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Hey Panzer Leader, did you know....

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Perhaps Michael could enlighten us on the manner in which intercourse can be said to have occurred. I'm sure that would prove of interest to the scientific community, particularly those portions committed to the study of social behavior, though I can well imagine that the medical community would take an interest as well.


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Doesn't a prophylactic imply intercourse has occurred but conception has been prevented? What an odd comment.

Not necessarily...

1 : guarding from or preventing disease

2 : tending to prevent or ward off : PREVENTIVE

However, to me at least, "prophylactic" does convey a sense of intent. Assuming Michael is not willfully avoiding intercourse, a useful alternative word in this case might be repellent (which, incidentally, refers to another type of prophylactic).

(just doing my bit to get this thing safely relegated to General :D )

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Ah a peek at last into Michaels "Wolf's Lair..."

You sly dog..what else do you have lying around for all of the Grog Babes out there with a clothing fetish?

You heartbreaker you...

Seriously, your Mom must be a saint to put up with that in her living room..hell I would make you keep it in the basement. Well that and make you move out but that is just me.

Oh yes, who is your CO again..just curious..just in case.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

Seriously, your Mom must be a saint to put up with that in her living room...

Ouch! Harsh crowd!</font>
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OK, I am starting to become uncomfortable having my name attached to this thread. We all have a sense of humour here (some more askew than others, but let's keep this civil.

Personally, if I had that uniform in my pad and brought a date to see it, I would maybe ask her... to try it on :eek:

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The question that nags at my mind is how this thread could stay in the regular forum.

If a man has a propensity to have life sized dolls in his house as opposed to human contact that is truly his business. When he decides to share his odd fascination with mannequins, that is disturbing, but still his business. When he creates a thread and calls out his friend who is equally disturbed, then I find myself taken aback. What saddens me is that I have taken the time to respond to a thread that contains a life-sized doll of a person who enjoys friends who are inanimate. Perhaps an intellect of such magnitude cannot stand for anything less than something made of plastic. Theses cannot be refuted because the uniformed individual sharing one's living space is not alive.

Maybe this is the way of our northern neighbors and I am ignorant of their ways. If so, please don’t mind me.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

The question that nags at my mind is how this thread could stay in the regular forum.

If a man has a propensity to have life sized dolls in his house as opposed to human contact that is truly his business. When he decides to share his odd fascination with mannequins, that is disturbing, but still his business. When he creates a thread and calls out his friend who is equally disturbed, then I find myself taken aback. What saddens me is that I have taken the time to respond to a thread that contains a life-sized doll of a person who enjoys friends who are inanimate. Perhaps an intellect of such magnitude cannot stand for anything less than something made of plastic. Theses cannot be refuted because the uniformed individual sharing one's living space is not alive.

Maybe this is the way of our northern neighbors and I am ignorant of their ways. If so, please don’t mind me.

Hey now..don't go and make me dig up some crackpot Yankee sites (of which, there are legion).

Dorosh is one of a kind and strictly a nation unto himself.

Why one would normally have to go to a Star Trek convention to see this kind of courageous nerdom..I for one salute Michael for not being afraid to show his Plastic Himmler there (OK way too easy here so back away) despite knowing the level of jestful poking bordering on stabbing impalation (is this a word?) which would occur.

Now of course I will point out we are all posting on a wargaming board here so let he who isn't a nerd cast the first stone..but of course once you admit it, hurl away!

[ June 25, 2002, 09:10 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Grog Dorosh - I was going to use your thread here to demonstrate CONCLUSIVELY to my wife that I am not the world's biggest nerd, but unfortunately, the your "friend's" photo no longer appears. Did you pull it from the server or somefink??


P.S. Seanachai, I agree wholeheartedly.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

The question that nags at my mind is how this thread could stay in the regular forum.

Don't be daft. It's still here because we're all having such fun with it. And Grog Dorosh is a serious forum regular, which makes it all that much more fun.

Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

If a man has a propensity to have life sized dolls in his house as opposed to human contact that is truly his business. When he decides to share his odd fascination with mannequins, that is disturbing, but still his business. When he creates a thread and calls out his friend who is equally disturbed, then I find myself taken aback. What saddens me is that I have taken the time to respond to a thread that contains a life-sized doll of a person who enjoys friends who are inanimate.

But you miss the most significant portion of the whole thing: The Uniform!

I mean, really. There are dozens of posters on this Board, yourself amongst them, who've entered into physical or emotional bonds with inanimate objects or household pets that go well beyond social propriety, or even many local laws.

