be culpable for that. You remind me of the French: all full of vigor until it comes down to doing the job.

Grab a shovel and join athkatla in the stables. I'm sure Yeknod can, err, outflow some work for you.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> dalem: . . .who's in favor of rampant socialism, gun control, and reruns of I Love Lucy.

Sorry buddy, I couldn’t let you do that without claiming that you are tramping on my bailiwick.


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Originally posted by Doug Beman: (hereby snipped: a load of, to be honest, bollocks)Ah-ha! I've decided that, because I hate you all so . . . much . . .I-It-It--flame--flames . . . on the side of my face . . .breathing . . . breathle--heaving breaths . . .heaving--

and, since it is such a royal pain in my private regions to keep up the lisp while on the outerboards (I've already received the lash from my Liege, just so you know he's training me up proper and all) that, until tomorrow night, I shall post ONLY on the MBT!


Actually, I've decided that because I hate the rest of the useless blowzers and whiffle-brained twats on the outerboards even more, I will post MORE, everywhere, and I shan't lisp because I discovered that my lisp was related to self-esteem issues caused by losing every PBEM I've ever been in. However, now that I'm converting athkatla's vehicles into splody things with such glee and delight, I've recovered some small piece of my dignity. Hey, it's only athkatla but you gotta start somewhere. Maybe after him, I'll perform ritual vivisection upon Harv, who recently decided (with my consent, or vice-versa) to bad the scenario we were playing because it was getting too silly. We should play one of the scenarios I'm supposed to be testing for my scenario design group.

What's more, I've just learned that I will be the only person in the office tomorrow; everybody's away at client presentations. So I shall have the run of the place, and shan't have to watch over my shoulder (no, not for Mace, although Lord knows if he were even in the same hemisphere I certainly would).


[ August 08, 2002, 04:04 PM: Message edited by: Doug Beman ]

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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

Ah-ha! I've decided that, because I hate you all so . . . much . . .I-It-It--flame--flames . . . on the side of my face . . .breathing . . . breathle--heaving breaths . . .heaving--

and, since it is such a royal pain in my private regions to keep up the lisp while on the outerboards (I've already received the lash from my Liege, just so you know he's training me up proper and all) that, until tomorrow night, I shall post ONLY on the MBT!

MrBmn, that's too bad...I was finally getting some enjoyment out of reading your forum posts. (They're usually so boring that I have to skip over them to stay awake.) I really liked your lithp. Thanks for the laughs!


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Originally posted by athkatla:

Can you bloody foreigners(anyone not english) hurry up home from work and send me some frigging turns!!.

If I'm not playing you, you can sod off.

Arsekatla, is it past your bedtime already?

I think he's getting tired and crabby.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Can you bloody foreigners(anyone not english) hurry up home from work and send me some frigging turns!!.

If I'm not playing you, you can sod off.

Arsekatla, is it past your bedtime already?

I think he's getting tired and crabby.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

Well Milady time is moving on, 9:20pm here and I need my beauty sleep, dogs need a walk, bin needs leaving out, god, there's always something to do!!

Life's tough isn't it? Specially when you're a bit thick.

Feeling a bit run down and tired, AshKettle? Perhaps you need more Estrogen in your diet.

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Originally posted by athkatla:

Well Milady time is moving on, 9:20pm here and I need my beauty sleep, dogs need a walk, bin needs leaving out, god, there's always something to do!!

Well Gramps, its yer lucky day. For today, a Quest beckons that will shape and brighten me rough lump of coal into a gem so sparkly all will fight to get a climpse of me shiny Scunthorpophile.

Now Quire, such matters are important and we must approach these future travails and tests in the right manner.


Good, we are prepared.

Now, Gramps, I don't want to overburden yer with too much, too early but there are a few little objects of desire I wish to possess.

- the woodchipper (I ooze before its merciless thrummmmm).

- the potato vinderloo nasal spittoon (beware fakes)

- game-playing spaniels (I think we both need this, as Liege I have first go)

- and er, a rather delicate subject. Quire, please step to me rear [*whisper*, see that little tuft of new hair on me rump, well it hides me brand... see? Now, Gramps, find 'im and bring him back in chains. Bring all the wondering ones Quire, bring 'em home, especially this one, the one on me RUMP, the MISSING one. Got it? Good].

- now, Gramps, as yer very special Quest, yer to approach our Stenographer in Waiting, Roxy and amuse her with song and lyrics so divine that the smell of rodents go away.

And let this be known, Gramps, there is more, much more... the road of Kaniggethood is strewn with worthless pillocks and ne'er-do-well oafs that press and strut the earth in aimless jitter. Stride by, Quire, stride by. Be not diverted... fix yer gaze and return with yer booty for the BIG ONE.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

[ August 08, 2002, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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Originally posted by Speedbump:

Okay, I am sorry I ever brought it up.

Having seen, touched, smelled, heard or consumed anything, or even been in the same message board as an Orgie-strugglin' you should be glad you've purged yuorself.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:<HR>

{you really didn't want to read his drivel again}<HR>

Bo Diddley If you ever turn your wart-infested face towards me again, and spew from your misshapen gob drivel so gross, even Baldrick wouldn't eat it, I'll be forced to fling a challenge your way, and send my Death Dudes to put you, and everyone else, out of your misery! Now button it, Git or sod off.

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