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Bridge types in CMBB

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Hey bulletproofest... look out your window, see that other building in the far, far distance? The one with loads of windows? See that window on the bottom floor? The one on the right? With the blinds?

That's where the people who care live... ;)

Originally posted by bulletproofest:

Well sorry, I already own CMBO, and have pre ordered CMBB, so I love this game too, but no one has been answering my topic for a while so I got bored and asked about a game I was looking forward to. It's not like CM is the only game I play. God, lighten up. :mad:

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Originally posted by StarFleet Captain:

From pics I've seen of CMBO bridges I assume there was only basically one type of bridge model, ie a basic rectangular 3D model with transparency sections. Will CMBB have suspension bridges 'n such?

Far more important to me would be bridges of different capacity:

a) max. single load (e.g. 1 AFV of 60 tons)

B) max. transport capacity (e.g. max. 1000 tons per hour)

and bridge collapse if limits are exceeded.

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IIRC there were one very big hanging bridge over the Dniepr river, in vicinity of Kiev. According to Carell (i know, i know...) Germans managed to capture it intact by surprise attack (might be a good scenario idea).

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Originally posted by Ozzy:

Far more important to me would be bridges of different capacity:

a) max. single load (e.g. 1 AFV of 60 tons)

... and bridge collapse if limits are exceeded.

My thinking too.

I guess that from a coding point of view it would be a lot easier to just go by troop type.


Class I, one infantry/support/artillery type unit.

Class II, one vehicle type unit (with passengers), or three times Class I.

Class III, one armor type unit, or three times Class II.

Class IV, three times Class III.

Class V, unrestricted.

These classes could apply to ice strength as well.



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Originally posted by Ozzy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by StarFleet Captain:

From pics I've seen of CMBO bridges I assume there was only basically one type of bridge model, ie a basic rectangular 3D model with transparency sections. Will CMBB have suspension bridges 'n such?

Far more important to me would be bridges of different capacity:

a) max. single load (e.g. 1 AFV of 60 tons)

B) max. transport capacity (e.g. max. 1000 tons per hour)

and bridge collapse if limits are exceeded.</font>

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I managed to pull some strings at Gamestop( yes they sell PC games)

Anyway, lets shutup about that, cuz it doesn't really matter since all you nice folks can just buy it the day it releases(September 20th), but anyway, I think they should put in those wider bridges like how they portrayed the Nijmegen bridge in the flik A Bridge to Far

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I guess "bulletproofest" is a VIP in the war game market and I guess if we snuggle up to him he'll cut us ALL a deal on CMBB. :D

His vast knowledge of WW II keeps me coming back to check this thread and see if he's added more great info about things I don't know.

Back to bridges. I just hope there will be walls on the bridges, so my vehicles don't fall off. ;)

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Originally posted by bulletproofest:

I said I pulled some strings, I know a Vip that works at one of the stores. tongue.gif

This must be some VIP at Gamestop.com, since the company only supports on-line purchases through their page or purchases at their United States stores like: Software Etc, Babbages, Funcoland, etc.... I did a search on their page, and their search engine had no idea what "Combat Mission" is; although it found me several copies of something called Command and Conquer. Now, since CMBB (and CMBO) can only be purchased on-line via BFC in the United States, this VIP is either:

1) Is in really, really close with KwazyDog, Madmatt, Steve et al., or,

2) Is pulling your leg, or,

3) Doesn't know what he is talking about.

Any votes?

To quote the Gremlin in the classic Bugs Bunny cartoon (on the airbase with the diabolical sabotage): "I like this guy. He's funny."

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you know what Zitadelle, I think I'm going to kick ol' Bobby's ass now, he said Quote, I swear I can get you a copy of that new game, Combat Mission: Barbarrosa to Berlin, the day it comes out or sooner. God that just got me so pissed.

I should of known, he's kinda known for lying, thats why I believe you, unless your a liar too. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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Originally posted by bulletproofest:

I managed to pull some strings at Gamestop( yes they sell PC games)

You pulled some strings, and he yanked your chain :D

Originally posted by bulletproofest:

Anyway, lets shutup about that,

[whine]Aww, do we have to?[/whine]

Originally posted by bulletproofest:

... but anyway, I think they should put in those wider bridges like how they portrayed the Nijmegen bridge in the flik A Bridge to Far

I've got some bad news for you son: Nijmegen is in Holland. Holland is in western Europe. CMBO covers the action in western Europe from June 44 till may 45. CMBB, on the other hand, is set in eastern Europe, and covers the action there from June-ish 41 till May 45. About the closest the Russians got to Nijmegen was the Elbe, which is still ~300(?) miles too far east. So, using Nijmegen as a case for including large bridges in CMBB is rather weak.

If you don't believe me, open up a book or sumfink. Or better yet, ask your pet VIP at Gamestop - he seems to be in the loop :D



[ July 23, 2002, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: JonS ]

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Originally posted by bulletproofest:

you know what Zitadelle, I think I'm going to kick ol' Bobby's ass now, he said Quote, I swear I can get you a copy of that new game, Combat Mission: Barbarrosa to Berlin, the day it comes out or sooner. God that just got me so pissed.

I should of known, he's kinda known for lying, thats why I believe you, unless your a liar too.

Bobby? Ohmigod, not Bobby?! He's a liar? Does this mean he can't really get me a date with Lara Croft?!

Your smiley and ascii use is getting out of control, lad. Time for your meds.

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