But the uniform! That's what makes this uniquely weird, and appropriate to the Forum!

I mean, has that egregious half-wit, Rommel22 ever posted: I pissed my dogs off on purpose, to make them show their teeth, after dressing them in Nazi regalia?

Has Fionn, the High Priest of Rectitude, ever posted:

my extensive rules covering every aspect of human endeavour, including both birth, life, death, and the playing of Combat Mission, shall also cover the following:

1) My opponents are required, while plotting turns, to wear the uniform appropriate to the nationality they are currently playing.

2) That wearing the uniform is not required if the turn being viewed is a 'movie only' turn, but if the turn is a 'movie/plotting' turn, and the uniform is not at least adequately displayed on a mannequin in the same room in which the turn is being plotted, the game will be declared a miscarriage of history, and penance will need be done by both sides. This will only be made more heart-breaking if either side was eating shell-fish at the time when the uniform was not properly being worn/displayed...

Or have we ever seen JasonC post:

As regards an attack using historical parameters in which both sides acknowledge that there are certain very real flaws in the game engine that do not take into account an historically noted tendency of Axis units to turn for leadership, if, during combat, all their Officers and NCOs had, by means of small arms fire willfully applied and in excess of normal parameters, been eliminated, to seek direction from the unit weiner dog, if that same weiner dog was found to be wearing the appropriate uniform, with peaches and regalia...sorry, that should have been 'patches' and regalia, appropriate to the level of the officer that originally owned the weiner dog, then we would expect results that may vary significantly from a normal QB where weiner dogs in proper uniform are improperly modeled, due to the limitations of applying post-war morale data to wartime 'weiner dog in uniform' combat data. Did you know I collaborated with Madonna?

You see, lad, when you get right down to it, Grog Dorosh, who is as mad as any of us might hope to avoid, is still one of us.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Hi Mom!

I find it somewhat disconcerting that even you would steal my line. How can this be? I ask myself. I should have patented it.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

The question that nags at my mind is how this thread could stay in the regular forum.

Don't be daft. It's still here because we're all having such fun with it. And Grog Dorosh is a serious forum regular, which makes it all that much more fun.

Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

If a man has a propensity to have life sized dolls in his house as opposed to human contact that is truly his business. When he decides to share his odd fascination with mannequins, that is disturbing, but still his business. When he creates a thread and calls out his friend who is equally disturbed, then I find myself taken aback. What saddens me is that I have taken the time to respond to a thread that contains a life-sized doll of a person who enjoys friends who are inanimate.

But you miss the most significant portion of the whole thing: The Uniform!

I mean, really. There are dozens of posters on this Board, yourself amongst them, who've entered into physical or emotional bonds with inanimate objects or household pets that go well beyond social propriety, or even many local laws.

But the uniform! That's what makes this uniquely weird, and appropriate to the Forum!

I mean, has that egregious half-wit, Rommel22 ever posted: I pissed my dogs off on purpose, to make them show their teeth, after dressing them in Nazi regalia?

Has Fionn, the High Priest of Rectitude, ever posted:

my extensive rules covering every aspect of human endeavour, including both birth, life, death, and the playing of Combat Mission, shall also cover the following:

1) My opponents are required, while plotting turns, to wear the uniform appropriate to the nationality they are currently playing.

2) That wearing the uniform is not required if the turn being viewed is a 'movie only' turn, but if the turn is a 'movie/plotting' turn, and the uniform is not at least adequately displayed on a mannequin in the same room in which the turn is being plotted, the game will be declared a miscarriage of history, and penance will need be done by both sides. This will only be made more heart-breaking if either side was eating shell-fish at the time when the uniform was not properly being worn/displayed...

Or have we ever seen JasonC post:

As regards an attack using historical parameters in which both sides acknowledge that there are certain very real flaws in the game engine that do not take into account an historically noted tendency of Axis units to turn for leadership, if, during combat, all their Officers and NCOs had, by means of small arms fire willfully applied and in excess of normal parameters, been eliminated, to seek direction from the unit weiner dog, if that same weiner dog was found to be wearing the appropriate uniform, with peaches and regalia...sorry, that should have been 'patches' and regalia, appropriate to the level of the officer that originally owned the weiner dog, then we would expect results that may vary significantly from a normal QB where weiner dogs in proper uniform are improperly modeled, due to the limitations of applying post-war morale data to wartime 'weiner dog in uniform' combat data. Did you know I collaborated with Madonna?

