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Do I Challenge Peng or Wait for Roxy?

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Originally posted by Andreas:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Andreas so nice to see you here again, we can always use another of your knee slapping, chuckle inducing posts to liven up the day. Nothing like a GERMAN transplanted to ENGLAND when you're looking for REAL humor, that's what I always say ... well that's not what I ALWAYS say, sometimes I say "Blast ... thought we got rid of him long ago." ... sometimes I say that too.


Joe, why would I give a flying monkey's what you think? I am trying hard to think when was the last time I took someone who dressed up as Patton seriously. Well, I can't remember, and I went back to 1968. So why don't you just hold on to your delusions of grandeur, and sod off a lot.

Remember, the baby does not grow weight because it is made from plastic.

Have a rotten day.</font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Otherwise we skip over it and wonder, for the briefest of moments, whether there was a grain of worth lost somewhere in there.

Oh, come ON Berli! Get serious! Everyone knows Ossified Jeff is a complete and utter buffoon and that much like his underwear, there's little hope of change.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Epée:

Surely the third Old One must be Peng himself?

Surely YOU must be from Australia, Comic Foil, in order to ask such a stupid question?



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You know, if He-who-I-do-not-believe-in keeps posting here so much, won't that reduce the amount of time that he will have to produce eastern front scenarios for me personally?

But perhaps his German/Japanese heritage has allowed him to perfect something like a few more hours in the day to play with than we mere mortals.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Goanna:

You know, if He-who-I-do-not-believe-in keeps posting here so much, won't that reduce the amount of time that he will have to produce eastern front scenarios for me personally?

Were I a ship-date-crazed outerboarder, I would introduce the meme that "if he's posting again, that means he's got free time, and that must mean that beta testing is over". But I'm not, so I won't. That meme was never here. The directorate will deny all knowledge. The black helicopters are en route. Please keep your hands in view at all times, citizen.
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Anybody here know of any good support groups, because I sincerely think I'm in need of one.

Oh, sorry. You probably want a little back story first.

I was upstairs working on a 34mm piece of citrine I'm cutting and got up to go downstairs to replenish my wine glass.

(and no, this is not about a drinking problem. I don't happen to have a drinking problem. I drink. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem. Anyhoo...)

As I'm going down the stairs I hear this obnoxiously chipper voice go...I don't even know if I can repeat it...OK, here goes (gulp)... <big>"CRIKEY!"</BIG> Oh God, that hurt.

Yes, my wife, the lovely and charming, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed™ was watching The Crocodile Hunter! AND SHE WASN'T MAKING FUN OF IT, EITHER! I think she may actually have a thing for that gap-toothed, coulotte wearing, John Denver look-a-like, winking wanker. Oh the shame!

But I knew I could tell you all because I know what thoughtful, caring, nurturing tender souls you are.

So is there any kind of support group for this kind of thing, or do you think we can stage an intervention? Maybe get her into EST or somefink.

I'm just so confused...

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Anybody here know of any good support groups, because I sincerely think I'm in need of one.

Oh, sorry. You probably want a little back story first.

I was upstairs working on a 34mm piece of citrine I'm cutting and got up to go downstairs to replenish my wine glass.

(and no, this is not about a drinking problem. I don't happen to have a drinking problem. I drink. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem. Anyhoo...)

As I'm going down the stairs I hear this obnoxiously chipper voice go...I don't even know if I can repeat it...OK, here goes (gulp)... <big>"CRIKEY!"</BIG> Oh God, that hurt.

Boo-Boo, you sure you heard a voice? You did say you were moving. And I'll bet that aged sack of calcified bones and sagging meat you call a body makes all sorts of weird noises when you're not dormant.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Anybody here know of any good support groups, because I sincerely think I'm in need of one.

Oh, sorry. You probably want a little back story first.

I was upstairs working on a 34mm piece of citrine I'm cutting and got up to go downstairs to replenish my wine glass.

(and no, this is not about a drinking problem. I don't happen to have a drinking problem. I drink. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem. Anyhoo...)

As I'm going down the stairs I hear this obnoxiously chipper voice go...I don't even know if I can repeat it...OK, here goes (gulp)... <big>"CRIKEY!"</BIG> Oh God, that hurt.

Yes, my wife, the lovely and charming, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed™ was watching The Crocodile Hunter! AND SHE WASN'T MAKING FUN OF IT, EITHER! I think she may actually have a thing for that gap-toothed, coulotte wearing, John Denver look-a-like, winking wanker. Oh the shame!

But I knew I could tell you all because I know what thoughtful, caring, nurturing tender souls you are.

