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Who's For a Jolly Sing Song, and Another Go At the Peng Challenge?

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Originally posted by rune:

I have no choice but to do the following.

Joebob , I hereby envoke a Blood Hamster Feud with you. I select Berli as my second if he will accept. Choice of weapon, CMBB quick battle, parameters of:

1941, Central, July, wind from SSE, random settings on forces, countries, divisions. You will be the conscript Russians, while I'll be the veteran Germans. Variable rarity will be played. Game to commence within 3 days, or you forfeit.

What is that you say? You don't have CMBB? No excuses...this is a Blood Hamster Feud . Alternative: You bypass Serf, make him my Squire [The boy shows promise], and MAYBE I'll tell Schrullenhaft to let you in.


BLOOD HAMSTER! Blood Hamster you say? Boy are YOU behind the times. We haven't had a Blood Hamster feud in here for ages. And you dare to talk to ME about leaving a forum?

Look you lad, I'll take pity on you because you're ... well, pretty pitiable all things considered, and ALLOW you to retain first rights of refusal on Buzzsaw (spelt but not bolded), but don't push it.

Rune we've had far too many instances of Knights in their cups blearily trying to read a post by some SSN, deciding it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen and taking them to Squire on the spot. This has led to horrible consequences like The_Capt (a move that even CMPlayer has admitted he regrets ... and if he hasn't then he damned well should) and Yeknodathon being made Seniour Knight (mind you it was mostly done just to annoy me).

We must, MUST see how these chaps will work out in the trenches (note the obligatory CMBB reference to keep up with the times) before we grant them Squire status which will lead, inevitably, to Knighthood. Besides, Buzzsaw (spelt but not bolded) has been here before BUT LEFT! We need to ensure that he has sticktoitiveness unlike SOME Knights who show up and then wander off for months at a time without so much as a by-your-leave ... naming no names of course.

As to Shillingraft (whatever, he's in Provo/Happy Valley, like I CARE what he calls himself) (xyz) I can live without a CMBB sneak preview hosted by some BYU grad (the only people who live in Provo went to BYU) in a city that I go to only to get to the Provo River and {Ypres} He lives in Provo, he'll be so damned glad to have ANY company, for any reason, that he probably claims he ISN'T Mormon just to have the missionaries come in and talk to him ... Provo's about as dead as it gets ... and I'm talking UTAH here.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to The Game That Shall Not Be Mentioned, after 40 or so iterations of Take Off, Crash, Take Off, Crash, repeat as necessary a certain degree of ennui does set in.


So, I take it that you're the "Coyote" of IL2, eh?

"Meep Meep!"

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Joe, Joe, Joe,

So like you to forget that the Blood Hamster Feud was never revoked. We haven't had a world war either, doesn't mean it can't happen. So, the Feud remains on. Choose your second, or forfeit, either way I don't care.

However, in the spirit of co-operativeness, I will allow Buzzsaw to remain a serf, but I want him listed as MY serf, not the pools. It is the only compromise I will make...choose wisely...

As for the others you mention Pshaw , as they are not me, nor I they. I brought forth into the Pool, the first of the lawyers, and promptly ignored them and billed them. What better way to deal with a lawyer? What more proof most I show that the young Buzzshaw will have to EARN this?

As for Utah and Happy Valley, the rest of the world cares not. A boil is a boil, no matter what part of the boil you are in. Admitting you are from Utah is like admitting you like the Eagles football team.

The Blood Hamster Feud remains, unless you agree to my compromise.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Yeknodathon being made Seniour Knight (mind you it was mostly done just to annoy me).

I wish I could say that was true, but the truth of the matter is that Seanachai, Peng and I find the lad to be damned funny</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

This has led to horrible consequences like The_Capt (a move that even CMPlayer has admitted he regrets ... and if he hasn't then he damned well should)

<big>...regret taking The_Capt to squire? Bah! He's marvie! Marvie I say, and he's mine...my own little lump of affection and sanity in this madhouse...</big>

<little>I ought to sick a lawyer on you for that.</little>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

This has led to horrible consequences like The_Capt (a move that even CMPlayer has admitted he regrets ... and if he hasn't then he damned well should)

More slurs against House Rune, eh Red Jo? But I see that nothing changes with you. Also nice to see you running from rune’s challenge as you once ran from mine.
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However, in the spirit of co-operativeness, I will allow Buzzsaw to remain a serf, but I want him listed as MY serf, not the pools. It is the only compromise I will make...choose wisely...
Rune you clearly don't understand (imagine, if you will, the swell of shock and surprise throughout the CessPool at THAT flash hot from the wireservices)! A Serf, by definition, is a Serf! And a Serf belongs to no man (or woman) but rather is at the beck and call of all within the CessPool! Now it IS understood that in the extremely unlikely event that he measures up and is determined to be Squire material, he WILL BE YOUR SQUIRE ... unless sanity prevails and you realize that you were under the influence of all those caddisflies you ingested at the Fourth of July picnic ... that you held by yourself since you couldn't find any homeless that would go with you.

