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Which Near Constant Poster Should Be Put to Death: Emrys, Dorosh, or Beman?

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While we all count our teeth with our tongues, and try and decide whether it's worth the effort of posting in another 'BFC fix, or do somefink' thread, I'd like to pose a new way of passing the time.

Which near non-stop poster, Michael Emrys, Michael Dorosh, or Doug Beman, would you most like to see put to death, and why?

As a cachet, describe how you'd like them done down.

I propose this thread because each of the above named individuals is, actually, quite likeable. Given the unbelievable number of hateful individuals who post here (note myself), there must be something seriously wrong with these otherwise jolly individuals.

Our job, actually, is to uncover the rot within the lollipop.

So step on up, and cast your vote:

Thumbs down on:

Michael Emrys

Doug Beman

Michael Dorosh

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When I saw the thread title the first name that came to my mind was none other than the Justicar himself, Joe Shaw. Nothing personal, of course, it's just that he seems to either be attached to his computer via some sort of neural implant, or else he's just some sort of automated posting program.

The method would probably be stewed to death in a hotpot.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

All three deserve it, each for their own unique reasons. I could go into them (the reasons that is) but then I might actually have to put them to death as a form of catharsis.

You could drown them with your new hose, or run them over with your lawn mower...
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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

My vote is for the originator of this most distateful and unnecessary thread. Grow up.

Objection noted. We've never really talked, have we? I feel bad about that.

After me, which of the Big Three Actually Likeable Posters would you like to see done away with?

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Hmm, good point, but my new hose (the $4.99 model) is probably not good enough to drown them: it would kink when I tried to wrap it around their necks, then it would spring a leak as I shoved it down their throats, leaving me a sopping mess and them still alive and sputtering out some groggish/OT topic on this message-board.

I couldn't mow them down because I am still mulling over my lawn-mowing choices. Speaking of which: why doesn'y every house in America come with it's own sheep? I bet the average yard is the perfect size for a little sheep to keep well fed. It could be like a family pet or something, plus it could then be Christmas dinner, after all, who needs a sheep during the winter. Come spring, time for the new ewe!

Anyway, I am checking garage sales for a lawn-mower, if that fails, I will buy the Wal-Mart special.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I couldn't mow them down because I am still mulling over my lawn-mowing choices. Speaking of which: why doesn'y every house in America come with it's own sheep? I bet the average yard is the perfect size for a little sheep to keep well fed. It could be like a family pet or something, plus it could then be Christmas dinner, after all, who needs a sheep during the winter. Come spring, time for the new ewe!.

Domestic ducks are probably a better choice for lawn mowing as long as you get enough water to wash the droppings away. There are "grazing" ducks (they get hit by grazing fire) that will wander around your yard and munch on the grass. They also fit better in a christmas roasting pan without having to fill up the freezer with lots of extra parts.
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Originally posted by chrisl:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I couldn't mow them down because I am still mulling over my lawn-mowing choices. Speaking of which: why doesn'y every house in America come with it's own sheep? I bet the average yard is the perfect size for a little sheep to keep well fed. It could be like a family pet or something, plus it could then be Christmas dinner, after all, who needs a sheep during the winter. Come spring, time for the new ewe!.

Domestic ducks are probably a better choice for lawn mowing as long as you get enough water to wash the droppings away. There are "grazing" ducks (they get hit by grazing fire) that will wander around your yard and munch on the grass. They also fit better in a christmas roasting pan without having to fill up the freezer with lots of extra parts.</font>
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Seanachai, I just can't warm up to this type of topic or tone. I enjoy kidding around as much as the next guy, but this is just off base to me. Call me overly-sensitive, whatever, and maybe I'm showing my age here. You're entitled to free speech and all that, but I'd rather see posts that elevate the tone of discourse rather than reduce it to a trashing session aimed at specific individuals. I think that belittling one another only serves to demean all of us.

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Originally posted by Rommel22:

Neither of them, because I like them too much!

Wow! That was magical. Given a choice of three individuals, you chose: "Neither of them".

I'd give you a whole lot more crap, but I agree with your basic premise. Good luck in Boot Camp, Rommel22.

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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

I love threads like this.

We'll have 'em play a little game of Russian Roulette in honor of both the Deer Hunter and our upcomming Russian forces in CMBB.

Load one round, spin the pistol, pull the trigger. :D

That's fine as long as it is only a three-round chamber (or whatever that round thing you put bullets in is called).


