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What changes are there in operations for CMBB vs. CMBO?

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Hi All,

Been long time since I've been here. Too tied up these days with Grad School. I see a lot of the same old crew here though by names in the posts.

Tried doing a search, didn't come up w/ much.

What I'm interested in is how have operations been changed in CMBB from what we had in CMBO?

It always seemed to me there was some definite room for improvement in this aspect of the game so hopefully there have been some changes/additions to the operations


Mikester out.

Aka Mike D.

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I asked this of many of the sneak previewers, and none really looked at operations to any extent. They were, understandably, too engrossed in just looking at the actual play features and graphics.

I know there are many of us that are hoping for flags in ops, quick ops, improved front line mapping, etc for operations. Guess we'll just have to be surprised.

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I dream about that alot. There truly has been very little in the way of information slipping. I know over a year ago Steve said that they had been greatly overhauled. Since then - nothing. Moon said something a month or so ago, but I can't remember what it was. I think it was something along the lines of "This is one of the things you'll have to wait for."

Oh, now that I think about it, I believe Steve said there WOULD be flags in Ops (hoping I'm remembering right.)

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

To add one more thing: this is something that has me holding my breath in hopeful anticipation. If anybody can pull a rabbit out of their hat, it's BFC. Strange quiet, love of campaigns, that cool campaign-QB feature they added, all add up to the chance for a real surprise for Sep 20th. smile.gif

Amazon troops? :D
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I think I did hear that saved games can be played as new games. Which means that a saved game on a huge map can be played for so many turns, saved, then opened up in the editor to add reinforcements etc - though this might require 3rd party intervention. Anyway, it's another option to the in-game operation, given I have my facts straight smile.gif

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