As to the challenge, it is clearly unenforceable UNLESS ... I am willing to go the extra millimeter in this case, you are willing to provide me with the latest incarnation of the Beta Test CD for CMBB so that I can acceed to your terms. There, what could be more fair than that?

I wish I could say that was true, but the truth of the matter is that Seanachai, Peng and I find the lad to be damned funny
And no doubt you find Jerry Lewis (that paragon of French humor) to be droll beyond words ... how very sad.

More slurs against House Rune, eh Red Jo? But I see that nothing changes with you. Also nice to see you running from rune’s challenge as you once ran from mine.
Third and finally I would point out that House Ruin should be pleased as punch that it's getting ANY recognition at all, since the scion of the house has been off doing Gawd knows what forever! First though you must recall that slurs are just about as good as it's going to get for House Ruin and Secondly I think I've made my point.

As to your challenge I hardly can be asked to recall the challenge of every snot nosed kid who walks into the street carrying a popgun purchased at the five and dime who demands that the Living Legend draw down with him! Also you're either a Swede or so close as makes no difference and that, I think, settles that! I DO however, take GREAT offense at your profile in which you claim interest of ... and I quote ...

Prime plus 2 percent
As all well know here, I have the sole and exclusive right to financial dealings regarding interest rates. I demand, DEMAND I say, that you remove the offending phrase immediately and I think that all here will back me up on that.


[ July 10, 2002, 02:08 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Bloody bunch of ingratious pissy Euro-grogs are really starting to irritate me. Maybe they would all be happier playing 'Close Combat XXII: The Germans farm in Iowa'?

Twits and pillocks, the lot of them.


Care to enlighten us with what brought about this rant?
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Check the last several pages of the CMBB Distribution Announcement thread. Essentially, the Euro-grogs are upset because BFC has signed a contract granting exclusive distribution rights in West Europe to CDV, and because that version of the game will replace the Waffen SS symbol with something innocuous and will replace the words "Waffen SS" with "WaffenGrenadiers".

Apparently, those three cosmetic changes utterly ruin the game, and several people are taking Steve and company to task for it. Some are the same people who have been whining about BFC's failure to issue a release date.


[ July 10, 2002, 02:23 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to the challenge, it is clearly unenforceable UNLESS ... I am willing to go the extra millimeter in this case, you are willing to provide me with the latest incarnation of the Beta Test CD for CMBB so that I can acceed to your terms. There, what could be more fair than that?


If that's to be the case, then I Boo Radley of House Croda call "dibs" on being your second. When can I expect my CD?
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Who ever said I would send you the CMBB CD? I specifically stated it is my weapon of choice, and if you don't accept, you forfeit. Now you may think this isn't fair...and that IS the point.

Joebob has declined my compromise, so the Blood Hamster Feud remains. I will send you a setup this evening. You have three days to respond, or you lose.

Berli , will be so kind as to create a QB for me, so that I may forward it to Joebob ?


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Mrspkr those Euro-trash raise some good points and NONE of them are ranting as much as you (in typical Texan fashion) stumbled into, pistols swinging.

Pee-El, go piss up a rope. If you would READ the bloody posts, you would see that I don't have a problem with voicing those concerns. Indeed, the legitimate PBEM compatibility and software protection concerns are important to raise (although it does not seem to have been much of an issue with CDV's distribution of CMBO).

As far as the cosmetic changes go, last year, BFC asked German wargamers for help regarding the German laws. Some of the people ranting then are the same ones ranting now and saying BFC has 'sold out'. Pure garbage in my opinion, and worth getting a little emotional about.

When lackwits start saying BTS has "sold out" because they are renewing their distribution contract with CDV, it pisses me off. It's unseemly and uncalled for, and wastes BFC's time to boot (time that they could be using to put the finishing touches on CMBB).


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

As to the challenge, it is clearly unenforceable UNLESS ... I am willing to go the extra millimeter in this case, you are willing to provide me with the latest incarnation of the Beta Test CD for CMBB so that I can acceed to your terms. There, what could be more fair than that?


If that's to be the case, then I Boo Radley of House Croda call "dibs" on being your second. When can I expect my CD?</font>
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Mrspkr I did read the entire thread (and just about every other thread on this board for 2+ yrs) and I know what the argument was. 1 (and a half - maybe) people brought up "selling out" while perhaps 155 posts discussed LEGITIMATE concerns.

