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Do I Challenge Peng or Wait for Roxy?

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Joe told me after i made fun of your wife in advertantly and i edited my post as not to offend anyone, but your obviously still upset.

Er... what're you talking aboot? I make fun of her every day. I'll not protect her because of who she is. When she first started showing up here, my comment was "If you're gonna run with the big dogs...".

My comments refered to what I saw as an attack on Roxy. It takes a certain about of courage to post in this thread, but not nearly as much as it takes for a woman to post as a woman in a largely male dominated area of the web. I admire that and will defend that.

Now, that being said, anyone that posts here must be willing stop suffer the slings and arrows... just not arrows dipped in ****e. Make sense?

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Guest PondScum

Oh, dammit. I go off for a day, write a nice little book chapter, come back to the dear fetid stagnant pool, and not only has it MOVED, but there are RUCTIONS in it. Such RUCTIONS as to force me to read sixwhole pages just to catch up.

Well, ok, I read four and skipped ahead to the good bit where Fokker banned himself, and then I saw the screenfuls of Seanachai and Old Joe Blow stretching unto tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, and I just gave up.

I do hope it had a happy ending.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Well, ok, I read four and skipped ahead to the good bit where Fokker banned himself, and then I saw the screenfuls of Seanachai and Old Joe Blow stretching unto tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, and I just gave up.

I do hope it had a happy ending.

Read every word I wrote, or I'll find you and torture and suborn your pets until they'll willingly savage you at my merest whim.

You are not mighty enough to withstand my displeasure. And your little dog, too.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

An noo tae 'Pool business. Ah'm inclined tae support Roxy's suggestion tha she bae appointed Lady ain Waitin' tae fair Lady Persephone. Af'n tha Lady Persephone shuid bae sae kind as tae agree, at wuid appear tae bae a "proper" route fer a potential Lady o' tha Pool tae travel, an' may e'en be seen as a 'Poolish Tradition. O' course, Ah defer tae tha Justicar an' tha Olde Wuns orn tha matter.

Now, if I understood one word in ten of your incomprehensible post, I'd say that all the Ladies were sponsored in one way or another. Kitty was sponsored by me, Emma by Pawbroon, Persephone by King Lizard, Mace's sheep by Mace, bauhaus by... (let's forget aboot Bauhaus). So, It is an established tradition now.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Persephone is best suited to fill her in on who's who

That's a fact... she's the only one that can keep all the names and titles straight (probably because she has a photo library of y'all that rivals old J Edgar Hoovers)

[ August 07, 2002, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Everyone likes a jolly sing-song.

No, not everyone likes a jolly sing-song. In fact, damned few of us like a jolly sing-song. Most of us would, indeed, be overjoyed if you would not give us a jolly sing-song ever again</font>
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

You are not mighty enough to withstand my displeasure. And your little dog, too.

It's not your displeasure that I fear. It's your SINGING.

As for the little dog, I believe that's OGSF's wee spaniel. It's been hanging around ever since I gave its master such a kicking that you couldn't tell which end was wearing the sporran. On quiet nights, you can still hear in the distance the desperate, come-back-here-and-I'll-bite-your-legs-off cries of "11 points! I still scored 11 points, niddle naddle noo!" (and that's after translation).

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[And as the morning light wheezes past the juggernaut of dark on the incline of eternity something grey and heavy is peering out from the paddock next to a carefully errected sign, in brightest crayon.]

Welcome, Roxy

Please leave Carrots,

Apples, Brussel Sprouts

At Gate

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[And as the morning light wheezes past the juggernaut of dark on the incline of eternity something grey and heavy is peering out from the paddock next to a carefully errected sign, in brightest crayon.]

Welcome, Roxy

Please leave Carrots,

Apples, Brussel Sprouts

At Gate

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

[underneath, a neighborhood ruffian has added, in blood-red spray-paint, with added drips:]

New pair of "Paddock Oysters"

Also gratefully accepted

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

You are not mighty enough to withstand my displeasure. And your little dog, too.

It's not your displeasure that I fear. It's your SINGING.


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Wow! You guys are prolific writers. I have much to address here if I may be so bold.

I have a file from M. Dorosh, but he will have to wait while I tidy up this castle a bit more.

Joe Shaw,

I'm not sure if your apology was meant for me or Berlichtingen. I never felt I needed one from you. It's alright to be a meany when you have such noble reasons for being that way. Let me say again, the manner in which you promptly cleaned up some early posts to this thread was admirable. It was one of the main reasons I could no longer resist getting involved in this very strange and exciting place.


So you are an Olde One. That pleases me. As you have given me the choice of "Squire" or "Lady in Waiting" to theLady Persephone, I choose the latter. "Lady in Waiting" shall be my signature.

Quite a rousing post you made earlier. I suspect there is a lot of truth to it too. The "outer boards" as you say, are a bit daunting to a lady. I feel I would eventually have suffocated out there from all the attention. Too much of a good thing is...well, too much.


