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Who's For a Jolly Sing Song, and Another Go At the Peng Challenge?

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Hoo aboot a wee sing-song thain?

Twae wee pillocks,

Sattin' orn a fence,

Wun as daft an' tha other wun's dense.

Wun's a ferter,

Tha other wun burps,

Twae wee pillocks, twae wee twerps.

Wun sae's "Snot!",

Tha other sae "Poo!",

Ye're a cup o' cold sick an' ye're a grog too!

[Pipe solo]


*pauses tae wipe haes eye*


*BANG RATTLE CRASH o' tha drums concludin' tha musical interlood. Tha faint soond o' sheep bein' slaughtered dies awah as tha pipes deflate.*

Oh, for the love of Pete...

I have come to the realization that if I were given the choice of being either a half mad git of an Erzats Scots wannabe, with delusions of artistry or an Amish drag queen, I'd have to say, "Hitch up the team Eli, or were gonna miss the midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show!"

p.s. I still say Robt. Burns was Welsh.

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Guest PondScum

Allow OGSF his bagpipe-torturing fun - the pasty-faced one needs a break from the vicious beating he's taking in the Battle of the Glowin' Tongs o' Redempshun®. Yes, it turns out that it's HIS swampy bits that are currently getting that sizzly feeling. Having matched his gamey choice of an entire on-board artillery battery with myeven gamier choice of a platoon of invulnerable SPG's, I am now putting the hurt on his wee Celtic crunchies with the 120mm FO of Doom. It's all over bar the bloody advance through an infantry-held town, the breaking and panicking under his withering artillery fire, and the inevitable gamey flag rush.

[ July 06, 2002, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by PondScum:

...Yes, it turns out that it's HIS swampy bits that are currently getting that sizzly feeling....

Tha' didnae confront mae, yoo NITPICKIN' bastaarrd!! Ye can kill alla mae wee troops, but ye cannae tak awah our...


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Originally posted by rune:

Awaiting buzzsaw's attempt at actually challenging someone. Kinda like an IQ test that is stacked against him.

Well, there are certainly plenty of likely targets, but I must admit, one little cretin has caught my attention recently. I didn’t think it was possible to get lower than that mental midget Joe Shaw, but his sycophantic squire has proven me wrong. Harv, son, you had better stop groveling on your belly in this Cesspool muck – you are going to give yourself a rash. It was amusing at first, but now I’ve come realize that it is some sort of sick compulsive behavior, probably brought on by childhood trauma. If you are looking for some kind of father figure, perhaps I can fill the role by giving you a stern spanking on the CM battlefield?

I challenge you, Harv! I challenge you to show me that you are more than Joe’s obsequious jellyfish. I challenge you to raise yourself from the Cesspool floor long enough for me to smite you. I cannot undo the cruel trick that evolution has played on you, but, perhaps, the scar tissue I leave behind will be rigid enough to substitute for a spine.

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OK, let's see how the young one did, picked a single target, check, taunted, a bit weak, but shows promise, picked on harv, squire to JOEBOB , a definite plus. Also insulted JOEBOB another plus.

OK, mark Buzzshaw [hmm...related to Joebob? as Squire to me.

Buzzy, once you destroy that Sheep Farmer Harv, a 20 page dissertation on why we should not questions the sanity of someone complaining about a sneak preview of that which may not be named.


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Since it seems most everybody's away on various vacations, or as our comrades over the pond might say, "away on holiday", I thought I'd waste space with some gamey game updates.

Australopithicus Jeff and I are starting his homemade scenario "Attack Laghouat!" again. This time he is the defending jack-booted thugs and I am the dentally impaired Brits. After observing MY brilliant defense tactic, "The Ring Of Fire®", he is employing it to put a world of hurt on my advancing armor. I think he's knocked out 4 or 5 of my tanks and I've just managed to kill one of his 'Shreck teams and bounce a shot off one of his assault guns.

OhGeeSF's pixilated Highlanders are just now approaching my town. I've put a few flocks of sheep out in the pastures and I imagine he'll be stopping for a bit of R&R, if you know what I mean (Nudge, nudge, wink, wink).

