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The Trial of Slapdragon

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Originally posted by Determinant:

I am not an expert in these matters but there would seem to be a clear difference between an anus and a hairy quadraped with a liking for carrots.

Oh, I don't know about all that. In many cultures, like Utah for example, there are many hairy anus' with a liking for carrots, just ask Mr Tinkles.

Unless, of course Mr Indeterminate, you are more interested in the arse of an Ass. But that is none of my concern and is a private matter between you and your (hopefully) consenting donkey.


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Vulgar, Stuka. Answer not humour with vulgarity, lest you lose your soul.

The Trial of Slapdragon shall not take place.

Those who hate and despise him (and who would not), were given the option of coming into the Kingdom of Jest, and, with laughter, arrogance, and satire, Make Their Case.

They chose to do naught.

They would rather nurse anger, bitterness, and hatred.

What is Truth? I wash my hands of them.

Satire answers any pompous ass. Invited into a forum where humour permits and answers for all, they stood seperate.

I shall hate Slapdragon, quite thoroughly, and in my own way, and without reverting to sniping and calumny. I shall hate him, day by day, for the annoying ass he is: knowledgeable, opinionated, and often wrong.

I shall not hate him merely for being Slapdragon. That I leave to those whose egos are more tender, and whose honour is more prominent.

For myself, he's an annoying bastard. I come not to praise Slapdragon, but to bury him.

On the other hand, I'd stand him a pint any day of the week. Arrogance such as Slappy displays is as common as hidden charges on a mechanic's bill.

And We Are All, All, Arrogant Men...

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xxx) Everyone has the right to an opinion.

W00t) When someone voices their opinion, listen intently, do not interupt

99.3) If you don't agree and you choose to respond, coach you disagreement in a way that does not belittle the person or something the person feels passionate about.

AI) Think before you post.

alpha) most of all, it's really an insignificant discussion and not worth getting that passionate about. (this is the 'who gives a sh*t' rule)

omega) never eat carrots from Utah.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Unless, of course Mr Indeterminate, you are more interested in the arse of an Ass. But that is none of my concern and is a private matter between you and your (hopefully) consenting donkey.


Stalky, thank you for that. Such a sweet suggestion but I confess it was not a leisure activity that I had ever thought about. But I see you hail from Brisbane. Perhaps this is a cultural thing developed from the manly, sweaty bilges, of a convict ship?

There's a bridge near Dorchester in England that still bears a sign saying that any person caught throwing stones at the bridge is liable to transportation. This raises the question as to whether dating donkeys is worse than stoning bridges. Difficult concepts. Anyway I'll leave the last word on the matter to you since I'm sure that as you are an Australian this will be very important for your psychic well being.

Toodle Pip!

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Originally posted by Determinant:

There's a bridge near Dorchester in England that still bears a sign saying that any person caught throwing stones at the bridge is liable to transportation.

Ignoramus! That bridge is at Sturminster Marshall in Dorset, I once threw rocks at it for about an hour in an attempt to get a free fare home, in the end I had to buy a plane ticket.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The Trial of Slapdragon shall not take place.

Och, ye did ye best laddie. Didnae take at sae harrrd. Widye noo cum haim mon? Ye capers are parrrt o' tha rrrich tapestry....leek Harold coppin' at ain tha eye....

Peng's back, Meeks hae lost interrrest agin.... Ah'll bae lookin' fer ye, tha kettle's on.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

Ignoramus! That bridge is at Sturminster Marshall in Dorset, I once threw rocks at it for about an hour in an attempt to get a free fare home, in the end I had to buy a plane ticket.

What?!! Lawyer pike out of paying there as well?


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Originally posted by Bruno Weiss:

Well it's good that we have these little conversations from time to time just to maintain the communal atmosphere.

The lad is right. We offered the opportunity, such as it was, to come into a place of special acceptance, the Peng Challenge Thread, and give Slapdragon a right brutal kicking.

We go almost no takers.

I would guess that the message, here is: we're more than happy to accuse the annoying bastard known as 'Slapdragon' of every crime, of every prejudice, of every stupidity.

But we're not willing to come into a place of humour and calumny, and make the effort of 'satire' to indict our enemy.

This Forum has seen too much of petty 'Personality Clashes' lately. This is a forum of people with a lot to say, a very great deal to say. This is a forum that can tell me things that I've never imagined, nor understood.

I've read an endless amount of ****e, lately, from people who jabber about 'strawmen arguments', 'red herrings', 'nationalistic bull****', and 'ego-tripping posts'.

I don't care a rap.

What I wish to see is this Forum made strong, again, without all these attempts to piss on each other's heads.

Where I can be as assured of finding a thread on the minutiae of (teeth-gritting) 'Running with Machine Guns", as I can on 'Panther Armour Mantlet Thickness: Could You Brew Espresso On It?' Without endlesslessly scrolling through Slapdragon: Why He's the Enemy of all Right Thinking Folk.

Let's face it. Slapdragon is only one man, and not even a particularly impressive authority, at that.

That so many people should expend so much hatred of the man is...well, bloody ****ing silly.

So much hatred, and so little time to be actually willing to satirize him.

The Peng Challenge Thread has finally proven it's worth. We offered ourselves for the spectacle of belittling and abusing Slapdragon, and we got:


What we received were...excuses:

"His friends; his partisans; we're not allowed to post, he's got BTS in his hands; no one would pay any attention, you guys in the Peng Challenge Thread are on his side..."

So much ****e.

Perhaps we could argue things as was done in the 'old days'.

You know, where no one claimed that anyone was posting because of their own 'ego/nationality/political agenda'...

Where the discussion meant more than proving any given poster 'wrong'.

Ah, for the days of achieving some sort of 'truth'.

I do not 'love' Slapdragon. Nor do I hate him.

Well, actually, I do hate him, but only for himself.

What's wrong with you little piddlers that you can't achieve the same?!

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