I suspect you are an Olde One also. You seem to wield a vast amount of power here, and with an iron hand. You are the counterweight to the kind Seanachai. This is indeed a fascinating place. As for the third Olde One, I haven't a clue. Joe Shaw is not him. He's the Sherriff. Please, do tell who the third is.

You seem to have contradicted (overridden?)Seanachai's ruling that I may claim the title of "Lady In Waiting". I would much prefer that to "Squire" my Lord Bellicose. As for a sponsor, I shall be happy with whomever you choose. I have unquestioning faith in your good judgment.


Your produce is at the gate. Eat of it if you dare.


"versilocution"-I need a better dictionary.

Auf wieder sehen, my strange new friends. I will spend some time now reading more of these wondrous Pengy things. I need to educate myself. The mystery of the third Olde One must be solved.

Edited because I'm not perfect, YET

[ August 07, 2002, 03:00 AM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by mon petite general:

Is that a veiled request for more versilocution on my part?

I do not fear your "songs", my liege. For I know that were I to take the earplugs out during a "performance", my head would instantly implode from the sheer, naked, and abrupt awfulness of your versilocution. And while messy, it would be a mercifully quick way to go. Plus, we have SSN's around to clean up the mess.

Seanachai, however, is a different matter. His songs are not so immediately awful as to cause the swift and merciful demise of his audience. Rather, they merely wish that their heads would implode. Eternity is a long, long time to spend hoping beyond hope that your existence will end to make the pain go away (or maybe it just seems that his songs go on that long - I confess that as soon as I encounter one I just hit the "End" button and skip to the bottom).

Some would say that the difference between merely causing your audience to die and causing it to actively wish that it were dead perfectly encapsulates the difference between Knights and Old Ones.

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Clowns with a brain, eh? So who did you steal that from, and do they actually want it back now that it was befouled?

Seanachai, also stop that filthy singing and hammer your head against a wall or somefink. It is vile (imagine how that sounds with my German accent). Your head and the singing.

Well, I had a scan through this thread, and all I can say is that Joe is still the pompous git I remember him as, Seanachai has delusions of being classy, and the only two people in here I would want to have any dealings with are Berli and his lovely wife. Well, and Elvis (aka Mace's sheep IIRC, so not really a person).

The rest of you lot will have a really bad time on the Steppe if I ever come across you. Fortunately enough my acute sense of choosing only the deserving as PBEM opponents will prevent that.

Berli - what was that score again? My personal guess is 90:10. Which would make you what? A case to be dealt with by the unit Commissar?

I am off to blow up T34s in the east now. I am also quite convinced that the CMBB AI is more of a challenge than any of you non-flossing gits.

You lot are not even funny.


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Originally posted by Andreas:

You lot are not even funny.

So you're feeling lonely again, is that it? I can only imagine what it is like to be forced to play pbem after pbem against sheep-loving aussies who claims that CM:BB is "parse" in emails going out to everyone in the free world. And while Berli certainly is an evil bastard I just know you miss the mutual body counts of our games. So just bear and grin it for a few more weeks and I'll let you lose against me again.

You know you want to.

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Originally posted by Geier:

And while Berli certainly is an evil bastard I just know you miss the mutual body counts of our games. So just bear and grin it for a few more weeks and I'll let you lose against me again.

You know you want to.

Oh, you still hang out here. Whatever next, Peng too? Well then, a game it is. I expect you to run down to ye olde software shoppe and send me a setup on the night of the 20th.

Where's that Hoth book? Which Folk CDs do you want? Answers in an email please.

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Originally posted by Geier:

I can only imagine what it is like to be forced to play pbem after pbem against sheep-loving aussies who claims that CM:BB is "parse" in emails going out to everyone in the free world.

Put your reading glasses on you nordic nong, I said CMBO!

And MrSqueeker, that would have to be the worst Kitty impersonation I have ever witnessed. Why I have a good mind to dob you in to her so she'll rip you asunder in that charming way of hers that just warms the cockles of my heart.

But I digress, here's a bonza welcome to Roxy (bolded because any shiela who dares to post in the MBT is to be respected for her bravery).

Over time you will find there are some wonderful people here that will fill your days with joy - Wonderful people include us Aussies, the Old Uns*, YK2, Persophone and especially that uber-shiela Kitty with whom I find the utmost pleasure in grovelling at her feet, yelling 'oh mistress, hit me once more with the whip, and walk on me with those stilleto heels like the time you...'...Oh, err, sorry got carried away.

Yet there are those here that you learn to hate and despise (ie everyone else not listed above).

Again, welcome.

* yes I respect authority but am also a sycophant.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Geier:

[qb]... sheep-loving aussies who claims that CM:BB is "parse" ...[qb]

Put your reading glasses on you nordic nong, I said CMBO!


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Well, what's with all the jolly singing this morning? Is it cos this lass has joined us lot in 'ere? She must be freaking mad, anyway, I'll say nowt, long as she stands her round, that's a pint o best ale lass, and teks the flak same as us lot, I don't give a toss, far as I'm concerned, she's just another skirt wearer like that old kilt-wearing, haggis-eating jock, OGSF.

So, hello Roxy and get stuck in lass!

The rest of you can either send me a turn, or sod off!