So is there any kind of support group for this kind of thing, or do you think we can stage an intervention? Maybe get her into EST or somefink.

I'm just so confused...

I have a solution. I will mail you all of my kid's Wiggles tapes and kill two birds with one stone.

First, she will be entranced by Ozzielands other finest export, while I will have the prime colored simpletons out of my house!


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Boo-Boo, you sure you heard a voice? You did say you were moving. And I'll bet that aged sack of calcified bones and sagging meat you call a body makes all sorts of weird noises when you're not dormant.



No, you complete and utter pin head. I first heard the voice and then I saw that she was watching TV.

The concept of logical thought, of the progression of a paradigm is something totally foreign to you, isn't it?

Do you often find yourself going through the day explaining things out loud to yourself?

"I'm having waffles now, because I like waffles."

I'll bet Rain Man made disparaging gestures behind your back.


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Boo Radley makes an excellent point. Can anyone name anything of value coming out of the former Penal {down Bauhaus [by the way, I haven't seen too many Bauhaus references here lately, oh for the good old days], that is not what Penal means...} colony. Let me start the list:

1) Crocodile Dundee

2) The Wiggles

3) The Crocodile Hunter

4) The toilet bowl effect (you know, goes the wrong way around)

5) Mel Gibson...strike that, he was born in the U.S.

6) .......any others?


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedbump:

I have a solution. I will mail you all of my kid's Wiggles tapes and kill two birds with one stone.


You have kids? And you live about 40 mins. from me? Now I truly have something to fear: Speed Bump-ettes.</font>
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Originally posted by Speedbump:

Do we have a saying that will lift hearts and put fear into the hearts of our enemies?

Yeah, but it's something like, "Our liege is a fumbling twit who can't recall what side he's playing in a pbem, doesn't send you a fecking turn for weeks and weeks, then finally (after much prodding and abuse) sends you back the same goddam file you sent him weeks and weeks ago, but only after first whining that he had already sent said incorrect file, when in fact he had merely confused his in-box with his out-box (down, Bauhaus!)," except in Latin or somefink.

Agua Perdido

PS: Joe, send me the right feckin' turn, already! You, too, jdmorse. I see you skulking back there.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If you think I'M mean though ... read a few of the old posts of HIS. I'm a bunny rabbit compared to him.

I, sir, am the soul of kindness. Why, there is not a mean drop of blood in my veins. I could almost be described as angelic

[ August 07, 2002, 03:11 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedbump:

Do we have a saying that will lift hearts and put fear into the hearts of our enemies?

Yeah, but it's something like, "Our liege is a fumbling twit who can't recall what side he's playing in a pbem, doesn't send you a fecking turn for weeks and weeks, then finally (after much prodding and abuse) sends you back the same goddam file you sent him weeks and weeks ago, but only after first whining that he had already sent said incorrect file, when in fact he had merely confused his in-box with his out-box (down, Bauhaus!)," except in Latin or somefink.

Agua Perdido

PS: Joe, send me the right feckin' turn, already! You, too, jdmorse. I see you skulking back there.</font>

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Wow! You guys are prolific writers.

BwwaaaHaaaHaaHa!! "Prolific writers", yeah that's a good one! It's sort of like calling every high school dropout (or even R_Late) with paint in hand and a bus shelter in front of them another "Michelangelo" waiting to be discovered, but at least it made me laugh. Out loud even.

I have much to address here if I may be so bold.

May as well. Lord knows everyone else in here does.

I have a file from M. Dorosh, but he will have to wait while I tidy up this castle a bit more.

Joe Shaw,

I'm not sure if your apology was meant for me or Berlichtingen. I never felt I needed one from you. It's alright to be a meany when you have such noble reasons for being that way. Let me say again, the manner in which you promptly cleaned up some early posts to this thread was admirable. It was one of the main reasons I could no longer resist getting involved in this very strange and exciting place.

Don't mind Joe. He's just old. And cranky. And very old. Did I mention that Joe was old? And cranky?


So you are an Olde One. That pleases me. As you have given me the choice of "Squire" or "Lady in Waiting" to theLady Persephone, I choose the latter. "Lady in Waiting" shall be my signature.

Quite a rousing post you made earlier. I suspect there is a lot of truth to it too. The "outer boards" as you say, are a bit daunting to a lady. I feel I would eventually have suffocated out there from all the attention. Too much of a good thing is...well, too much.

For the love of all that is still good and pure in the universe, please, I beg of you, DO NOT encourage SomeNachos. If you do, he'll clog the MBT with his infernal "jolly sing-songs" until my head explodes.

