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I Have Been to the Mountaintop, and Found the Peng Challenge, And Some Old Beer Cans

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And here we have evidence of a truly simple mind at work.

Squire Papa Khann, kindly allow me to remind you of the following:

(99 bottles of beer on the wall) I AM your LIEGE. That means that I and I alone set the terms for the ending of your Squiredom (Squireship?). Should I become angry with you those terms may become more stringent. Should I be pleased with you they may become more lenient.

Joe, I have to ask, what's with all the song references?

(Tippecanoe and Tyler Three) Should I become unhappy ENOUGH with you I shall throw you back into the pool as an unworthy and ungrateful Squire, there to resume your previous standing of Serf.

(A Serf may only be elevated to Squire through the agreement of the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, i.e. ME!) a.

Let me make sure I have this straight. What you're basically saying is.... "If I break you like cheap flatware, I'm off your hook, with a virtual guarantee that I'll get to be the Anti-Squire for all eternity."

Does that about sum it up?

And oh yes, Joe, that bit about

"(A Serf may only be elevated to Squire through the agreement of the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread, i.e. ME!) a." given your current position (despite my best efforts) as my Liege, Mentor, and Overseer smacks of the type of thing the Evil Empire got hauled into court over, doesn't it? MrPeeper, do we have grounds for a suit here?

(5 Time World Champion Dallas Cowboys) I shall offer you the opportunity to apologise in FULL in Minneapolis on Sunday ... don't be late.

Low blow that one is, Joe. Now you've gone and dangled an opportunity to drink, and eat, and, well, drink. And my resolve was so firm before. Blast you, Joe-My-Liege.


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What say Pat picks a champion kanigget to whup old Baldys (unbolded because he and his buddy Fionn are rule making wussies) arse something good in a Blood Hamster taunt fest for the right to post here as Roxy henceforth. Then we can inflict Moriarty on it as its master and teach it the lesson it so richly deserves.

[ August 20, 2002, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Oooeer....a Blud Humpster challenge - haven't seen one of those for a while.......

<small><small>blud humpster blud humpster </small>blud humpster </small>blud humpster <big>blud humpster <big>blud humpster <big>blud humpster </BIG></BIG></BIG>





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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Roxy:

The Bald One has been informed of Roxy's true identity. IOW, the preliminary hearing is underway.

Likely, bloody, story there BOY-o (btw, any slack you got cut as a chick just went the way of the dodo). If Mad 'Bald as an Eagle' Matt really knew, you'd be standing there with your guts stomped out (lovely picture that). Now SOD THE HELL OFF!</font>
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Originally posted by Roxy:

[QB]So, within days, Treeburst155, will assume his rightful place as a Serf of the Mutha Beautiful Thread. Hopefully he will learn The Art of The Taunt, and be able to hold his own. Roxy didn't have to master that skill. [/serious]


That was serious?

Roxy could have held mine tho' - at any time she was wearing that getup!!

And I'm not sure why sure TB has to learn how to hold his own.......he's been a big boy for long enough now.....I'm sure of it!!

Some education systems are more attuned to RL than others I guess.

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Roxy could have held mine tho' - at any time she was wearing that getup!!

Shut up ye festerin' pillock! Af'n ye soggy pee-pee as tha cleverest thang ye kin blather on aboot, ye kin slam ye cretinous haid ain tha door on ye wah oot! Sae sod off, IMPORTANT POOL BUSINESS TAE RRREPORT....

Tha brilliant an' vurry attrractive warrior OGSF hae extracted tha giblets fraim Marlow's bandy legged sassanachs' tae tha tune o' 65 tae 26 fer a Major Victory tae tha Clan OGSF. Ah'm sae feckin' grreat Ah am!

Whuch reminds mae, Speedy eked oot a pifflin' win o'er tha laddies a few days back. Noo tae bae menshuned really. Di Ah menshun Speedy as a pillock?

Ah bleedin' KILLED Marlow tho.....

Sir MacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Also, GIT was spelled correctly. You are now mike-the-git

Berli, if you saw Mike and Panzer Leader each teetering on the edge of widely separated cliffs, and there was only time to shove one over the edge before either regained their footing, who would you choose?

[ August 21, 2002, 01:21 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Roxy:

[serious] I just received word from Matt. I am free to post as Roxy until Treeburst155's account is reactivated. This will take a couple days due to a system rebuild Matt is currently working on.