No-Butt and I have been whaling the tar out of each other for almost the entire game. But I think I may be whaling a bit harder than he.

DalemComeAndMeWantGoHome* and I are maybe six or seven moves into our newest game. No action yet.

Joe-Mama and I are playing a 200 point game where the computer has given me Chuck Woolery of "Gong Show" fame (if you could call it that) and a kindergarten kazoo band with which to fight. Luckily, the computer gave Joe a division of French infantry. I'll pull this off with no problem.

Ath-you-like-it and I have been playing hide and seek in the fog. So far, I've knocked out two of his Ht's and one of his jeeps, but I don't trust him.

Ar_Leet Golonka and I ARE STILL PLAYING CRODABURG. And you can't believe how much I hate it now. Should be over sometime this month. Maybe.

Pepsi-Kahn has just started our game. Nothing much happening.

Oh, Eggnogg! You haven't sent me any moves for two weeks. Don't make me take the stick to you.

And that's it. Not that any of you really care. But that's as it should be, for you're all a bunch of pillocks.

[serious] I watched a Steve McQueen movie yesterday that I hadn't seen in ages, "Hell is For Heroes". If you've never seen it, rent it. Good WWII flick.[/serious]

* This is a riff on Harry Belefonte's "Day-o" in case it went right over your heads.

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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Well, there are certainly plenty of likely targets, but I must admit, one little cretin has caught my attention recently. I didn’t think it was possible to get lower than that mental midget Joe Shaw, but his sycophantic squire has proven me wrong. Harv, son, you had better stop groveling on your belly in this Cesspool muck – you are going to give yourself a rash. It was amusing at first, but now I’ve come realize that it is some sort of sick compulsive behavior, probably brought on by childhood trauma. If you are looking for some kind of father figure, perhaps I can fill the role by giving you a stern spanking on the CM battlefield?

I challenge you, Harv! I challenge you to show me that you are more than Joe’s obsequious jellyfish. I challenge you to raise yourself from the Cesspool floor long enough for me to smite you. I cannot undo the cruel trick that evolution has played on you, but, perhaps, the scar tissue I leave behind will be rigid enough to substitute for a spine.

You call that a challenge? A taunt? Ha I say. And in case you missed it...nevermind. Normally I wouldn't waste my time with someone who is named after (or perhaps is) a tool (and an ugly one at that), but seeing as that lowlifescumsuckinggameygroggyworthlessbasichebetatester known as Rune has taken you to squirrel I suppose I must. Or should. Or something.

Expect a setup at some point in the distant past, or near future, whichever comes last first. You shall however play by MY rules which are, in no particular order...

3} I will lose.

Now with that out of the way I will not post any updates because the time is right. Btw Lurker, the setup will be in the mail soon, if not later.

Squire to Sir Joe Shaw because he's still out of town.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I watched a Steve McQueen movie yesterday that I hadn't seen in ages, "Hell is For Heroes". If you've never seen it, rent it. Good WWII flick.

If you watched carefully, you would have noted that they kept their guns pointed in the direction of the enemy. Okay, the dweeb played by a dweeb (bob newhart) didn't. But McQueen showed him the error of his ways, all without saying a word. Something you should note for future games of Croda- (who'd want this damn town anyway) -burg.
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Ripped the other garbage out cos I didn't like it, and if I don't like it. it's out!!

Ath-you-like-it and I have been playing hide and seek in the fog. So far, I've knocked out two of his Ht's and one of his jeeps, but I don't trust him.

Bo Diddley you insolent pillock, I noted your obvious but futile attempt at belittleing me, (is that a word? I don't mean "that", I mean....ummmm, errr, well anyway......), where was I? Ohh sod it, UP YOURS!!
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Originally posted by athkatla:

Ripped the other garbage out cos I didn't like it, and if I don't like it. it's out!!

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Ath-you-like-it and I have been playing hide and seek in the fog. So far, I've knocked out two of his Ht's and one of his jeeps, but I don't trust him.