Not that I think a single one of you deranged lot would mind watching my head explode. In fact, I'm sure most of you would pay handsomely for such a priviledge. I can envision all your inbred, slack-jawed faces now (shudder), arriving for the gala event with popcorn and kazoos and all manner of party paraphernalia. You gits. I hate you all so much. You can all sod off now. Thank you.

{serious}Roxy, as for your feeling "too" welcome here or in the outer boards, my heart goes out to you. I hope here you can feel like just another Pooler.{/serious}


I suspect you are an Olde One also. You seem to wield a vast amount of power here, and with an iron hand. You are the counterweight to the kind Seanachai. This is indeed a fascinating place.

BeerGut wields vast amounts of something with an iron hand. Personally, I've always suspected it was alcohol. If you think it's power, well, that's up to you. Then again you don't strike me as overly bright. You did mention "weight" in the same paragraph as BurrBrain though, so maybe there's some hope for you.

snippage of some blathering on about this and that

I have unquestioning faith in your good judgment.

You were showing some real promise there, Roxy. Then you go and say something like that? Not even Mike says things that daft. And Mike strikes me as someone who's been shunned by morons for fear of giving them a bad name.

more snippage


"versilocution"-I need a better dictionary.

dalem fancies himself an entity unto himself these days. He threw away everything... rank, career, the future... and for what? (Opps, sorry, started channeling Donald Pleasance again.)

At any rate, dalem aspires to obtain knowledge of true hatred, and as part of his quest has cast off his title, his holdings, and his squire (namely, me). To date his progress has been slow (read, nonexistant). On a brighter note, the bitterness I now feel towards the lackwit has inspired me to best him on the CM battlefield. Not that I needed any particular inspriation to throttle him senseless. Given dalem's hollow posturing and overwhelming inepitude, I'd rate his overall play at the level of mildew. He is currently licking his wounds and plotting his "revenge".

dalem, where is my setup? You ponce.


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I'm sorry guys, but:

[sERIOUS] I learned a great deal about the Cesspool over the last 36 hours or so. It has a wonderful history, well preserved. The people are marvelous beyond the wildest imaginations of the outer boarders (and formerly myself) for so many reasons I don't have time to list them. There is no place like The Pool on the net. I doubt there will be anything comparable to The Pool in my lifetime.

I credit this almost uncanny creation mainly to the The Olde Ones and perhaps Sherriff Joe Shaw; but I know there are others who have contributed significantly over the years to the personality of The Pool. Again, too many to list in the short time I have here, but I have been reading. I stand in complete awe of you guys, and what you have created here.

My newly discovered knowledge of The One True Thread has caused me extreme consternation, and a sleepless night, for Roxy is a fraud. What began as a spur of the moment little joke, I let get way out of hand. I offer no excuses for my behaviour other than I did not understand the MBT as well as I thought I did. I had too much time on my hands, and exhibited poor judgment. I became somewhat obsessed with infiltrating the MBT as Roxy.

The only way I can purge this horrible feeling I have is to come clean and apologize from the bottom of my heart. Personal apologies will be sent to the following members of the MBT within 24 hours:

1) First and foremost is the honorable Seanachai for reasons he will understand.

2) Joe Shaw, because his feelings for the MBT run very deep, and I caused him some hypertension, I'm sure. He suffered for my amusement.

3) Persephone and Berlichtingen, Far too fine a pair of human beings to be victimized by my deception.

To the rest of you, please accept this post as my apology. As penance I should write every last one of you who posted in the last 36 hours a personal apology, but time does not permit.

My reputation in the community will be left to the mercy of those this revelation has hurt the most, the people who will receive a personal apology. If they wish to reveal my identity so be it. I will NOT ask them not to. [/sERIOUS]

Is it time for a little sing/song now?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I, sir, am the soul of kindness. Why, there is not a mean drop of blood in my veins.

Or a "warm" drop. Or even a "drop". And not because of the demonic insinuation you seemed to be trying to make either, you stinking "olde" cadaver.


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Originally posted by Roxy:

I'm sorry guys, but:

And so it goes.

{serious}At least you have the courage and integrity to step forward and say what you have to say. I for one hold no grudge.{/serious}

Is it time for a little sing/song now?

Nooo!! NOOOOOOO!!!!! My head, my head!!!


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

For the love of all that is still good and pure in the universe, please, I beg of you, DO NOT encourage SomeNachos. If you do, he'll clog the MBT with his infernal "jolly sing-songs" until my head explodes.

Well, I'll be... there is a reason to let Seanachai sing after all. Well then, Seanachai, sing out lad, sing long and loud
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