Once the Treeburst account is activated, my apology to the community and BFC for violating forum rules will be posted. (Geez, I've been doing a lot of apologizing lately.)At that point, the Roxy account will be terminated. Apparently, multiple accounts is a big NO-NO.

So, within days, Treeburst155, will assume his rightful place as a Serf of the Mutha Beautiful Thread. Hopefully he will learn The Art of The Taunt, and be able to hold his own. Roxy didn't have to master that skill. [/serious]

Treeburst155 out. Oh,I forgot. Sod Off!!

It's all rather sad, actually. Do you know, Treeburst, I think a number of the lads were falling a bit in love with you.

I imagine, tonight, that Grog Dorosh is sitting in a Calgary apartment, cheeks streaked with tears, knocking back 'Blues and whiskey with a well-tailored and surprisingly sympathetic mannequin posed realistically across the table from him...

[ August 21, 2002, 01:42 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Berli, if you saw Mike and Panzer Leader each teetering on the edge of widely separated cliffs, and there was only time to shove one over the edge before either regained their footing, who would you choose?

Both. I don't believe in the no win situation
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Berli, if you saw Mike and Panzer Leader each teetering on the edge of widely separated cliffs, and there was only time to shove one over the edge before either regained their footing, who would you choose?

Morearty just pointed out a suitable solution. Push one, shoot the other
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

if you saw Mike and Panzer Leader each teetering on the edge of widely separated cliffs, and there was only time to shove one over the edge before either regained their footing, who would you choose?

I would push Mike over,Panzer Leader is incapable of the coordination required to regain his footing and would fall off regardless.
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As a Serf of The MBT, I choose to ignore YOU, a scum sucking newbie, until you actually post something that makes ME laugh. I'm not holding my breath either.

You aren't worth the few minutes it would take to come up with an entertaining insult, but I'm going to try anyway because I need the practice. After this you're going to my personal Coventry.

You're a pillock's pillock and a git's git. You're about as funny as thermonuclear war and sexually transmitted disease. In fact, you ARE a sexually transmitted disease!

I scrape you from under my fingernails daily. When I clean my refrigerator once per year you're always there, ripe, rancid, malodorous, covered in mold and mildew, soft and squishy.

Society spends untold millions in an attempt to eradicate the disease that is you. You're every plague known to mankind rolled up into one oozing, putrid, repulsive, slime ball the size of Texas.

I'd rather be hit by a train than get within 1,000 miles of you.

I wretch at the thought of ever receiving an email from you let alone a CM setup. You're a crashed hard drive, a blank disk, and a bad power surge.

Above all, and finally, you are an SSN. There can be no greater insult than this, except to say that you will ALWAYS be an SSN in my book, no matter what the authorized authoritative authorities of questionable authority ever do concerning you.

I pray to the gods of Peng I am a Squire before you make it to Serf. I dread the day you become a serf more than I dread an audit by the IRS. I would welcome root canal work if it would keep that day from arriving.

In the name of all that is foul and hateful and Mutha Beautiful I cry out in anguish, "Free us from the malignant tumor, Mike-the-Git!! Cut it out of the Body of the MBT!! Incinerate it, and bury it deep in the outer boards where it belongs.

...and with that, Mike-You-Idiot, you may now SOD OFF!!; and know that on my honor as a MAN I PROMISE you I will never acknowledge your presence among us until you make me laugh with one of your posts.

I sincerely hope Coventry is in your future. That's just how I am. I want you to fail here. The only thing I want more than a squireship is for YOU to fail utterly. You're doing a good job of that so far. Keep up the crummy work, ya git.

As for the rest of you lackwits, know in your heart of hearts that I hate you too. Take comfort in that knowledge. Allow your hate for me to fester until such time as we do honorable battle. Hatred is a good thing. It builds character. Now, Sod Off!!

Serf Treeburst155 out.

Note: due to technical difficulties I am posting on Roxy's (Oh, what a bonny lass she was) account temporarily. Don't you lovesick puppies get all excited. Roxy is history.

[ August 21, 2002, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's all rather sad, actually. Do you know, Treeburst, I think a number of the lads were falling a bit in love with you.

