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The Lord of the Peng: The Two Challenges

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Gamey Updates, Gamily Updated

Boo: I take great relishing in kicking Boo's ass. Mostly because it is convenient and doesn't take up too much time.

Nidan1: This freak has got to learn how to accept an ass kicking with proper deference.

Lurkur: Chap narrowly avoided a real ass-wallop. Also destroyed my evil plans in the process. He will be repayed (in ass-kick) when the time is ripe.

OGSF: Ass kicking galore with the Jimmae. He just won't STAY DOWN!

Marlow: Ass kicking not too far off now. Will require flanking maneueuver.

Leeo: Backing up nice and slow to the boot. Ass-kicking will commence according to schedule.

Snarker: One cheek kicked so hard, the other needs to be kicked for balance' sake.

Lawyer: I'm playing this clown? Thought I was, now not so sure. Must keep one boot in reserve for well-deserved kick-in-de-pants.

cmplayer: Too many asses, not enough boots.

Gaylord Focker: Hm, not on the list, must've already kicked that ass.

To those not mentioned in the list above: Do I know you??

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Lars has since taught me the art of saving the last couple turns in a game in case they get bungled, you will not be saved from a total defeat by me messing an e-mail up and deleting my old turns you KV-2 loving afrront of tactics.

Christ, you got me! Anything but to resume that abortion of a battle. You'll get yer set-up, hoser.
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

All righty then.... So, who wants a good ass-kickin'?


Do I have to taunt you again with another witty poem or have you finally come to your senses?

You can have poetry or you can send me a setup. It is your choise naturally, but I warn you not to underestimate my eerie ability to be a royal pain in the ***.

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Ecclesiastes 1:18

"For the greater my wisdom, the greater my grief. To increase knowledge only increases sorrow."

Scripture and Berli seem to agree.

Heading to the bomb shelter in the mountains with all due haste.

You can come out now. And Of course Berli would say that Wisdom requires Cynicism, it is in his nature, just like the Scorpion that stings while being carried across the river. That is also why he keeps getting his a** kicked by you know who. Wisdom does not necessarily require cynicism. To think so is cynical in itself (i.e. that true knowledge can only come to pass with an understanding that all act in their own selfish interests). Certainly an understanding of human nature, both good and bad is required, as well as realization that what is earthly is not lasting, but this is not cynicism. Solomon advises us to be happy with what we have and to make the best of our lot in life. Enjoy the sun while it shines, and do all in moderation.
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The previous taunt:

Panzer, your incoherent ramblings in this thread and your slightly amusing, yet tragic ramblings in the other thread reminded me why you owe me a setup.

To be perfectly honest I had forgotten about it, and your vicious post directed at me left me in a strangely bewildered state. Like a Budhist monk pondering over the sound of one hand clapping I sat at my office staring at the screen "why did I think he owed me a setup" I thought..."was it all a dream? A wild and beautiful dream..or was it some figment of imagination stemming from a thoroughly drunk mind?"

Then, when I read your 34-second thread. And I swear, I did not want to read it, it was more like the situation you face when you pass a horribly ugly girl with an enormous big nose in a bar...you dont want to look, but yet you cant help it because "WOW that is a big nose you think...is it really THAT big?" So you look and stare when you dont think she sees you. She notice how you are looking at her and thinks you are interested in her. You on the other hand panic as you realize that she is looking at you now and you force yourself not to look, but then you think "I have to make sure that she doesnt look at me right now" so you look at her, and she was looking at you and now she thinks "yes, he likes me, that is the only reasonable explanation to why hes looking at me all the time". And you panic again, worse this time and you order in lots of shooters and beer thinking "if Im drunk enough, she will leave me alone" but soon you find yourself staring like crazy at her and generally you are behaving like a baboon on a bad acid trip. (Then you end up following her back to her place, and when you wake up the next morning you just want to cry/join the foreign legion and you feel an uncontrollable urge to scrub your entire body with iodine).

Then I thought "I've seen these incoherent ramblings before...yes, I recognize the so-very-not-logic arguments presented with the finesse of a drunken elephant having a panic attack inside a small porcelain gift shop."

You know why you owe me a setup, you STALKER.

Anyway, the 34-second thread inspired me to write a small poem in your honour:

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and your thread was cute.

But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.

Setup please.

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Mr. Focker, I am going to go Episode 6 on your ass. No, first I'm going to go Episonde 4, then switch to a bit Episode 1 (you know the part.) After I've done that and you are a but a whelp mewling for your mammery, I will switch back to some Episode 5, but just enough to get you back on your feet, where-upon I will lay one BIG Episode 6 right square on your ass.

Hortlund. I suppose that passes the muster, but barely. When time permits (did you SEE that list??) I will send you a scenario so bloated, so huge, so dripping with airplanes, reinforcements, Dummy flags, and Shermans, yes SHERMANS of all things (*gack*), that you will be crushed by the weight of the thing, your ISP will divorce you and your CPU will spit black acid at your ankles. Your monitor will default to a refresh rate of '1' and your mouse ball will become bloated and blue, requiring rather unsavory surgery.

Be aware, though, that I am often called "The Lion of Sweden" due to my ferocious decapitation of all Swedes I meet, whether born Swedish, or converted there-in.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Be aware, though, that I am often called "The Lion of Sweden" due to my ferocious decapitation of all Swedes I meet, whether born Swedish, or converted there-in.

Tell the truth now, it is you who insist that all your friends, family, neighbours and co-workers call you "The Lion of Sweden" because you have fallen for the myth that all Swedes are great porn stars.
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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

And by the way, when you buy a bottle of fox pee...you DO realize that it is not fox pee at all dont you? I mean how do you think they would bottle real fox pee? Follow the little critters around with a tiny bottle?

Ever buy your girlfriend a fur? Ever wonder what they do with the rest of the fox?

Hmm, Hortlund..., girlfriend..., guess not....

Now, if you were a real porn star, you could have at least gotten close to a woman.

But, being a Swedish flop, I guess you'll just be stuck with the starring role in those "other" movies.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.

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