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Who's For a Jolly Sing Song, and Another Go At the Peng Challenge?

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Yes, dear visitor, once again the Thread of threads rises from the ashes. A few things to keep in mind before you scarper back to the well worn topics of Grogdom, your 'What I Would Have Done If I Could Actually Design and Program a Game', and the ubiquitous 'When Can I Expect BFC To Send Me Balloons and a Stripper With the Release Date of CMBB Inscribed On Her Bum Because I'm Such an Important Halfwit' threads.

It is alwasy important to remember that whatever you picture when you stand in your underwear in front of the mirror, you mean bloody nothing to us. We do not glory in the light of the sun which you seem to think shines forth from your bum like a beacon. So be a good lad and sod off. We are not impressed.

Should you decide that you have come unto the Promised Land, you are undoubtedly mistaken. The only thing we have to offer are taunts, abuse, jokes and jeers. But we prefer that those who join in the chorus have at least half a brain, and the ability to actually use it. Skip the endless bathroom humour, fascination with your own and other people's genitalia, and spitting on the floor as an example of 'high satire'.

Sound off as though you are quite manly. Alternately, sound off as though you are quite womanly. But bloody well sound off! Whingers, simpering fools, and soppy lackwits with unicorn posters hung up on the walls of their imagination need not apply.

Remember, this is a Challenge Thread. But it is so much more. But first and foremost, Challenge Someone! An individual, thank you very much, none of this 'I'm the biggest, meanest, and stupidest thug wannabe in this here forum, and I challenge all you lot to a fight'. How we laugh at people like that.

Finally, although we are held on a light leash here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we are still BFC's guests. Excessive bad language, over the top remarks, and anything that smacks of bigotry and real hatred are not welcome. You will leave, and quickly.

Now, you've read the rules, and can say you've been here. Why not buy a commemorative Peng Snow Globe (yes, that is Peng himself standing in the middle of Red Square flipping you the bird through the swirling snow!), or an official 'I Was Left In the Wasteland' T-shirt from our gifte shoppe before you Sod Off?

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

Also, I think I shall soon have to say some more things about Pondscum, who continues to defile my sight with a significant lack of cringing.

A cringe here, a cringe there, pretty soon I'm all cringed out. Also, I believe the current defilement of your sight is due mainly to the ENORMOUS GREAT BEAM IN YOUR EYE.

In other news, OGSF has opened the festivities in our little contretemps by throwing haggis at my clanky things. HUGE, EXPLODING haggis. I do believe they are 105mm caliber, with just a hint of oak and a lingering afterburn, if my ears do not deceive me. Anyway, first clanky-thing-blood to him, the gamey little skirt-wearing poodle-walker.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

where's me bloody turn?

You haven't sent one

Btw, 'bout time you returned. Not that we want you, but your presence is less loathsome than others.


It sickens me to see you start another thread... just not as ill if the Justicar had started one of his horrid threads

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

where's me bloody turn?

Btw, 'bout time you returned. Not that we want you, but your presence is less loathsome than others.


It sickens me to see you start another thread... just not as ill if the Justicar had started one of his horrid threads</font>

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Personally, I think it's time to return the MBT back to Aussie soil, mainly because it upsets Seanachai and the Just-a-mode-of-transport.

btw Goanna, you have nothing to fear with me standing behind you, unless your scales can be mistaken for fluffy, white wool.


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Originally posted by Mace:

Personally, I think it's time to return the MBT back to Aussie soil, mainly because it upsets Seanachai and the Just-a-mode-of-transport.


Pub's have closed, the Aussie's are starting to show up...

What the hell am I thinking?! The pub's never close in Australia, except to the tourists.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


God, I hate the outer board... bunch of pillocks, the lot of them.

Rune gives a sneak peak of CM:BB, and people, who I would normally respect, act like BFC had shot their damned dog.

Hmm, caught that, and posted my own take.

Be calm, Evil One. We are a band of brothers, and native to this soil.

People will remember, and calm down.

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Originally posted by Mace:

Personally, I think it's time to return the MBT back to Aussie soil, mainly because it upsets Seanachai and the Just-a-mode-of-transport.

btw Goanna, you have nothing to fear with me standing behind you, unless your scales can be mistaken for fluffy, white wool.


