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Are There Any Squads In Here?

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it would be kinda neat if someone would organise a "clan" for newbies (general exp over game exp) to allow a walk-in to the game.

im a hideous lurker (on my 3rd nick),and always found the lack of a "welcome inn" type area would be missing.

i was also thinking that the irc channel(www.combatmission.com:6667) is EXTREMELY underutilised in this area

penny for your thoughts

(i`d help with a new (to the game) area if anyone wanted to be boss (kinda like a sous to your head))

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Alright SeamlessNacho and Moist (spelt like they sound), just because I haven't frolicked in the 'Pool lately doesn't mean you can come onto the outerboards and harass me whenever you want.

Well, maybe it does, but that doesn't mean you have to you know.

Well, maybe you do, but...oh nevermind.


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Originally posted by SirLoinOfBeef:

Hi.I'm new to this forum.I have played CMBO and CMBB quite a bit offline,but not online.I am a hardcore WW2 flightsim junkie looking towards the seemingly even hardercore ground battles...If any group is recruiting,I would be very interested.


Try CMMC. CMMC 1 is over and CMMC 2 coming online.

Combat Mission Meta Campaign



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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

You would not be the SirLoin of AH fame now would you?

HI Hortland..Yes,I'm from Aces High.

I had a GREAT battle with Tigger last night.Was my first online experience with CMBO/CMBB..It was so fun!..I'll never play offline again!..He set it up a Meeting Engagement(1000pnts),35 turns...He bought a King tiger and knocked out both my T34/85's early on...I was purely defensive from then on,trying to hold onto the vic loc.

My recon vecs died early too,they did their job showing where his armour was,but my tank crews were spooked when they spotted the King Tiger...With line of sight,they backed off instead of firing.."Klang!! Klang!!"..two ded t-34's.

I resisted the urge to give up and collected my comrades on a wide defense of the vic loc.His KT pretty much parked in veiw of my hidden troops and provided covering fire for his grunts on my right flank.All my mortar teams were there and had to flee after lobbing sucessfully on the middle front.They pretty well all got mowed down,except for a hero HQ unit and a MG team that never paniked..They slowed down this advance on my right long enough for my 75mm feild gun(which I placed to cover my rear) to get it's sites on the KT..It showed 35% chance for hit and "none" for damage.Well,I waited a couple of turns,hiding the field gun with this shot op at the tank until I could take no more of his 88 blasting defenseless comrads in the woods...I targeted the King Tiger and after the first shot missed,"Ping!..Ping!..Ping!" they bounced off the turret.Hit after hit,no damage.

This got his attention though and he turned his turret in the field gun.It was turn 30 at this point,his troops were leapfrogging towards the vic loc.I ordered "Human Wave" on the moved in German troops..and at the same time my FG kept pinging the TigerII...Now I was getting messages like..."Upper Turret hit,No Serious Damage"..Front Turret Hit,No Serious Damage"...I looked over at the Banzai Bolsheviks and the had swarmed over the German rifle platoons and the vic loc!..Just then,my FG found it's mark and knocked the Tiger II's gun out!Then it spotted a rife platoon sneaking my left flank!..Helpless out in the open,they were put to rest...Lol..The carnage at the wave attack was so severe,the game ended turn 32 with a ceasefire!

I suffered a "Tactical Defeat" but it was a hoot!

[ December 13, 2002, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: SirLoinOfBeef ]

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Had another great game with Tigger!!..Same setup as the last one,but this time my tanks came through!!!

It was 1942 I think,I went with A KV1,KV2,a 120 mortar and a rifle division.The map turned out nice and flat for my hvy tanks,but right away I was under fire!!!..He had invested in 4 AT GV's!My KV2 immediately came under fire..A Stug and Marder had a bore site on it.I took a hit,fired back hit the Marder..The Stug countered and popped my poor turret and the crew bailed.Another stug appeared to the right,this one engagin my KV1.He missed,I hit his front hull.He missed,hit his hull again.Must have been shocked as he didn't fire back.One more shot and Mr Stug was done for!..Back to the left I noticed the Marder had bailed so the KV2 had also found it's mark,thought the crew probably didn't notice as they crawled to the forest... smile.gif

I hunted towards the left with my KV1 while I ran troops into the buildings near the vic loc.Barely had they checked in when all of a sudden the motel was pounded by another Stug!..Aaaahh!!..It collapsed on them,1 platoon crushed the other running in panick!

Fortunatley,My KV1 was hunting in this dirction,got site of this Stug and with 2 shots,turned her to scrap metal...The other Stug appeared and wasn't able to fire in time before it was "Top hatted".. smile.gif

Then there was a big lull...I suspected he was out of armour and was up to something..A recon PSW appears to the right!..Shooting at my arty spotters..I reverse fast move my KV!(man..does it ever take time to 180 in this thing) to the Recon Vec...It tries to back off,disappears..then reappears and my tank enters hunt mode...Turret aims...Fires!!..Poof!!.Muhaha!..Wait,what's all that popping noise?

I decided to about face again and it's a good thing I did cause in came a HUGE smoke barrage,followed by a massive charge by troops hiding in the wheat field...Whoa!..They rushed my tank as it was reversing...Whew!..Got moving just in time and escaped!...My central troops all fired and they got surpressed...retreated..

Tigger then surrendered..His bait tactic was great,I was lucky as I was screwed if they had climbed abourd my KV...Whew!!!

Oak Leaves to my tank crew and <Salutes!> to Tigger!

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