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knocking out guns

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does anyone have any tactics for knocking out guns (assuming you have no artillery left to call on) and are using only light tanks and infantry. i find that its suicide trying to take them out with the tanks (especially in cases with more than one gun... ie: most of the time) the infantry cant get near them either as they just get pinned down (of course you have the enemy infantry to deal with as well...)

it just seems to take about two guns in the right spot and the whole advance grinds to a halt... any suggestions? (except artillery)

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i had a few 50mm mortars but every time i tried to move them to a spot where (a) they were in range and (B) could see the target they got pinned as well or eliminated. but yes this sounds a likely course of action to try out thankyou... (i usually forget all about the poor mortar chaps.) tricky thing on the last senario was that there were three guns right in the corner all capable of giving crossfire to anything targeting one of the guns...nasty! damn i could really have used a nice stuka would have been very satisfying to see all three go up in one blast...

the damn guns are so hard to spot as well.

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In a QB I was playing yesterday my infantry advance was stopped at the edge of some scattered trees as a 76.2mm AT gun and 76.2mm inf gun opened up on them. What worked for me, having only no arty or mortars, was to supress the guns with my infantry for about 3 turns then send my tanks in to finish the job. Didn't lost a tank. (I had a Pz 38(t)E, Pz IIIG, and a PzIVE)

Hope this helps.

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Originally posted by cyberlettuce:

i had a few 50mm mortars but every time i tried to move them to a spot where (a) they were in range and (B) could see the target they got pinned as well or eliminated. but yes this sounds a likely course of action to try out thankyou... (i usually forget all about the poor mortar chaps.) tricky thing on the last senario was that there were three guns right in the corner all capable of giving crossfire to anything targeting one of the guns...nasty! damn i could really have used a nice stuka would have been very satisfying to see all three go up in one blast...

the damn guns are so hard to spot as well.

You know you can get HQ units to spot for your mortars? This way your mortar can target the gun even when it's out-of-sight. Just make sure a) your HQ unit has LOS to the gun and B) your mortar is in command radius of the HQ unit.
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In a recent QB with my coworker, I had to take out a lot of guns on a hill. He was German and bought something like 7 or 8 75mm AT guns and placed them on his end of the board on a hills forward slope that overlooked the whole map.

I hid two inf guns (forget the caliber) in some woods, hid my armor behind some building and then used LMG's and HMG's to pin down his AT guns. When I had manuevered my infantry so that all the AT guns were hittable, I opened up with everything I had, moved the tank into place and the inf guns took out the AT guns one by one.

I think the key was that I was at extreme range in good cover with the HMG's which were able to keep the gun crews down. Your mileage may vary with the map.

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In a recent tcp game against a friend, i was on the attack, fought a bloody battle of attrition in some very well defended woods, but simultaniously i had 2 platoons tear through his weak side winning some small fire fights with great success (only having 1 casualty), and loop around in the rear of the front lines,cutting off reinforcements, while isolating the defenders in the woods, they stumbled upon a 76.2mm anti tank gun being moved up to a position and the crew made the right choice and surrendered. smile.gif

[ December 04, 2002, 10:50 AM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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thankyou a lot of iteresting tactics for me to try on those pesky guns. the most surprising one was the sharpshooter im glad they have some use other than cannon fodder scouts... i would be interested to know the best general use for sharpshooters as well (i dont tend to use them very much)

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Sharpshooters are good for buttoning up enemy tanks--which drastically reduces their spotting ability.

But, I though I'd mention a failure I had at taking out a gun. In a CMBO game against the AI, I managed to sneak a whole platoon of regulars up to 30 or 40 meters from a german AT gun (I don't recall the calibre but it was smaller than 88mm). I then charged the gun, hoping to get inside the minimum firing range of the gun and force the crew to surrender. However, the gun managed to swing around and started firing at the infantry. The freakin infantry stopped about 10 meters from the gun and sought cover, meanwhile the gun is firing at them at point blank range! The stupid infantry wouldn't get up no matter how loud I yelled at them. Most of them were eliminated and the few survivors routed. Finally, I had to move my tank up and took out the gun with a couple of shells.

I thought that was somewhat unrealistic. Does anyone know if AT guns even have a minimal firing distance?

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Guns can be tricky. The best course of action when you're equipped with poor tanks is to avoid the guns. Move a platoon or two of infantry in the direction of the gun, and later in the game you should be in position to over-run the gun.

If you must use your armor, try shoot-and-scoot tactics.

Oh and large (even small) caliber mortars rule.

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