You see, lad, when you get right down to it, Grog Dorosh, who is as mad as any of us might hope to avoid, is still one of us.</font>

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

The question that nags at my mind is how this thread could stay in the regular forum.

If a man has a propensity to have life sized dolls in his house as opposed to human contact that is truly his business. When he decides to share his odd fascination with mannequins, that is disturbing, but still his business. When he creates a thread and calls out his friend who is equally disturbed, then I find myself taken aback. What saddens me is that I have taken the time to respond to a thread that contains a life-sized doll of a person who enjoys friends who are inanimate. Perhaps an intellect of such magnitude cannot stand for anything less than something made of plastic. Theses cannot be refuted because the uniformed individual sharing one's living space is not alive.

Maybe this is the way of our northern neighbors and I am ignorant of their ways. If so, please don’t mind me.

You are ignorant of a lot of things I suspect, including thinking about how much you can learn about a person based on his internet postings. And something posted as a lark is not, I am afraid, a call for help or an invitation for psychoanalysis. My love life is just fine thank you, and when I discuss it with my (gasp) living and breathing friends, I am sure we will have a good laugh...actually, no, we probably won't be talking about the Combat Mission forum, come to think of it.

Now, if you fell disturbed, feel free to turn off the computer and back away slowly. Perhaps you can go off and lay claim to some other phrases you never invented. "Let's get readdddy to rummmmmmbbbbblllllllllle" is a good one. Perhaps you might even find yourself a girlfriend with it?

Panzer Leader, you're right, I should have kept this civil.

The_Capt - apologies to your wife. I have indeed been having a bad week, which is no excuse. Any woman that puts up with your drinking and playing with your sock puppet (that doesn't count as disburbing :D ?) is alright in my books.

Seanachai - you just might be declared the official satirist of the CM messageboard if you keep this up...

There is such a thing as being passionate about certain subjects; my passion for military uniforms has paid me dividends - literally, if you say "royalties" instead of dividends - via several published works. I don't trust or much like people who have no passions or interests.

There is one gentleman here in town who has two houses; one for himself, another for the approximtely 200 life size mannequins on which he stores part of his uniform collection, mostly WW I and WW II Canadian. His second house (which is windowless, climate controlled, and heavily secured) contains in excess of 500 seperate uniform jackets for a start, plus complete sets of web equipment, thousands of pieces of insignia, etc.

He works for an investment firm, is a highly respected member of the community, and even (gasp again) has a wife and family.

If Hiram truly, truly doesn't understand the importance of having passions - well, then there is little hope for him. He can join the work-go home-drink beer-until-unconscious school of Life and wonder what he wasted his time on all these years. As for me, every bit of history I touch, every contact I make (including on this board) lets me further my own knowledge of that time in history for which I have a passionate interest. And displaying it for others to see is part of that process. Information is no good unless it is shared.

If being passionate about something lets me answer people who write and ask "what did my daddy do in the war, he never told me, and I have no clue" well, go ahead and call me disturbed. I thought we were put on this planet to help each other - not to revel in such mundane matters as "getting laid" (funny the importance men of Hiram's age place on that - some people would tell you that getting into the afterlife takes priority, but hey, whatever floats your boat) or cutting other people down on internet message boards. But I guess that's up to each of us to decide.

But I guess Hiram belongs to that line of chicken-**** conformists, like my parents, who feel that the entire world is wrong, unless they eat exactly what they eat, watch what they watch on TV, and enjoy the same liesure time activities as they do. And God help anybody else who deviates from this narrowly held view of what is "normal."

By all means, Hiram, do post me some photos of your house/apartment/room in your mom's house, and let me know what you consider acceptable decor. I am sure we would all be thrilled to see it. I do presume you don't live in a glass house.

[ June 26, 2002, 09:08 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Look out the Grog has teeth!!

Go get em Michael!!

You have a very valid point on "passion" or some may refer to it as a "calling". People who lack one are pretty sad and those who have one but pretend not to hear it tend to be in pain a lot.

Now all kidding aside, if you find uniforms and WWI and II history to be your passion, then be proud of that. The rest of us may poke fun at whatever level (ranging from honestly harmless to really mean) but I for one (being in the middle range) do respect a man with the balls to display his passion for all to see and stand up for it.

I doubt if it matters to you Michael but my estimate of you just went up a couple of points and that is something I do not give out easily.

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