"HERE, HERE!!!" I formerly second the move.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

'When Can I Expect BFC To Send Me Balloons and a Stripper With the Release Date of CMBB Inscribed On Her Bum Because I'm Such an Important Halfwit'


'We do not glory in the light of the sun which you seem to think shines forth from your bum like a beacon.'

Excuse me UG (thats short fer UberGnome you twats!) but I detect a certain trend in those two excerpts. Sigh... How the mighty have fallen........your foppish address to the masses made me - CRINGE!!

Oh, BTW I should have that transmitter fixed in no time to catch the end of the WORLD SERIES CRICKET TEST MATCH. I know Simmo is REALLY hanging out for it (and secretly, I know Joe can barely contain himself), so hang in there you Aussie wannabes.....


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hmm, caught that, and posted my own take.

Be calm, Evil One. We are a band of brothers, and native to this soil.

People will remember, and calm down.

Screw them... they can rot in limbo. Damned if I want them in Hell
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

Personally, I think it's time to return the MBT back to Aussie soil, mainly because it upsets Seanachai and the Just-a-mode-of-transport.

btw Goanna, you have nothing to fear with me standing behind you, unless your scales can be mistaken for fluffy, white wool.


"HERE, HERE!!!" I formerly second the move.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

'When Can I Expect BFC To Send Me Balloons and a Stripper With the Release Date of CMBB Inscribed On Her Bum Because I'm Such an Important Halfwit'


'We do not glory in the light of the sun which you seem to think shines forth from your bum like a beacon.'

Excuse me UG (thats short fer UberGnome you twats!) but I detect a certain trend in those two excerpts. Sigh... How the mighty have fallen........your foppish address to the masses made me - CRINGE!!

Oh, BTW I should have that transmitter fixed in no time to catch the end of the WORLD SERIES CRICKET TEST MATCH. I know Simmo is REALLY hanging out for it (and secretly, I know Joe can barely contain himself), so hang in there you Aussie wannabes.....


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STILL playing at the MCG.......Richie Benude's commentary courtesy of FAUX PAS Studios...

Benude: "Well, there you have it. That last 24 hour rain interruption has really thrown a spanner in the works. With the pitch under 3" of water, there is no possibility of further play in this outstanding match. The 3rd umpire is now conversing with the match referees to determine the result of the game based on the renowned "Duckworth-Lewis" points allocation system.

Guest Comentator Hooksy: "Bloody hell, this is so exciting, we've been waiting for 4hours to get a decision and the tension is really rising. Not one of the fans in the stands has moved since the players left the ground yesterday morning. Still, I reckon the Aussies have got this one in the bag, having scored 22 runs off 3 legitimate deliveries and 5 no-balls from "Heaver""Harv before rain stopped play."

The crowd is hushed as the Big Screen suddenly begins to flash the result - then a HUGE ROAR goes up as they see their esteemed Aussies have won on Duckworth by a huge .083 points due to a superior run rate!!

Benude: "Well, Hooksy, that was a marvellous and well deserved win by the Aussies who dominated this historic match from the toss. This just reinforces the fact that no one at the moment can stand within a bull's roar of the Green and Gold in this great world game.

The knowledgeable crowd suddenly begins singing the National Anthem - "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie - Oi, Oi, Oi!!" as their heroes swagger (or in this case, wade) onto the pitch to receive their trophies. In the background, standing wet and bedraggled like so many sodden lemmings, the WORLD team hang their heads in shame. Oh the shame - to lose to Duckworth-Lewis, of all things!!!




Damn ......... looks like that radios totally cactus now. Oh well, I managed to transmit the really important bits. I know Simmo will be happy the Aussies won. He should be receiving his Aussie passport any day now. See ya soon, mate!!!

Geez, I wonder how the Aussie Gridiron World All Stars will go when they take on the Yanks at the Superbowl next week??


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Posted by Athkatla:

Why not tell of a REAL cricket match, the Botham Test '81
That's right. Pick the ONLY medium-light (not HIGH-light) in the last 35 years of Australia vs Poms. Pathetic. One match is all you can point to. It just underlines the pathetic state of English Cricket.

Ask yourself...have you won anything against the Aussies in the last 5 Ashes outings... ?

Don't take too long. You know those two brain cells will overheat.


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Originally posted by Noba:

Posted by Athkatla:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Why not tell of a REAL cricket match, the Botham Test '81

That's right. Pick the ONLY medium-light (not HIGH-light) in the last 35 years of Australia vs Poms. Pathetic. One match is all you can point to. It just underlines the pathetic state of English Cricket.

