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Prof Moriarty

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Everything posted by Prof Moriarty

  1. The new Americanized version is horrible! Well, it's still most likely a good show...but the Brit version is just that much better. I was literally yelling at the TV last week when the 1st US episode was played, "they ruined my favorite show" Personally I'm hoping that they are just filler shows until the real show gets some more episodes, you know the Brit's had to go to 1st rd, 1/4's, semis, finals. The hope of filler comes from the new style going 1st rd, semis... Also, Last weeks episode, gee haven't I seen some team already build an air cannon-and use bikes for power, yep sure did, the 2nd season rugby toss. Additionally, for some reason I don't like the new American teams, attitude, or lack of style..something. I hate it when they take one of the few things worth turning on the TV for and go messing it up. Thus endeth the pointless rant.
  2. Yep 1st Cav, hehehe. Like I said earlier I made up one of these, For every WWII Patch I could find Army, Corp, Div, etc, including ghost units. If I ever decide to finish (need to do the '45 patterns) I might release it. BTW Tom they do look good.
  3. That's what I thought, just thought maybe I'd overlooked something. The American Airborne do have seperate .bmps though. #5002 for 1944 style. Can't remember the '45 style one. BTW How long did it take you to figure out that you have to mirror the patchs so they look right? Just wondering because I did like 20 patchs before I figured it out. I think it was 1st Cav that opened my eyes.
  4. Not to nitpick, but... the patchs in the screen shots are on the wrong shoulder. Current unit assignment patchs are on the left, combat patchs are on the right. I know this is fixable with the airborne units on account of the 2 different arm .bmp's. Also, did you figure out a way to get the normal infantry not to have the patchs on both arms? I haven't d/l'ed the patch of course. So please say if the mod is different from the screenshots (I made my own one a while ago)
  5. The upper right hand corner of the screen has a bunch of options, search is one of them.
  6. http://w1.312.telia.com/~u31213280/addons.htm Under the Unit Database, not sure if it's been updated for the new costs in 1.1 A search under "unit database" will give the forum threads that pretain to it.
  7. Uh, whoops. twice now I'm the idiot. Yes, that works too. In my defense I did find my IP before I launched the game, the excitement cancelled my higher brain functions. You should've seen my force selection in the crashed game...defintely the excitement.
  8. I must apologize. Not to mention I feel rather...sheepish. My first post in months and it gets locked. Plus, the game crashed. One thing I did notice, it pays to be the host, additional setup time while waiting for the opponet to connect. Also, for Win95 anyway, just click; start, run ,and type in winipcfg. IP address is labeled. (obviously make sure you're connected first.)
  9. combined arms, 1500pt meeting engagement, Mar '45, Day, Clear, 30turns, Med map, no force restriction, medium quality, village, moderate trees, modest hills, Full FOW (of course), 3min time limit. I'm allied, buy anything you want. Correction, Heck of a time for a 'puter crash. [This message has been edited by Prof Moriarty (edited 11-29-2000).]
  10. Try this one out, 8 300mm rocket spotters elite 24rds, 4 TRP's. VS. a green French rifle Bn. Map about 500X500, very dry, urban area. I can't get the thing to go more then two turns. hehe ------------------ ...to all sergeants anywhen who have labored to make men out of boys. Heinlein "Starship Troopers"
  11. Taking a MG42 HMG burst at about 2m into a full squad...ugly. How to take them out is technique. Which technique to use is up to you, it depends on the situation. If you have time, and the resources, indirect fire or tanks. Time and slim resources, use maneuver. No time, haul a** and bypass. As far as suppression, I find it better to just get out of LOS, even better outside the firing arc, is the pillbox is unsupported it's just a matter of time before its toast. ------------------ ...to all sergeants anywhen who have labored to make men out of boys. Heinlein "Starship Troopers"
  12. After a fruitless search I will start a thread for this question. Will airborne units have a C&C advantage in the full game? Basically will a vet airborne squad be better off then a vet leg squad when separated from an officer. Or is it entirely experience dependent. I ask because of the LGOP (Little Group Of Paratroopers) situation. ------------------ ...to all sergeants anywhen who have labored to make men out of boys. Heinlein "Starship Troopers"
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