Bo Diddley you insolent pillock, I noted your obvious but futile attempt at belittleing me, (is that a word? I don't mean "that", I mean....ummmm, errr, well anyway......), where was I? Ohh sod it, UP YOURS!!</font>
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Originally vomited up by Bo Diddley <-------- get it??

In as much as you are playing the French in this, I think it's safe to assume that any belittling would be redundant.

I don't know what you're up to out there in the fog, but I have noticed an absense of farm animals in the vicinity.

Well there ain't no scumbag, sheepsha**ing aussies in my force old boy, so I can only assume that your wildly inaccurate, 'shot in the dark' arty is to blame for the demise of the itinerant beasties. Or maybe it was the ****load of smoke you dumped carelessly around the map that frightened them off!! I certainly couldn't fathom out any other reason for it :D
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Originally posted by OGSF:

Just tae forewarrrn ye....didnae believe a worrrd tha gamey tactics usin' bastarrrd Pondscum says. Didnae bae taken ain...ye've bin warrned.

Hey Jimmy........Getifa.......yabasa

It's bad enough living within 150 miles of the heathen jocks, without having to try and decipher their, whiskey sodden ramblings. The caber tossing, haggis eating, kilt wearing celts should be shot at dawn!!

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Originally posted by athkatla:

Originally vomited up by Bo Diddley <-------- get it??

No, not really. 'Splain it to me, Lucy.

I can only assume that your wildly inaccurate, 'shot in the dark' arty is to blame for the demise of the itinerant beasties.

Or perhaps your men mistook them for enemy soldiers. I've heard that can be quite a common occurrence.
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Originally posted by R_Leete:

If you watched carefully, you would have noted that they kept their guns pointed in the direction of the enemy. Okay, the dweeb played by a dweeb (bob newhart) didn't. But McQueen showed him the error of his ways, all without saying a word. Something you should note for future games of Croda- (who'd want this damn town anyway) -burg.

Yadda yadda yadda. Thats great, Are_Late. I see you've finally figured out which way you're supposed to point the shooty end of your troops.

Now take a pause from your incessant blathering on and go send me a turn. Git.


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Originally posted by a thang what is called a Boo_Radley:

Point the "shooty end" of your troops????

Point the "shooty end" of your troops?!?!

That's just too, too rich. So, were you nursed on lead paint for your entire childhood or what?

No, it's "point the shooty end" of your troops.

You know, Boob, it's the end with the big pipelike thingies sticking out of it. The fact that you seem not to know which end that is explains a lot about the effectiveness of your so-called "Ring of Tires" defense.

Now quit lollygagging around here (or stalking or peeping or whatever it is you're currently trying to entertain yourself with there in Akron) and go send me a turn. Dingus.


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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Originally posted by a thang what is called a Boo_Radley:

Point the "shooty end" of your troops????

Point the "shooty end" of your troops?!?!

That's just too, too rich. So, were you nursed on lead paint for your entire childhood or what?

No, it's "point the shooty end" of your troops.

You know, Boob, it's the end with the big pipelike thingies sticking out of it. The fact that you seem not to know which end that is explains a lot about the effectiveness of your so-called "Ring of Tires" defense.

Now quit lollygagging around here (or stalking or peeping or whatever it is you're currently trying to entertain yourself with there in Akron) and go send me a turn. Dingus.


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Originally posted by athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Just tae forewarrrn ye....didnae believe a worrrd tha gamey tactics usin' bastarrrd Pondscum says. Didnae bae taken ain...ye've bin warrned.

Hey Jimmy........Getifa.......yabasa

It's bad enough living within 150 miles of the heathen jocks, without having to try and decipher their, whiskey sodden ramblings. The caber tossing, haggis eating, kilt wearing celts should be shot at dawn!!</font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:

...Arresting notorious criminals like the Mini-Apolis Gnome...

Persephone, being a resident of the same great city as this mini-Gnome you refer to, I feel obiliged to respectfully point out that we do not inhabit Mini-Apolis. It's ManyApplesLess, thankyou very much.

Now whats with this Pox Giver Grove that you and Beergut inhabit?


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