Ask yourself...have you won anything against the Aussies in the last 5 Ashes outings... ?

Don't take too long. You know those two brain cells will overheat.


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Question re: Genitalia.

Is it not possible to post in the MBT and at the same time adore one's own and others genitalia?

I mean, I may not go so far as to describe, or even versify any specific genitalia (though there was a girl I knew back in 92, mmmmm) however, I would like to be comforted knowing that a general fascination with genitalia (mine and others) is acceptable.


Hands full in anticipation in KC

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Short Gamey update:

My match with the nefarious Simon "Singing the Blues" Elwood is coming to its denouement, and I will likely lose, as I have been spending most of my time gathering my little green troops like chicks in the farm yard. Still, on the Fourth of July my hog-fed yokels from South Dakota made me proud!

The situation: My massed troops were in a small woods kicking the crap out of a kraut platoon. Simon decloaks his stealth assault guns and moves in for the kill. I am confronted by a veteran StuH, rumbling like an Imperial Battlecruiser to the front, and a veteran JPzr IV that has already killed two tanks. Desperately I shift my Green Grayhound to the flank to get a side shot at the StuH before he transforms my stout-hearted but not-quite-ready-to-die lads into weeping, useless blobs of fleshy bits. I also throw my last tank into reverse, also going for the side shot. The JPzr roars to the flank to obliterate the Grayhound (which it does, I think parts are still landing).

However, a Green zook team nails the StuH from 125-150 meters, (How 'bout that Harv? A zook team that DOESN'T suck?). Best of all, my plain vanilla green Sherman takes out the veteran JPzr! The little victory percentage went from 10% to 30% in a span of 5 seconds!

It was a moment to be savored a lifetime.

(Waves little American flag)

God bless America!


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Oooooooooooo, look at you, Nob Head, who asked you to poke your nose in when I was having a go at your mate............butt out!!
You are quite correct. My Mate AJ can certainly stick it up you if he wishes....( the old; "they don't like it uppem, Sir" )

Still, with you as a World Renowned Supporter, of a World Renowned Losing Team....I couldn't resist. It's easy to kick-em whilst they are down. Makes it harder for them to get up again.

I tell you what. If you want to come over for the Ashes next time it's here, you can stay at my place. I have a full supply of 'ankies and tissues. (4Km from the W.A.C.A. no less).


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

{snipped unimportant stuff}

Still, I reckon the Aussies have got this one in the bag, having scored 22 runs off 3 legitimate deliveries and 5 no-balls from "Heaver""Harv before rain stopped play."

{snipped more unimportant stuff}

w0oT!! There is a game I don't suck at!! WhooHoo!!

Of course I have no understanding of it, and could care less about it, but at least I don't suck at it.

Oh, and Lurker, a setup is on the way. Someday. Maybe.

Obligatory <big>Squire to Sir Joe Shaw</big>

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cmplayer mentioned in a now-defunct thread:

Let it be known that Panzer Leader, author of Defending Against the Assault, has ONCE AGAIN been assaulted and overwhelmed by lil ol moi. And furthermore, let it be recorded in the annals that he lost to the bloody poms. And let it not be overlooked that he set the 2000 point assault at 20 turns the gamey doof. And furthermore, this one was for blood, that's right BLOOD. It was a blood hamster match. I hereby claim ownership and titulatory rights over Snacho's .sig for the next month.

Pom Paras (with 200+ casualties) 48

Fanatic pea pattern wearing SS goofballs (200++ casualties) 35

Allied minor victory.

Yes well, I must acknowledge this loss, sad as it is. My teutonic Knights fought and bled and died in each other's arms while staving off the sons of swineherds. They clove heads with their entrenching tools, pierced hearts with their bayonets, and tore flesh with their teeth but in the end, DUE TO EXTREME GAMINESS that little Swedish ex-patriate (or wherever the Hell it is he's hiding from the Student Loan Authorities-- prolly Amsterdam smokin' the Hasheesh.)

Anyhow, his gameyness brought tears to the eyes of my proud warriors, as they watched in stunned silence as their foe dipped to sordid new lows in gamesmanship. He claims it a victory cmplayer does, but he refuses to acknowledge that my Fierce Teutons simply in disgust called upon Valkyrie to take them away from the honor-less foe before them.

Yes it was a minor victory for him, but it was a GREAT TRIUMPH for my Brandenburgers.

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