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Advice on how to knockout pillbox???

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I've manuvered around behind a pill box that I desperately need to distroy. These troops have no Deom packs so I first tried to sneak around front to attack through the slit, like in the movies. The result, one machine blast and 8 out of 10 troops wiped out. I have also tried to attack to the rear. My troops have used grenades to no avail and I've continued to lose men. HELP!!!!

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What sort of terrain/visibility are you fighting in? Are you able to bypass it entirely or does it need to be taken?

Armor, bazookas, flamethrowers and rifle grenades are my preferred weapons against pillboxes. If you don't have access to anything like this and REALLY need to take that position, try rushing it with two other squads laying down covering fire. Depending upon the quality of the troops inside, they may break for it and abandon the position entirely. Luck happens.

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No, you cannot command squads to use rifle grenades. If you have a zook, it can take out the pillbox from the rear. You might get a squad to use a rifle grenade if you approach closely from the rear, but I'm not sure it has sufficient penetration.


"Don't lie to me, Gustav! You're a stinkin' Mac user!"

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I have to say, once I've gotten a squad around the back, it's only a matter of time before they blow it open. It may take five or six grenades (i.e. a whole minute or two), but it is doable.

I had a squad use a rifle grenade on one of their own accord.. Penetration, no effect. Grr.


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Guest Scott Clinton

Attack the pillbox from the back with the infantry.

This should also work equally well if you get a tank behind the pillbox and start shooting...but it doesn't.

Tanks still keep firing smoke and running scared from pillboxes even when they are 180 degrees behind them.

I just spent three turns and about 10 replays trying to get a Sherman to fire at the rear of a pillbox (at least to pin it down). The Sherman refused until the range was < 5 meters. By then I had infantry in place and they took out the pillbox themselves.

I hope this 'pillbox-phobia' can be patched because it is the same behavior seen in the demo and is very frustrating to spend 2-3 hard-fought turns trying to get a tank behind a pillbox, only to have it keep popping smoke and running for no reason. frown.gif


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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Guest Scott Clinton

Great! I know its not wise to 'charge' your tanks in...but it works once in awhile. smile.gif

In this case I had just finished up 6 of 8 rounds of 155 fire and I knew the Jerry infantry nearby would be keeping thier heads down...as it turned out...they were either all dead or running for dear life! Gotta love heavy those 155s! biggrin.gif

Funny thing was in the first game I had the 155's, I kept 'grumbling' "Damn! ONLY eight rounds!" Well as it turns out, "EIGHT IS ENOUGH!" wink.gif


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

[This message has been edited by Scott Clinton (edited 07-04-2000).]

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Guest grunto

yes sometimes you have to wait a few minutes before your infantry directly behind the pillbox eventually blow the door open. yes you don't want to attack from the slit direction with infantry. get behind and get a unit really close to the door. depending upon what kind of unit it is, it will blow the door sooner or later.

if it's a flamethrower it will probably take it out quickly but if it's a unit with just hand grenades it may take a few turns.

be careful if you have demo charges... get too close and you could blow yourself up as well.


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Taking a MG42 HMG burst at about 2m into a full squad...ugly.

How to take them out is technique. Which technique to use is up to you, it depends on the situation. If you have time, and the resources, indirect fire or tanks. Time and slim resources, use maneuver. No time, haul a** and bypass. As far as suppression, I find it better to just get out of LOS, even better outside the firing arc, is the pillbox is unsupported it's just a matter of time before its toast.


...to all sergeants anywhen who have labored to make men out of boys. Heinlein "Starship Troopers"

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"be careful if you have demo charges... get too close and you could blow yourself up as well."


The one and only time I have used a demo charge was in Singling Shootout. My Vetern troopers threw the demo charge at the pillbox then ran back inside the building like thier ass was on fire. It was very cool to watch!

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Tanks are quite good at taking out pillboxes (average 7 shots to get a slit penetration), but be aware of antitank guns!

if you use infantry make sure you give them smoke cover else they will panic quite easily approaching under fire.



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This may have been mentioned before but in case it isn't:

The key to knocking out a bunker is to first isolate it. Bunkers normally (well in the case of halfway competent commander) form part of a defensive line or plan. Many of the casualties one takes (presuming they're not foolish enough to attack a bunker from its front quadrant) during the assult come from forces covering the bunker or other bunkers and positions in the enemy line. So lets talk about the phases of your bunker busting.

1. PREP: Either divide up physically, or at least in your mind, the forces available to assault your bunker into an assault force and a support force. The support force should be where you have your heavy weapons, mortars and MGs, spotters and whatnot (And preferabbly a leader with fire direction bonus). These forces should NOT be in the assault force. The assault force should consist of demolition equipped squads, flame throwers or even regular squads plus a leader. Keep in mind however that time and terrain may mean you wont get your flamethrower up there in time since they move so slow. It is OK to move Mgs forward (if you have extras, as follow on forces to help secure a breach in the enemy line once you have created one.

2. SUPRESSION AND ISOLATION. If you have artillery pound the enemy positins that can palce fire on your "crossing spot" while you move your forces through cover and concealment to a position where they can cross that last fatal space at the shortest possible point. Smoke can be vital here. Those concrete bukers can be impervious to lighter artillery and mortars so don't waste your HE on them. Put some smoke in front of them. Put your HE on supporting positions. With a combinatin fo smoke and HE create a clear lane across the open space that your guys can run without being interdicted. As your forces move out they should be running their asses off. Make sure you lift fire from heavy arty early enoutgh to avoid fratricide since one misplaced round can ruin your whole day. Replace heavier roudns with lighter rounds (moratrs) or even smoke. Don't worry about completely annihilating enemy positions here, suppressing them is good enough. Timing is very important during this whole phase.

3. ASSUALT: Ok once you have made it to the other side, attack the bunkers from the rear. Even regular troops can take out bunkers and you only need to freak out the occupants so they surrender. WHile one or two squads carry out tehir grim task have teh oetrhs in the assault force face about and porvide security. And what if they don't take out the bunker? As long as you have suppressed and smoked the bunker so it can't hit your forces as you move by it, then just forget about the damn thing, and bypass it. It's not like they can reposition their field of fire.

That's the beauty of attacking a bunker line. Once you create one small breeach in it, get your forces in there, then the whole line may become irrellevant.

Hope that helps.


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In one scenario I have an 88mm bunker. On the first turn I always take out the Sherman 105 because I assume it is the greater threat, but the Stuart next to it never fails to kill my bunker on the next shot. I guess bunkers are pretty easy to knock out if you are the AI.

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