Just admit it, you were rude, brash, typically American, unthinking, unresponsive, and basically a cretin of the lowest sort. You make toe-jam BTS (no BFC!) lackeys look disingenuous.

Why don't you go back to picking on people who start "When is CMBB out?" threads? Better yet, why don't you hop up and have Berli show you which of your many posts need editing?

"Yes SUH!"

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Originally posted by rune:


Who ever said I would send you the CMBB CD? I specifically stated it is my weapon of choice, and if you don't accept, you forfeit. Now you may think this isn't fair...and that IS the point.

Joebob has declined my compromise, so the Blood Hamster Feud remains. I will send you a setup this evening. You have three days to respond, or you lose.

Berli , will be so kind as to create a QB for me, so that I may forward it to Joebob ?


Rune, poor confused lad that you are, I'm going to cheat now ... I'm going to use LOGIC! Now I'm well aware that it isn't your forte (or even your fifte when it comes to it) but do TRY to follow along ... perhaps you can find (or more likely hire) a second grade teacher (best make it a male ... doubtless you'll be unable to get within 50 yards of a female second grade teacher, much as you might like to) to work with you on it.

You have challenged me sir, I recognize and acknowledge the challenge. I refer you to section Fifteen of the Code Duello:


The challenged has the right to choose his own weapons unless the challenger gives his honour he is no swordsman, after which, however, he cannot decline any second species of weapon proposed by the challenged.

Well, obviously you HAVE no honor (or honour in this case) though the argument that "you are no swordsman" when used in the OBVIOUS context would no doubt be supported by any woman with whom you've spent time. But the fact remains, dear sir, that I, as the challenged party, have the right to choose the weapon and I choose ... CMBB!

You have two choices sir, (3*4=16) Provide me with a copy of the Beta CD for CMBB which you have admitted is in your possession (I imagine that BFC wished to perform Beta testing with the lowest common denominator, if you get my point) OR wait until I have a legitmately purchased copy of CMBB!

I'll allow you plenty of time to work out the meaning of this response as you'll probably have difficulty remembering how that tricky doorknob thing works again.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No sir, if a second it needed it will be from one of the oldest and most noble of houses in the CessPool ... The Shavian House!

What the hell are you talking aboot?</font>
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Guest PondScum

Ye gods, but the outerboards are a particularly vile place today. Almost... cesspool-worthy. Some topics for the next incarnation of the MBT:


  • When will the Peng Challenge run on Mac OS X? </font>
  • Why can't I order a Peng Challenge with extra swastikas? </font>
  • I demand a Peng Challenge demo! And movie playback! </font>
  • Who's going to host the Peng Challenge sneak peak in Alaska?</font>

To summarize: BTS, fix the Peng Challenge or do somefink!

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Ook ook!

Pee El, you are a twit and a lackwit.

Fact is, the issues about software protection and PBEM compatability were only brought up AFTER everyone piled on the BFC sucks 'cuz they are changing two words and a bitmap bandwagon. I am by no means a BFC apologist, but to accuse someone of 'selling out' or to act as though the sky is falling over incredibly minor cosmetic changes is, simply put, stupid.

Did I react strongly? Yep. Did I get angry when I saw the same type of ingraciousness and idiocy surrounding Rune's hospitality? Yep. Do I think I need to apologize to anyone, least of all you? Nope.

Now, I didn't bring this crap to the 'Pool, you did. If you have more concerns about it, feel free to email me rather than clogging up the thread.[/serious]


[ July 10, 2002, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If that's to be the case, then I Boo Radley of House Croda call "dibs" on being your second. When can I expect my CD?As IF! If I'm to have any second in such a match then it will be a Knight of proud and noble lineage, not some jumped up, third from the right, " 'scuse me mate, wonder if you'd be interested in a foine bit of armor plate that I've been wearing to church only mind that I'm willing to let go for a song as it were.", derided with just cause by EVERY right thinking Knight of the CessPool Knight who managed to create a House of cards from the flotsam and jetsam he called squires!


Big talk again from Geritol Joe. Look ye, you should be on your knees, weeping tears of joy and gratitude that you have some new blood in this Lilliput of inbread bottom feeders.

You wouldn't know true wit if it came up and screamed into your ear trumpet, "Hi, I'm True Wit you old git!" No, you would just sit there in your festering Depends, gumming your zwieback, mumbling incomprehensibly about how "it was so much better when the Kaiser answered my letters."

Not good enough to be your second? You could not find a better second in this whole be-knighted Pool if you got down on your scabby knees and looked under each and every rock, you misanthropic fey nabob!

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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

I have chosen to “probe” Lars. I have just now realized that a “probe” offers all the advantages of celebrations of this weeks “National Nude Recreation Week” ASAP.

Oh no you won't!!!

I'll be keeping a very close eye on this one.

{Lars slowly backs away}

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