[ August 07, 2002, 06:21 AM: Message edited by: athkatla ]

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Harrr! Me hearties!!

Welcome aboord tha good ship SSX Cess, Roxy Lady, In Waitin'. It be Cap'n AJ(aka Flossiejeff), scerge o' th' Antipodees at yer service, ma'am.

We be a motley crew wot loiks pillagin' an plunderin' tha breadth o' this 'ere planet usin' ower rapier loik pens which as is well knewn 'r moightier then tha sword {exceptin' fer th' SSN's o' course - wot 'as limp wrists an' carnt roight two sarnsible words t' save thar scrawny haeds}.

Good Lady-a-waitin'. If yer doesn't moind, oil slap up some historical parchments 'ere wot moight give ye some insoight t' th' moindset o' some o' th' scurrilous curs ye may cross cudgels wid 'ere n' tha Pool o' Cess. Them infadel ooterboarders ar too thick t' unnerstan' th' deep n' hidden meanings o' the sacred scrolls, but oim shure ye will 'ave noo diffecultee whootsoeever! So, fer yer enloightenment an' entertainment, Sir Flossiejeff presenteth:

Monty Python and the Holy Grail



KING ARTHUR Graham Chapman

PATSY Terry Gilliam

SOLDIER #1 Michael Palin

SOLDIER #2 John Cleese


CUSTOMER John Cleese


DENNIS Michael Palin

WOMAN Terry Jones


GREEN KNIGHT Terry Gilliam

VILLAGER #1 Eric Idle

VILLAGER #2 Michael Palin


WITCH Connie Booth

VILLAGER #3 John Cleese

VILLAGER #4 Neil Innes

NARRATOR Michael Palin


SIR GALAHAD Michael Palin



MAN Neil Innes

GOD Graham Chapman



KNIGHT John Cleese



LEFT HEAD Terry Jones

MIDDLE HEAD Graham Chapman

RIGHT HEAD Michael Palin

ZOOT Carol Cleveland

PIGLET Avril Stewart

WINSTON Sally Kinghorn

DINGO Carol Cleveland





FATHER Michael Palin


GUARD #1 Eric Idle

GUARD #2 Graham Chapman


GUEST #1 Michael Palin

GUEST #2 Michael Palin

OLD CRONE Bee Duffell



BORS Terry Gilliam



ANIMATOR Terry Gilliam

Scene 1

[wind] [clop clop]

ARTHUR: Whoa there!

[clop clop]

GUARD #1: Halt! Who goes there?

ARTHUR: It is I, Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon, from the castle of Camelot. King of the Britons, defeator of the Saxons, sovereign of all England!

GUARD #1: Pull the other one!

ARTHUR: I am. And this my trusty servant Patsy.We have ridden the length and breadth of the land in search of knights who will join me in my court at Camelot. I must speak with your lord and master.

GUARD #1: What, ridden on a horse?


GUARD #1: You're using coconuts!


GUARD #1: You've got two empty halves of coconut and you're bangin' 'em together.

ARTHUR: So? We have ridden since the snows of winter covered this land, through the kingdom of Mercea, through--

GUARD #1: Where'd you get the coconut?

ARTHUR: We found them.

GUARD #1: Found them? In Mercea? The coconut's tropical!

ARTHUR: What do you mean?

GUARD #1: Well, this is a temperate zone.

ARTHUR: The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plumber may seek warmer climes in winter yet these are not strangers to our land.

GUARD #1: Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

ARTHUR: Not at all, they could be carried.

GUARD #1: What -- a swallow carrying a coconut?

ARTHUR: It could grip it by the husk!

GUARD #1: It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a 1 pound coconut.

ARTHUR: Well, it doesn't matter. Will you go and tell your master that Arthur from the Court of Camelot is here.

GUARD #1: Listen, in order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times every second, right?

ARTHUR: Please!

GUARD #1: Am I right?

ARTHUR: I'm not interested!

GUARD #2: It could be carried by an African swallow!

GUARD #1: Oh, yeah, an African swallow maybe, but not a European swallow, that's my point.

GUARD #2: Oh, yeah, I agree with that...

ARTHUR: Will you ask your master if he wants to join my court at Camelot?!

GUARD #1: But then of course African swallows are not migratory.

GUARD #2: Oh, yeah...

GUARD #1: So they couldn't bring a coconut back anyway...

[clop clop]

GUARD #2: Wait a minute -- supposing two swallows carried it together?

GUARD #1: No, they'd have to have it on a line.

GUARD #2: Well, simple! They'd just use a strand of creeper!

GUARD #1: What, held under the dorsal guiding feathers?

GUARD #2: Well, why not?

[End Scene 1. Stay tooned for Scene 2]


Har, har har!!! Oi done burst me soids larfin at that lot! There be moor o' this ta come soon enow, Roxy lass.

Till thaen,

Sir Flamin' AJ

[ August 07, 2002, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

[End Scene 1. Stay tooned for Scene 2]


I am not quite sure what is worse - him spilling pilfered stuff in this thread that we all know already anyway, or the alternative, which would be him posting his own 'writings'.
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