Oh, I know, bits of bread!

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

Seanachai, I just can't warm up to this type of topic or tone. I enjoy kidding around as much as the next guy, but this is just off base to me. Call me overly-sensitive, whatever, and maybe I'm showing my age here. You're entitled to free speech and all that, but I'd rather see posts that elevate the tone of discourse rather than reduce it to a trashing session aimed at specific individuals. I think that belittling one another only serves to demean all of us.


I hate a reasonable man.

Gunnergoz, I posted this as a joke. I have no problem with any of these individuals, and, frankly, I can't imagine that anyone else would, either.

Believe me, I could have chosen a different set of three names of constant posters and posed the same question, and sat back and watched the very unpleasant carnage (they all know who they are).

I chose the names of three humourous, pleasant, constantly posting individuals who I actually liked, and sat down for a jolly laugh.

I simply can't imagine anyone having anything like a serious axe to grind with the above named individuals.

In a world filled with anger, stupidity, pride, and people wondering if everything they've ever expressed an annoying opinion about as regards WWII being properly modeled, I thought I could have a bit of a laugh with three innocent but likeable posters.

I feel just awful, now, and make a heartfelt apology to Michael Dorosh, Michael Emrys, and Doug Beman.


I prostrate myself at your feet. I would lick your boots, but I hesitate to extend my tongue, lest it be perceived as an abusive gesture. I would let any of you marry my seemingly innumerable sisters, were they not already married. I now perceive the error of my ways, and would ask you all...

Sod that for a lark!

Which one would you rather see put to death:

Emrys, Dorosh, or Beman?!

[ July 21, 2002, 12:20 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Seanachai I thank you for your comments. Next time, if you want to get me really wound up, try insulting Italians...then you'll get to see some REAL invective!

Unfortunately, none of the people I'd like to see snuffed are part of this forum...I won't bring them up lest I let the real world intrude upon our little fraternity of gamers (sorry, Kitty, you're included you know.)

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

Seanachai I thank you for your comments. Next time, if you want to get me really wound up, try insulting Italians...then you'll get to see some REAL invective!

Unfortunately, none of the people I'd like to see snuffed are part of this forum...I won't bring them up lest I let the real world intrude upon our little fraternity of gamers (sorry, Kitty, you're included you know.)

Good God! Who would wish destruction on an Italian! Besides cooking like gods, those people produce some damn good wines!

Now bugger off, lad, and let some Real Idjits in to speak their piece...

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Ah'd haeftae pick Dorosh cos tha key-tappin' shuffler hae cam aintae tha MBT at least twice. As tae tha manner o' haes slaughterin'...Ah'm thinkin' Ah'd leek tae sae haim smeared ain honey, thain sling-shotted fraim a large catapult aintae an' ant ainfested blackberry bush.


At least.

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I choose Mr Doug Beman. I have no particular axe to grind with him, but he is first on the list alphabetically, and thats the kind of cold stoic heartless bastard I try to convince people I am when I am feeling insecure about my character and competance as a human being. Its supposed to be ironic or something.

My method of execution for Mr Beman is to be locked in an airtight steel tank, with a computer. This computer will have loaded on it Windows XP, minus any win-games, and Sudden Strike.

Through a mechanism implemented by one of my minions, the only way he keeps getting air is by continuing to whack away at the keys and actually play Sudden Strike. To prolong his own survival he will be forced to dignify that afterbirth of a videogame with his own grognardly engagement with it. If he tries to be heroic and simply back away from the pc and take his fate, I will have my minion play German Oompa bands at him until the moment he finally expires.

I have decided that I will use a mongbat for my minion. I decided long ago that it would not be a human, as I wouldnt want to drag another person into this sordid mess, and my first brainstorm, a trained monkey, doesnt seem practical, as I have my doubts about their ability to keep watch over Beman, rather than looking for a piece of fruit to hump. Yes, a mongbat, like from the Wizard of Oz will do nicely.

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Originally posted by gunnergoz:

Unfortunately, none of the people I'd like to see snuffed are part of this forum...I won't bring them up lest I let the real world intrude upon our little fraternity of gamers (sorry, Kitty, you're included you know.)

You want to snuff Kitty?!! :eek:

I happen to be her champion, dontchaknow, and I'll have no Kitty slaughtering here thank you very much.

btw Seanachai, would you mind if I add you to the list. Considering you're the self-appointed nemesis of all that is decent and Australian.


PS Yes I have been drinking. That's my excuse.


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