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Sign up to be an ASL CMBB Tester

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In the combat mission forum, a thread is going about conversions from ASL/SL/ect. to CMBB. I volunteered to be a tester for these scenarios there, and then so did a few others.

So I thought, what the heck, Ill start a threat in the scenario talk for those who would be interested in testing these conversions for those who make them. Maybe no one will post here besides me, but its worth a shot to see some great conversions come from great people!

The best tester here would be one who has ASL/SL, with the scenario cards that are being used. But, I am sure that anybody would be welcome to test them regardless of you ASL/SL experience. Just a name and email would be great.

So, Ill be the first to volunteer! My email is ftoalma@msn.com.

Chad Harrison

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Guys, I did the Frontovik mod (adds Russia) for CMBO. I did many of these early SL/ASL battles already. The maps are done. By all means you can download the battles, copy the maps, and simply use them as a basis for CMBB.

I also have all SL/ASL maps, except for the flat desert ones, including the HedgeRow Hell and small urban maps. I can send them to anyone that wants them.


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Originally posted by MikeT:

Guys, I did the Frontovik mod (adds Russia) for CMBO. I did many of these early SL/ASL battles already. The maps are done. By all means you can download the battles, copy the maps, and simply use them as a basis for CMBB.

I also have all SL/ASL maps, except for the flat desert ones, including the HedgeRow Hell and small urban maps. I can send them to anyone that wants them.


Thanks for the offer Mike and we will be taking you up on it. I am sure that once CMBB finally comes out, there will be a great search for ASL/SL resources, and we will definatly keep you on that list.

Chad Harrison

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Just to clarify something: We are volunteering to help however we can, but most likely that will only involve testing the scenarios after they are made. So your time commitment, is to play a scenario from both sides, write what you think, and email it to the developer. If you do have more time, you may be asked to play it as TCP or PBEM against someone.

So, for those who do not have a lot of time, all you have to do is play the scenario and type up really quick what you thought and if there is anything that can be improved.

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:D Count me in. I was quite the ASL fanatic in university - I helped form a club which had tournaments and a newsletter. I made the trek to Octoberfest several times but always got whacked by the terrific players there. Alas the stuff has been gathering dust in a closet for years now. I was very pleased to see the ASL conversions done with CMBO, so yes send me the CMBB stuff when the game comes out.

:cool: Cheers.

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