I don't know about them, but I was head over heels for the bonny lass. She was quite a gal. I got to know her rather well. I even prepared a defense for her, in hopes she could stay as a Lady In Waiting with all the privileges that come with the title.

It was interesting that when Matt said I could only have one forum account I had to think a bit before I chose to go with Treeburst155. It was somewhat tempting to go with Roxy.

Ah hell, I'm posting Roxy's defense below just for kicks. I never really finalized it, but it's fairly entertaining I think. It's worth posting. Maybe it will get Joe riled up. That would make it worth it.

Treeburst155 out.


Because Mr Spkr is tied up in San Antonio rebutting a plethora of prosecutorial prevarications on Roxy's behalf, the Opening Statement in The Pool vs Roxy will be presented by the fair Lady Roxy herself. In keeping with proper CessPool procedure, this opening statement will be presented immediately after closing arguments are heard. Please turn your attention now to the bonny lass, Roxie....

Hi, boys! My what a handsome jury.....and Sherriff Joe, you look so cute in that Mickey Mouse outfit. It's absolutely adorable! Ears beat hair anyday, eh Joey?

Now then, my Heroes, where shall I begin. Oh,... Hi Athkatla, I didn't see you back there. Meet me for lunch, will you? We'll use your BMW for some quick "dine & dash". No sense paying the MEANIES if we don't have to, right? See you!

Um, where was I? Ah yes...my opening remarks...er...closing statement...er...something like that anyway. Ahem......

R) The defense intends to show that I, Roxanne Marden, inspite of my male past, deserve to retain my title in The Cesspool as Lady In Waiting, complete with ALL the courtesies shown any Lady of the Pool. In support of our position, we will explore the following:

7) We intend to show that Roxy's presence in The Pool promotes, rather than diminishes, respect for Pool traditions and rules, and respect for the Ladies of the Pool.

2) We intend to show that Roxy adds to the entertainment value of The Pool, and can aid in the early detection and treatment of the "Troublesome SSN" syndrome.

5) We will further show that any supposed violation of Pool Rules was merely a misunderstanding on Roxy's part brought about by the lack of authoritative authority possessed by the authorized authorities. IOW, chaos reigns supreme, as it should. That is as much a Pool tradition as any other.


At this time I would like to submit as evidence of all the above, Exhibit A, the full text of ALL Roxy's posts to The MBT.

Gentleworms of the Jury,

Does Roxy live; or does she banish herself to Coventry? Does she continue to grace The Pool with her presence, above the fray, merely as a side show and stirrer of the pot? Or does she become just a memory buried deep in the archives.

Think of the possibilities with the SSNs who won't know Roxy's real ID. Think of the possibilities with regard to Joe's hyper-tension!

Keep in mind, she is asking for FULL status as a

Lady. This means she will not taunt or insult to any great degree (unbecoming), nor should she be subjected to the same, except in a playful, friendly way by those who know how to do it.

She's asking for the wrath of the gods to come down on anyone who does not place her on the Ladies' pedestal. It is better for SSNs with no respect for Ladies to be discovered through the mistreatment of Roxy than the mistreatment of...well, the prettier Ladies.

Some may say, "But there is no Roxy. It's just Treeburst155." To them I say, use your imagination sir. Allow yourself to live The Pool. Take a break from Real Life and petty concerns for awhile. Roxy IS real!! She's as real as anyone else who posts who you haven't seen or spoken to before.


[ August 21, 2002, 04:32 AM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Originally posted by <STRIKE>Roxy</STRIKE> BUTTERERS20mm:

Mike-You-Idiot, blah, blah, blah-de-blah..[snip]

You, {unbolded} Serf, {/unbolded} are a nit.

I suppose that makes ME the Knight who said "NIT"!! Haw, haw!! I demand - a SHWUBBERY, lad!! See, over there ... under that blackened, burst tree. The one with knobs on it.


Sir AJ

Humble HoBKnOb

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Originally posted by Roxy:


As a Serf of The MBT, I choose to ignore YOU, a scum sucking newbie, until you actually post something that makes ME laugh.

Ummm.......is this a promise??

I'm confused - isn't this place supposed to be full of taunts and jibes??

Why are you being so nice to me?

I'm terribly sorry that your sense of humour isn't up to my standard - I find the never ending story of the pool a bit sickly sweet and booring really.

Gimme some decent dry insults any day.

Anyway - thanks bud - I owe you!!

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